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"Sabrina, you need to go home and get some sleep" Olivia told Sabrina for the third time in the past two hours.

"I'm fine" Sabrina muttered, finishing some final sketches.

"You've been here since five" Olivia hugged her binder to her chest, feeling a little brave for telling Sabrina off. "In the morning"

"People work twelve hour shifts all the time" Sabrina shrugged, glancing back to her computer to scroll through some emails.

"You've been here here for fifteen hours"

Sabrina's eyes shot towards her assistant and kept them there. She honestly hadn't noticed she had been there for more than half the day. She knew it wasn't good for her, but she was just trying to distract herself. Jake had been ignoring her for the past few days. She would get a few occasional responses from him, but nothing more than a few words.

"Shit" Sabrina mumbled and turned her computer off. She let out a sigh and pushed her hands into her face. When she started to worry or get overwhelmed, she tended to push herself into her work. She would be at the office nonstop at some points just to distract herself from reality. It wasn't healthy, and she knew that. Calum would always get onto her for it, especially after her mother's death.

"Go home, Sabrina. You've gotten plenty of work done" Olivia told her. Sabrina nodded her head and grabbed her purse, shoving all her loose papers into one of the top drawers on her desk. She knew she needed a break, and she knew what she was going to do with it. So she told Olivia goodbye and made her way to her boyfriend's house. She hated the two of them being at odds, especially when the situation really wasn't a big deal. Jake had the tendency to hold major grudges, so she should've known he would've been unhappy with the fact that her and Calum hung out without him knowing, but she wanted to make it up to him.

She didn't know why she was so nervous as she knocked on the man's apartment door. On her way to Jake's, she stopped by a chinese takeout place to bring a peace offering. She fiddled with the plastic bag in her hands and readjusted the purse on her shoulders, starting to regret coming. It took a few moments for him to open the door, but finally it swung open to reveal a disheveled Jake.

"What are you doing here" He asked, knitting his eyebrows in confusion.

"I thought we could talk" She said and held up the bag of food. "I brought Chinese"

Jake let out a breath and stepped to the side to let his girlfriend in his apartment. She walked inside and set the bag down on the counter, taking out the different containers. She didn't want them to be upset with each other anymore. She dreaded any type of conflict, especially with people close to her.

"Here" She handed Jake a box. He looked down at it and slowly grabbed it, setting it down in front of him. She sat at the counter and began to open the box, but stopped in the process. She took in Jake's appearance. He had a random pair of joggers on, a stained t shirt, and a bored look on his face. She frowned, feeling unwelcome. "What?"

"What are you doing, Sabrina?" Jake crossed his arms.

"What do you m-"

"You can't just show up here with Chinese food as a peace offering" Jake shoved his hand towards the boxes of food. "Why do you think I haven't been responding, Sabrina. I don't want to see you right now"

"I was just trying to come and fix the tension between us. I don't know what I did so wrong to make you not even want to be around me" Sabrina said. Her chest started to tighten along with her fists, becoming frustrated with the situation.

"You were out with Calum and I didn't even know! I had to find out by twitter. My friends were all giving me shit for it. Do you realize how bad that looks for us? For me?" Jake raised his voice.

"Oh, and how do you think I felt when the headlines came out about you all over those girls at that party" Sabrina stood up from her chair, letting her anger take over. She may not have been one for conflict, but she was not willing to let anyone walk all over her. "And you wanted me to defend you too"

"Sabrina this is your ex we're talking about. A celebrity. He's not just someone we can pay off" Jake flung his hands around. Sabrina pushed her chair back and stared at the man in front of her like he was crazy.

"Pay him off?" Sabrina repeated, making sure she wasn't hearing things. "It's not like we have to worry about him spilling any secrets. I don't even have any secrets. Do you?"

Jake rubbed his hand over his face and turned his back towards her. Sabrina did not like the way he was acting, and she wasn't about to just take it.

"Sabrina" He started. A few moments of silence had washed over the two. "I just need some space. I'm not breaking up with you, I just need some space"

Sabrina stood there speechless. If anything, she should've been the one asking for space. She had no idea what had gotten into him, but she didn't want any part of it.

"Fuck you" She mumbled. And with that said, she grabbed her purse and walked out of the apartment. The only reason she had even thought about fixing things was because a small part of her thought maybe, just maybe, she was in the wrong. But now that she had been treated the way he treated her, she threw all of those thoughts out the window. She got into her car and slammed the door, letting the silence overtake her.

She didn't want to go home. That's the whole reason why she spent her whole day, literally, at work. And it's not like she had anywhere else to go. Sierra and Luke were out of town, so she couldn't go to their apartment. She had no idea what Michael and Crystal were doing, and Ashton was off doing god knows what in Los Angeles.

She sighed and pulled out her phone, obviously not thinking very carefully about her next actions. As soon as it unlocked with her face ID, she went to her texts messages hovering over a specific someone's contact.

are you busy?

As soon as she pressed the send button, she threw her phone in the other seat, immediately regretting it. She didn't know what she was thinking. It was an impulse decision. She was hurt. She was upset. She was bored. She was a bunch of things, maybe even a little desperate. But before her mind could flood with any more thoughts questioning all of her life decisions, her phone buzzed. Her head snapped so fast towards the device, her neck would've broken it it had been the tiniest bit faster.

no, what's up?
is everything okay?

everything's fine
just boy drama..

never thought i'd hear those
words come out of your mouth again
wasn't the last time when you had a
crush on ashton?

shut up

i'm just kidding rina
really tho, are you okay?

can i come over?

Sabrina couldn't move. She didn't know why she was even asking if she could go over. She wasn't thinking straight, and she was even 100% sober. She stared at the screen as the three dots appeared, and then disappeared

fuck, he probably doesn't want me to come, She thought to herself.

ding ding!

i'll tell front desk to let you up

a/n: AHHH sorry this update was technically on tuesday, i've been having sm trouble with my mouth it's not even okay.

but anywayyy, thoughts? comments? predictions? don't be shy, comment and vote!!!

love you guys <33

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