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"Jake, I have to work late, I'm sorry" Sabrina sighed, running a hand through her hair. Tara had been gone for a few hours now, but the band still remained in the girl's office, throwing the stress ball around the room and watching tv. She rarely had company for this long, so she enjoyed it.

"I was really hoping to see you since I just got back home" Jake said, frustration clear in his voice. Sabrina leaned against the wall in the hallway and rubbed her temples, not wanting to deal with Jake's anger.

Growing up, Sabrina dealt with a lot of anger in her household. Her parents marriage was a complete disaster, so all she ever heard out of the two was yelling and insults. Things were thrown. People were grabbed. In other words, all her parents liked to do were throw things at each other and literally strangle one another. So whenever she dealt with any type of conflict, she did everything in her power to either avoid it or come to an agreement. While she was in a relationship with Calum, the two barely argued. They would have banters from time to time, but Calum knew what type of environment she grew up in and tried his hardest to adapt to make her feel as safe as can be. With Jake, it was a different story.

Sabrina then scolded herself at the fact she was even comparing the two boys. She didn't have enough time for her boy problems to be her number one priority right now.

Problems? She meant problem. Calum wasn't a part of her life in that way anymore. She needed to come to terms with that once again.

"I know, Jake" Sabrina quietly said. "It's just now things are going to be even busier here at the office. I'm really stressing out and I just need you to be patient with me. I'm starting on a new line for the band and-"

"What band?" Jake cut her off, not even paying attention to the part about her being stressed.

"The boys. Five Seconds of Summer" Sabrina spoke. She could practically see Jake rolling his eyes through the phone.

"Of course" He mumbled. "I'll call you later, I have stuff to do"

And with that being said, Jake ended the call, leaving Sabrina speechless. She should've known the way he was going to react to the news of her having to spend more time with the boys. Sabrina personally didn't have a problem with it. They were all adults, much more mature than four years ago.

"Hey, Sab?"

Sabrina turned around to see Ashton standing in the doorway with a muffin in his hand. "Can I have this? I haven't eaten anything all day, and I'm kind of starving. I'll buy you another one in return, I promise"

"Of course, Ash" Sabrina told him. "You guys don't have to stay here. Go home or go grab a bite to eat"

"We don't want to just leave you here to work on your own. I mean, we can't draw for shit but hey, we already have some ideas that could work" Ashton shrugged, biting into the muffin. Sabrina's heart warmed at the fact he was being so thoughtful towards her. She really didn't expect them to help out at all. With what all Tara was saying, basically Sabrina just had to make the designs, the clothes would be made, and then the boys would model it. At no point did she say the boys were expected to have any input in the clothes, not that Sabrina cared.

"Ash, I know you're hungry. You and the boys go eat. I promise, it's okay" Sabrina rubbed his shoulder in an assuring way. "I have to stay here late anyway and get a head start on the designs, you guys shouldn't have to stick around"

Ashton sighed and looked down at the girl. He had always thought of her as a little sister. After the breakup had happened, Ashton remembered getting the call from Calum saying that he had fucked up big time. Shortly after that, Sabrina winded up on his door step with mascara running down her face. She would've gone to Sierra, but the girl wasn't in town at the time. The relationship between the two was strictly platonic though. He treated Sabrina the exact same way he treated his sister, Lauren, and Sabrina would forever be grateful.

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