Chapter 24

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            I paced in the kitchen, wishing I could do something to help Violet. Daniel’s gaze followed my movement. I took in a deep breath and looked at Daniel with worry.

“Stay strong,” Daniel warned, “Violet is your one weakness, and Nick knows that. Whatever happens, you are not going to give in.”

“Daniel! Violet’s life is on the line! I will do whatever I have to do to protect her, even if that means surrendering myself and leaving the job to take over the kingdom to you,” I cried.

“Andrew, compose yourself. You will do no such thing!” Daniel scolded.

“It’s Violet, Daniel. Violet! The one who took care of me and helped me through the change! I owe her my life!” I stated, pounding my fist against the counter, making it shake knocking a glass over.

            Daniel looked at me in disappointment and left the room. I cursed and grabbed the vase of flowers and threw it against the wall, watching as glass shards flew in every direction. I couldn’t control my temper when Violet’s life was in danger and I could do nothing about it. I had to contact Nick. I had to offer him something in trade for Violet’s life. I jerked my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed Blade’s number.

“Andrew, how are things going? I have not had much success with gathering numbers… the vampires are too scared.”

“Blade, I need you to get a message to Nick, tell him I am ready to negotiate,” I whispered.

“What? What do you mean? What is going on?” Blade demanded.

“I cannot explain now, but just get the message to him, that’s an order,” I directed and hung the phone up.

            Turning around I saw Daniel with his fangs out looking extremely pissed. I bared mine back at him but he didn’t stand down. Instead he sped toward me and knocked me down sinking his fangs deep into my shoulder making me howl. I bit his neck and held on until Daniel let go. In that moment I kicked him off me and prepared myself for him to attack again. Daniel pounced and I sidestepped and grabbed him by the neck and smashed his head into the counter, creating a deep cut, as blood flowed from his head. Daniel fell to the ground and grabbed a knife from the open dishwasher, and swiped at my hamstring, giving a shallow cut. I let out a growl and fell as Daniel attempted to stab me, but I grabbed his arm, keeping it from cutting my chest. I threw a punch knocking him over, and I grabbed the knife from him and bared my fangs, signaling for him to back down.

“Bow down!” I commanded with force.

“Don’t do this!” Daniel shouted,  “Violet is a human. One human. You can’t give everything up for a girl who doesn’t even love you!”

            I looked at him coldly and threw the bloody knife down and walked out of the kitchen and out the front door. Trace was walking up the walkway and looked at me strangely.

“Don’t ask,” I warned.

            Trace put his hands up, “Wasn’t going to.”

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