Chapter 3

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“Bruce?” Nat called.

“In the basement!” I called up.

“Bruce we need to talk to you,” Nat said with Jackson by her side.

“What about?” I asked.

“About the cure to vampirism. We heard it was made into a weapon, and that it works. But we know that the weapon version of it was destroyed, and so Jackson and I were wondering about if we could make it into a weapon and use it? And if not that, at least do some under the table curing,” Nat proposed.

“No. We are not making it into a weapon. If anything, the werewolf cure would need to be weaponized. Vampires are more in control, werewolves have none. They are the ones to worry about,” I pointed out.

“And your girlfriend, what about her? You haven’t seen her in weeks. What’s going on with that?” Jackson asked.

“She’s been dealing with a death, so leave her out of this,” I said.

“Fine, look, I am going to run an under the table cure station for those who want to be cured. I don’t need your permission okay, that’s what Jackson and I are doing,” Nat insisted.

“It’s my cure, you need my permission,” I countered.

“Yeah, but you would have never figured it out if it weren’t for my notes. So that’s what we’re doing, in fact, we kind of already set it up. Our first customer is coming in twenty minutes,” Nat said.

“What? Here?” I asked.

“Yeah here, that’s what the shed Jackson built is for,” Nat explained.

“Are you kidding? You can’t. There is a vampire law that those over a certain amount of years are not allowed the cure,” I explained.

“Well, I don’t care, if they want freedom from a curse, then I will give it to them,” Nat said with determination.

“Okay, I get it, but…”

“But nothing brother, think, this is our family’s destiny. We are supposed to eradicate the earth of those poor lost souls,” Nat explained.

“Yeah…I guess…” I said thinking back to what granddad instilled in us.

“So be there, and you could do the honor of administering the cure,” Nat said.

I thought about it for a minute before I said, “fine, I will do it.”

“Good, get a needle ready,” Nat said with a smile.

            Nat and Jackson left and I prepared a needle. All the while I couldn’t stop thinking about Violet and what she would say about this, but honestly at the moment I don’t think Violet would say anything. She’s been a bit lost since she killed her uncle. Sighing, I placed the cure in my pocket and walked out of the basement and Charles looked at me questioningly. I waved my hand at him as I went through the front door to walk to the backyard to the shed. Once inside I found a mini lab. There were three chairs set up for patients and a desk and a shelf on wall to hold materials.

“What do you think Bruce?” Nat asked.


“I knew you’d like it!” Nat said with a grin.

            I walked around getting a feel for the place. Nat’s phone beeped, and she smiled.

“Our customers are here,” Nat said with a smile.

“Customers as in plural?” I asked.

“Yeah we have five, oh you thought only one… Jackson go get Bruce’s brief case with the unused cures from his trip,” Nat ordered.

            Jackson ran out of the shed and five pale people walked in cautiously. Nat smiled at them and waved to the three chairs.

“Don’t be afraid, you will be freed, and be human again,” Nat said gently.

            The two girls and one guy walked up and each sat in a chair uneasily. Jackson came back with the case, and I placed it on the desk and opened it.

“Now this is Dr. Bruce, he will be giving you the cure today,” Nat introduced.

            I smiled and waved my hand and went to the first chair with the cure.

“Now there are stages to this cure, and this is an improved cure. So when I give this to you, you will pass out for a couple minutes and then the medicine will take full effect,” I explained.

            Once I was done giving the three the cure, the other two watched their companions eagerly. I knew the cure was only minutes away from being completed. I improved the time of the stages, and the after effects.

“Alright, so how do you guys feel?” Nat said once they woke up.

“Different,” one said.

“I took the same cure you guys had, and you will be tired for a while. Best thing to do is eat some food to give you energy. Today, since you guys are our first customers, I brought some energy bars, they are on the desk,” Nat said sweetly.

            The next two sat in the chairs as I got the cure ready. As we waited for the two to be cured, Nat made small talk with the ones who were already cured. Apparently there was a fee for the cure. How much I didn’t know, but I intended to find out. Once the five left I looked at Nat expectantly.

“Okay, here, we charge one hundred dollars for the cure,” Nat said handing over some cash.

“Thanks…” I said unsurely.

“We split it three ways. And once the word spreads we will set up more chairs, I mean we have the space in here. But for now we wait, wait for the next people to be saved,” Nat said with a smile.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. If they want the cure then nothing should stop them,” I said

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