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"Okay, listen" Sabrina started. "I'm a huge Muke shipper, I really am-"


"But you guys sound like an old married couple arguing every five seconds" Sabrina sighed.

"I think I ship Cabrina a little more" Ashton smirked, earning a death glare from Calum and causing a blushing Sabrina. For some odd reason, Ashton had been very persistent of the topic of Sabrina and Calum getting back together. They didn't quite understand why because they both knew Ashton was aware of all the details of their past, him knowing even more than the other two boys.

"Sabrina? What are you doing here?"  Ashton opened the door to his house to see the girl with a red face and puffy eyes on his door step, mascara running down her face.

"It's over" Sabrina choked out. Ashton's face dropped as he stepped towards her. "We bro-"

Sabrina couldn't manage to finish her sentence due to a sob coming out. She covered her mouth and poured everything out. Ashton wrapped his arms around her and felt her body fall into his arms.

"C'mon, Sab, let's go inside. You can stay here tonight" Ashton told her. She sniffled and nodded her head. following him into the house.

"I'm sorry" She choked out once she had calmed down. The two were in Ashton's room as he leaned against the headboard with her right beside him. "I don't want to bring you into the middle of this, I know he's your best friend"

"You're not bringing me in the middle, Sabrina" Ashton told her with a serious look on his face. He felt awful about how hurt the girl was. He didn't know all of the details yet, but he knew how things had been going. Yes, Calum was his best friend, but he loved Sabrina just as much. "Cal's my best friend, but you're like a sister to me Sabrina. I hate seeing you like this"

Sabrina shot him a sad smile and looked down at her nails, that matched with Calum's. The two had previously both painted their nails dark blue while they had their own little spa night. If Sabrina knew that was going to be the last time she got to hold him, she would've held him a little tighter.

"Y'know a few weeks ago, I finally got him to open up to me" Sabrina started to say. "He told he how messed up he's been since the car accident. How ever since the injury, he hasn't been himself and he that he needed to get help"

Ashton wrapped his arm around her shoulder, knowing the girl wouldn't be able to keep herself calm and collected.

"Then he told me while his heart stopped he saw my mom. He said she told him to take care of me. That I was a good daughter" Sabrina sniffled, her voice cracking a bit. "He was just starting to open up to me, Ash"

"What changed?" Ashton quietly asked. He knew she was hurting, but it wouldn't do her any good to hold stuff in. She would tell him when she was ready, and he would be there.

"He shut down on me again" She mumbled. "He wouldn't even look at me"

"I'm sorry, Rina" Ashton told her.

"It hurts, Ash" Sabrina choked back some more sobs. "What am I going to do"

With that being said, Sabrina completely broke down. Ashton wrapped both of his arms around her and let her cry it out. He sat with her all night until she finally calmed down and went to sleep. But he still never let go of her. He loved Calum, he really did.

But Sabrina needed him too.

"Watch it" Calum gave Ashton a look. Ashton just laughed it off and poked Sabrina's side, causing a slap to the shoulder.

"Sabrina, he wanted Chicken Alfredo, and then he shows up to an Italian food restaurant just to get pizza" Luke deadpanned. "That should be considered a crime"

"Luke, you got a hamburger and french fries" Michael shot back.

"Shut the fuck up" Luke spit out, dropping his hamburger on his plate.

"Hey, don't fucking swear"

"Ash, you ju-" Sabrina tried to comment, which resulted in Ashton holding up a single finger.


When Ashton insisted that Sabrina come with them to eat dinner, she figured they'd be there for around an hour, maybe even two, but they group had been there for almost a good three hours. She hadn't even gotten half of the things she wanted to get done at the office, but she didn't really care in that moment of time. She was enjoying hanging out with the guys again. Michael and Luke arguing, Calum egging the two on, and Ashton acting like a dad. It was just like old times.

"Hey, don't tell her what to do"

"Awe" Luke and Michael gushed. "Look at Cal being all over protective"


"Sabrina and Calum, sitting in a tree" Michael started to sing then Luke joined in. "K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

Sabrina covered her face with her hands, holding in a laugh. She couldn't be mad at the two, considering Luke had a little too much tequila, and Michael was just being michael. Calum kept glancing over at Sabrina to try and sense any hint of her being uncomfortable, but all he saw was that big bright smile on her face.

"You're not slick, Cal" Sabrina quietly said to him, while the three other boys kept arguing. He furrowed his eyebrows, tilting his head. "You keep looking at me"

Calum was now the one turning red and covering his face. He figured the girl wasn't paying any attention to the glances he kept taking at her.

"I'm just making sure you're okay" Calum shrugged. Sabrina's smile faltered, although she tried not to show it, as she nodded her head.

"I'm okay" She fixed her smile, going back to picking at the cheesecake her and Ashton were sharing.

It's moments like those that she shared with Calum that made her start to overthinking and read too much into things. She had always loved hearing  those type of comments come from the man, but they also made her resent him. When she needed those words of assurance the most, he couldn't bring himself to do it. She had tried everything in her power to keep the two going, but she believed she didn't try hard enough. She couldn't forget the past and the history that it was hard to focus on the present. It's like her mind constantly was either running a hundred miles per hour or it was completely slowed down. She has talked to Sierra and Ashton about what went through her head, but she could never seem to explain things in the way they were in her head. It frustrated her because she wanted to be able to face her feelings and get them all out, but it just seemed impossible to her.

She hated it, but she would always care for the man. No matter what happened, a part of her would always love him. And he felt the same way.

The two just didn't want to admit it.

a/n: what are y'all's thoughts? the chapter was kind of all over the place but i wanted to do a flashback between ashton and sabrina

what do you guys think happened between calum and sab?

what will jake think of sabrina being out with the guys ?

comment and vote, let me know your thoughts <3333

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