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When Sabrina thought of all the physical pain she's experienced, she thought of stubbing her toe or getting hit in the face with a basketball. She had never broken a bone in her life, so the pain she's bared with had been minimum. That was until Jake.
Now, all she felt was pain. Emotionally. Mentally. Physically. Her whole body ached no matter what she did. She could barely pull herself out of bed. Even lifting her arm up to brush her teeth made her want to cry out in pain. All she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and sleep, but even that pained her to do.
But then work popped into her mind.

"Shit" she mumbled, slowly rolling over on her side to reach for her phone. She was suppose to go into work today to approve some designs with the boys, but that obviously wouldn't be possible for her.


"Hey, Olivia, I'm not gonna be able to make it into work today" Sabrina told her quietly, trying to sound as normal as possible.

"You were suppose to look at designs today and confirm. Is everything okay? Are you sick?" Olivia bombarded her boss with questions.

"I'm okay. I'm just not feeling the best" Sabrina answered.

"Do I need to make you an appointment?" Olivia questioned.

"No, I'm okay, I promise. If I start to feel worse I'll let you know" Sabrina said. She hated lying to Olivia, but she didn't want to advertise what had happened to her. Even though she knew it wasn't true, she felt at fault for part of it. She felt stupid and dumb for even considering going back to Jake. She should've known he was an awful person, she just didn't want to believe it.

"Okay, let me know" Olivia said. Sabrina hummed in response and then hung up the phone. She laid it by her side and rolled back over, trying her best to get comfortable. Once she finally was calm and collected with her thoughts, she then let sleep take over her.


"Mate, you've just spilt sauce all over Sabrina's table" Ashton sighed, rubbing a hand over his face.

"Fuck" Luke hissed, looking at the mess he had made.

"Is it b-"

"No, it's not balsamic, Calum" Luke sighed. Calum laughed and ruffled his hair, causing Luke to slap his hand away. "Quit it"

"Hey, guys" Calum started to say. "Can I talk to you about something"

"Did you dump Gabi?" Michael asked.

"Wha- No. I didn't dump her. Why would you say that?" Calum scrunched his face up.

"No reason" Michael shrugged. The guys gave him a look, which he responded with by shrugging. "Continue"

"Do you guys remember when I was going to propose to Sabrina a couple years back? Right before I got into that crash" Calum asked.

"How could we forget" Ashton snorted. "You called us freaking out because you didn't know what she'd like or what her ring size was"

"That's not the point" Calum shook his head.

"Fine. Yes, we do remember" Ashton waved his hand. "Why?"

"Well, obviously, we never got engaged. And when we ended things, I was just broken. All I wanted was to get her back" Calum explained. "It's stupid of me, but I kind of never took the ring back"

"Oh" Luke said. The boys looked at one another, not sure of what to say.

"That's not too bad, mate. It's probably shoved away in a sock drawer somewhere right" Ashton chuckled, causing Luke and Michael to laugh as well. But the laugher died down as soon as Ashton realized Calum wasn't laughing. "It is in a sock drawer right?"


"Calum" Ashton said in a stern voice.

"It was in my suitcase because I never leave anywhere without it, and Gabi found it and now she thinks I'm going to propose" Calum rushed out.

"Excuse me, what?" Ashton shouted.

"Calum" Michael trailed off in a disapproving voice.
Calum opened his mouth defend himself, although he had no real idea what he was going to say, he didn't get to chance to when Sabrina's office door opened.

"Sorry to interrupt" Olivia apologized. "I just came up to let you know Sabrina won't be able to make it today"

"What? Is she okay?" Calum asked.

"She just said she wasn't feeling good. I can keep you guys updated if you'd like" Olivia offered. The guys nodded their heads with scattered responses. "I have to get back to work, but you guys can let yourselves out"

"Thank you, Olivia" Ashton smiled at her. Olivia turned to Ashton and returned the smile before walking out of the room.

"Well I guess we have an off day, boys" Luke said. "Do you guys wanna to do something?"

"Yeah, that's fine with me. Crystal's out of town with her friends" Michael answered, heading out of the office with the rest of the band.

"Actually, guys, I think I'm gonna go check on Sabrina" Calum said. The boys whipped their heads around towards him. "Just to make sure she's okay"

"Whatever you say, Cal" Ashton laughed.

a/n : ugh sorry this is such a short chapter i've been busy with dance but i just wanted to post a calm chapter before the storm..

any predictions? comments? concerns?

love you all!!! -a

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