Chapter 11

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“Violet will be coming home this weekend,” Nat said.

“I know, and that is why we can’t have customers on the weekends,” I said.

“Bruce, don’t you want to free those poor souls?” Nat said trying to guilt trip me.

“I know, but there will be no curing done on the weekends, end of story,” I said asserting my authority over her.

“You will see it my way soon enough,” Nat said before leaving the room.

            It’s been a week since Violet left. It hasn’t felt different because I didn’t see much of her over the summer, but just knowing she isn’t at her house was strange. I felt the distance more. She should be here any minute though, which was why I had to tell Nat that we couldn’t cure on the weekends. Violet doesn’t know that I have been doing this, and she would disapprove if she found out because it goes against the Vampiric Law.

            I was walking down the stairs when the doorbell rang. I rushed to the door and opened it to see Violet showing a half smile. She hugged me and said that she missed me.

“I miss you too,” I assured.

“I’m definitely feeling better, and getting better,” Violet said looking up at me.

“That is so good to hear,” I said smiling at her.

“How have you been?” She asked.

“I’ve been well. Classes start on Monday and this past week I’ve been working hard on making sure everything is prepared for the classes I will be teaching. Trace contacted me, and I can’t believe he ended up at Fairfield University. I remember when you brought him here to learn more about the university and the science department as a cover for you to come back to search the basement,” I said with a laugh.

“Yeah, it’s funny how things end up,” Violet said.

“So how is your apartment and new life?” I asked as we sat down in the living room.

“It’s been interesting,” Violet said avoiding details.

“What have you been doing?” I pushed.

“I have been exercising a lot, and I still go to therapy. I kind of got a job, doesn’t pay well, but keeps me busy which has helped with keeping my mind off what happened. Things have been pretty good,” Violet said.

“What kind of job?” I asked.

“I work at a gym. They have self-defense classes and since I can fight, I thought I might as well teach a class and make some cash off of it,” Violet said.

“Glad to hear that things are going well,” I said.

“Yeah, they are. So I have a question, do you think that maybe I can have a vial of the cure for vampirism? I have a friend, and he doesn’t really trust many people, and I said I would give the cure to him,” Violet asked tentatively.

“Yeah, of course. Here let me get you one now so you don’t forget it,” I said as I got up and walked to the basement.

            I opened my briefcase and took out a vial and took out a needle, punctured the top of the vial and sucked the liquid into the shot. I then put the shot in a small case that was made to hold it. Walking back upstairs, I started to wonder about why she couldn’t convince this friend of hers that it was safe to come here…I pushed the thought aside as I saw her sitting on the couch.

“Here is the cure,” I said handing it to her as she opened the case and inspected it.

“Thank you so much, I know my friend will be thankful,” Violet said with a weak smile.

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