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"Babe, does this look good?" Gabi walked out of the bathroom to show Calum her outfit she had on. Calum briefly glanced up from his lap and nodded his head, earning a grin from Gabi as she pranced back into the bathroom. He bit the side of his cheek and looked back down to the journal that sat in his lap. The journal that him and Sabrina would write songs in. Some made the cut, others didn't but he still cherished each and everyone. It was one of his most prized possessions. As he sat in his place, flipping through the pages, memories came and flooded in his head.

apr. 2017

"Calum, you'll get something. It just takes time" Sabrina rubbed Calum's shoulder. Calum let out a groan and rubbed a hand over his face.

"I suck" He mumbled.

"No you don't" Sabrina scoffed. As she watched Calum sit there in disappointment, she picked up the journal and handed it to him, urging him to read what he had written down so far.

"Rina" He groaned.

"Read" Sabrina shortly said. He mumbled an "okay" and put his hand up in defense, starting to read the short amount he had written down.

"i can take you out, oh, oh
we can kill some time, stay home
throw balloons, teddy bears, and then chocolate eclairs away,
got nothing but love for you, fall more in love everyday"

"That's all?" Sabrina questioned. Calum nodded and Sabrina thought back and thought to herself. "Do you have a name yet?"

"Sab, I only have one verse written"

"Well what were you thinking about when you wrote the verse? It must've been something, I don't think you have just a regular hatred for teddy bears" Sabrina told him. Calum looked up at her and shook his head.

"I was thinking about Valentine's day, I guess" Calum shrugged. "And you"

"Okay that's a start " Sabrina sat and thought to herself. "You can't call it Valentine's day, that's a little eh.. Oh! Call it Valentine!"

"Valentine?" Calum repeated. Sabrina vigorously nodded, proud of herself for coming up with something that quick even if it was simple. Calum sat and then a small smile appeared on his face, agreeing with his girlfriend.

"Okay, yeah, that's good" Calum grinned. Sabrina took the journal and wrote 'Valentine' at the top of the paper. "We need more lyrics, though"

"Okay let's try to start from the beginning" Sabrina said. "Tell me what you were mainly thinking about when writing those lyrics you put down"

"Well, I guess I was just thinking about how pointless Valentine's day is to me" Calum explained. Sabrina's face faltered as Calum said that, but he caught it right off the bat. "Not like that, I promise. It's just I don't think there should only be one specific day dedicated to your significant other. I feel like every day should be Valentine's Day with you"

"You're so sweet" Sabrina smiled and placed a hand on Calum's cheek, bringing him in for a kiss. Calum smiled into the gesture and they pulled away, looking at each other. "Okay. What do you love about me?"

"What?" Calum furrowed his eyebrows, taken aback by the sudden question.

"Just some small things" Sabrina told him. Calum sat there for a minute thinking to himself.

"I love your eyes. They're not super bright green, but they're bright enough to me" Calum said after a few moments. "And I love how you're not just a goody two shoes. You've got some dark in your heart"

"Wait that's good" Sabrina mumbled.

"Oh shit, that is" Calum realized. "It could start like, I love the bright in your eyes and the..."

"Dark in your heart" Sabrina smiled. "Also I feel like bright should be light. Since you're saying love before, personally I think it just sounds a bit better. It's not a major difference so you can keep it if you want, it was just a suggestion"

"Babe" Calum laughed, stopping her from her rambling session. "I'll change it, you're right. You're a genius"

"Stop, it was easy" Sabrina smirked, then started laughing along with Calum.

"Now, tell me what you love" Calum grabbed the pen, and started to write.

"Calum! I need help zipping this!" Gabi yelled, walking out of the bathroom in a fitted dress.

"You don't have to yell, I'm right here" Calum said under his breath, moving his hands to zip up her dress. "Can you get my wallet out of my bag since you're up"

"Why do you need your wallet?" Gabi asked, walking over to the duffel bag sitting by the tv.

"I'm going to eat with Ash, remember?" Calum questioned. He sighed once Gabi didn't respond and kept digging through his bag. "I've told you at least five times, Gabi, it's like somethings go through one ear and out the other"

Gabi all of the sudden stopped what she was doing and picked something up, standing there with it. Calum sat on the bed, confused as what it could be. He groaned and kept staring at the girl when she wouldn't respond to him. He hated when people ignored him or wouldn't flat out talk to him for no reason. He felt shut out as a kid when that would happen to him from his parents and other family members. It was a horrible feeling, one both him and Sabrina could relate to.

Then Gabi finally turned around.

And Calum knew why she was frozen in her spot.

"Calum, what is this?" Gabi asked. In her hand, she held a velvet square box. She opened it and looked at it to reveal an engagement ring.

The engagement ring.

Calum's mouth went dry and his eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't manage to get any sort of words out. All he did was sit there and stare at the box in her hands. She wasn't suppose to find it. He didn't know why on earth he even had it with him. Maybe a small bit of hope remained inside of him that he could give it to the girl it was meant for. He felt horrible for it. He didn't think he was still in love with Sabrina. He was just confused with himself. He had some sort of weird attachment to the ring that he carried it around anywhere he went. It reminded him of the last time he felt sure of everything in his life. Now he was completely lost.

"Are you going to propose?" Gabi asked, a smirk appearing on her face. She held the engagement ring up to her face, looking at it like it wasn't anything valuable. Calum stared back at her, his thoughts swirling in his head. In his mind, he tried to picture Gabi standing in front of him with a wedding dress and that ring on her finger at the alter.

But he couldn't.

"You weren't suppose to see that" Calum finally choked out, swiftly standing up to go and grab the box out of her hand. He stuffed it at the bottom of his bag and shook his head, mentally cursing himself.

"Gabi-" Calum started to say, but was cut off.

"No, I'll act like I didn't see it" Gabi said, her smirk growing bigger. She placed a kiss on his cheek and walked back to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. Calum sucked in a breath and looked at the box in his bag.

He was fucked.

a/n : another updateeee look at me go

calum's point of view !! what are we thinking?

any thoughts ? predictions? comment !!

love you all <33333

lover of mine | c.hOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz