twenty one

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"Are you sure?" Calum asked. "I can stay a few more days, I'm just staying in a hotel. Duke's back home with Roy"

"I am fine, Cal" Sabrina told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I have Ashton here with me. I'll call you if I need you. You have your own girlfriend to tend to. Go be with her"

Calum's face faltered as he heard the mention of his girlfriend. As shitty as it sounded, Gabi had been the last thing on his mind. All he had cared about was Sabrina's safety and health, plus making sure Jake never laid another finger onto her. Gabi wasn't too fond of Calum's recent decisions, but he wasn't too worried about her. She would get over it and they would be fine by next week.

"Yeah, of course" Calum shook his head. "You're right. Okay, I guess I will just be on my way now"

Sabrina nodded and waited for Calum to walk out of the door, but he kept his place facing her.


"Sorry" Calum said, finally making a move towards the door. "Call me if you need anything"

"I will I promise" Sabrina nodded her head.

"She's in good hands, bud" Ashton shouted towards his best friend who was now out of the apartment. Once he was out of sight, Ashton shut the door and turned to Sabrina.

"What?" Sabrina questioned, feeling slightly uncomfortable. The man had been staring at her for quite sometime now, expecting to get something out of her.

"You're an awful liar" Ashton deadpanned. Sabrina sighed and leaned against the wall. Ashton opened his arms and Sabrina gladly accepted his embrace.

"I guess it hasn't really hit me yet" Sabrina shrugged, then snorted at her use of words. "I mean, I know Jake abused me to the point of almost coughing up blood, but I don't think it's registered in my mind quite yet. I'm obviously upset at him, but I may just be.."

Ashton took notice into Sabrina's hesitance laced in her words. She didn't know how to talk about the situation or what she needed to say. She wanted to cope and heal the right way, but how could she?

"I think we need to get you out of this house" Ashton told her. "Do you want to get some Starbucks? Food? Go see a movie? Go wander around Target?"

"Nah, I'm okay" Sabrina shrugged, pressing play on her tv remote.

"Sabrina, how are you not bored just sitting here?" Ashton questioned her.

"I'm perfectly fine laying around and rewatching One Tree Hill" Sabrina stated, biting into her apple. It had been a few weeks since the incident with Jake. Both Calum and Ashton had been staying in her apartment with her, monitoring her and keeping her company. Calum had tried to take her to the doctor a numerous amount of times, but she insisted she was fine. The bruising on her face was still very painful and apparent, but the swelling wasn't as bad, along with her appetite coming back as well. "I don't even need the company anymore, Ash, I'm fine"

"I know. It just makes me feel better being here with you, especially since Calum's off doing his own thing now" Ashton shrugged.

"Yeah, you mean doing Gabi" Sabrina scoffed, throwing her apple in the trash can. Ashton made a gagging noise at the sound of Gabi's name, making Sabrina chuckle. "I'm just kidding. It's his girlfriend, obviously he's gonna be busy with her. It'd be pretty shitty of him not to be"

Ashton sighed and kept staring at Sabrina. "Come on, Sab. Let's go to the movies or something"

"Ash" Sabrina groaned.


Sabrina opened her mouth to protest, but then closed it swiftly. Ashton smirked and nodded his head.

"I do love Target.." Sabrina mumbled. "Fine. Let me go put some actual clothes on"

"That's more like it" Ashton pointed at her.

"Can we go to the office too?" Sabrina asked him. She hadn't been in a few weeks. The upcoming line was currently on a pause. The media was under the impression that she was taking a creativity break, taking time to make sure things were perfect. But in reality, Ashton and Calum hadn't let her work.

"Sabrina, are you sure?" Ashton questioned. "The incident was recent, maybe you shouldn't be putting all that stress on yourself yet"

"Ashton, pleaseeeeee" Sabrina dragged out, leaning herself over the railing of her stairs, being over dramatic. "I just need to do something productive"

Ashton sat there with his arms crossed, debating on what to do. Finally, he let out a sigh and nodded his head. "Fine. But let's go to Target first, just to get your mind off of things" Ashton told her.

Sabrina pumped her fist and ran up the stairs, eager that she was finally getting out of the house and her mind off of things. It wasn't anything major, but it was a start. She hadn't really let out her feelings to anyone yet, not even Ashton, but it was okay with her. She preferred distracting herself for now. Ashton was obviously worried about her, but all he could do was be there for her, and she appreciated it. Ashton was one of the most important people in her life, and she knew that he would be by her side no matter what.

She just wished Calum was there too.

guys... it's been so long i feel so bad but I'M BACK NOW. it's been a stressful two months, with school and the drama with my boyfriends family, but everything is finally all working out and i've been trying to focus on this book. i'm really excited to be updating again and i hope you all are too. i missed all of you so much and i love you all!!!

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