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Sabrina had always been a bit independent. Most of her childhood she was babied, which made her quite sensitive when it came to certain things, but nonetheless she still got in the habit of pushing people away and doing things on her own. She had always been hard headed and never liked having to go to people for helpSome would consider it a good thing, others not so much. Her father, who had been back in her life for a while now, was very proud of the successful women she had become. He thinks a big part of her success leading to her being a multi millionaire had to do with the girl having strong dedication and working for what she wanted. That and growing up watching one tree hill and having Brooke Davis as her idol.

So when her publicist came up with the bright idea that a collaboration with the infamous band, 5 seconds of summer, would be good exposure for the company, she was a little hesitant.

"I'm sorry, what?"

Hesitant was an understatement.

"It will be amazing exposure for the company, Sabrina" Tara Scott, the publicist for S&W, said. Sabrina wasn't even on the clock. It was her lunch break, and she was suppose to be spending the forty five minutes with Sierra, but was interrupted with Tara barging in her office unexpectedly.

"Why does my company need exposure" Sabrina argued, dropping her burger on the wrapper sprawled across her desk. "Last time I checked, we were doing perfectly fine with the new makeup products that just dropped"

Tara sighed and crossed her arms, knowing how stubborn the girl was. Sierra, who was in the office as well, sat quietly, eating her burger and watching how things would play out. She had her own opinion about the matter, but she also knew why Sabrina was so against the idea.

"Sabrina, I'm your publicist. I really think a line with the band would be amazing publicity for your brand. We'll bring in even more buyers, due to 5 Seconds of Summer's fan base. And it'll be a win for the boys too, who are your friends too" Tara reasoned with her. Sabrina sat back in her chair and crossed her arms, still not completely thrilled with the idea. She wasn't trying to be difficult. She just didn't like the idea of having to get promo from someone else's success, but she understood where Tara was coming from.

"Fine" Sabrina mumbled, shoving a fry in her mouth. "What, do you want me to design a whole clothing line for them?"

Tara sucked in her lips and stayed quiet.

"Oh shit" Sierra muttered, her eyes widening.

"You want me to design a whole line for them?!" Sabrina yelled. "I thought maybe they could just model some of my clothes, not have clothes for them"


"No, now I'm gonna have to completely scrap what I've been working on" Sabrina groaned in frustration, throwing her bag on fries down on her desk. She glanced up to see a look of terror on Tara's face, which caused Sabrina to soften up. She took a deep breath, and picked up her fries that spilt across the surface. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been that aggressive"

"It's okay" Tara spoke. "I'm just trying to do what's best for the company. I have a meeting set up with them for three. Let me know if you want to cancel it"

And with that being said, Tara shot a smile towards Sierra and walked out the door, closing it behind her.

"Are you on your period?" Sierra asked, noticing the sudden anger that overcame Sabrina. Sabrina rolled her eyes and threw one of her fries at her, causing the women to laugh and throw one back.

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