Chapter 19

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“Marnie,” Sloan called flirtatiously.

“Sloan,” I responded as he came out from behind a tree in the woods.

            Sloan walked up to me and pulled me into him. It wasn’t right; I was with Nick.

“Sloan, we can’t,” I said pushing him away.

“But you want to, and I want to,” Sloan persisted.

“Doesn’t matter. I am with Nick, and I…I do care for him, and I wouldn’t betray him, I am sorry, but my feelings for you…they don’t change things,” I said turning away, not wanting to see Sloan’s face.

“Marnie,” Sloan almost begged.

“No, Nick trusts you, you have come a long way since I turned you. You now hold a position of importance like me. Nick trusts you, don’t betray him,” I chided before speeding back to the castle.

            Walking into Nick’s chambers I found him pacing the room. Walking in front of him, I kissed him and gave him a hug.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Andrew is what’s wrong. Rumor is that he has a solid plan to take me down. That is why I sent someone to capture Bruce. Bruce is to be taken and hidden, that way Andrew can’t use him as a means of resource to get the cure for werewolfism. Also, you know that witch that I have leverage over?” Nick asked.

“Yeah, what about her?” I asked.

“She says that there is a sorcerer out there that has a great power, one that is hard to control, but with the right nurturing can be a great weapon. This weapon can apparently kill Violet. Apparently the sorcerer has a link to Violet, and I can threaten Andrew with this. Andrew would do anything for her, so if her life is in my hands, he will be my obedient servant that doesn’t question me,” Nick said with fire in his eyes.

“Do you know where this sorcerer is?” I asked, sitting down on the bed.

“Our witch is getting the location as we speak, and hopefully this sorcerer is close to where Bruce is so my servant can grab them both and kill two birds with one stone,” Nick said with a devilish grin.

“So why are you pacing?” I questioned.

“You know I get restless. I just need to make sure that my position isn’t threatened. I rule the vampire community and I don’t need anyone challenging me,” Nick explained sitting next to me putting his arm around me.

“I understand,” I said leaning my head on his shoulder.

“I must go consult with the witch, but tonight I have some time on my hands…” Nick smiled.

“See you then.”

            Walking back to the courtyard I found Sloan waiting for me. I gave him a look, and he grabbed me, throwing me over his shoulder, and speeding off to the woods. We stopped in front of an abandoned Hunter house.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I hissed.

“Convincing you that we are meant to be,” Sloan said pulling me into a passionate kiss.

            I kissed him back, not able to help myself; not able to avoid the feelings I’ve pushed away. The sound of a branch braking caught my ear. Immediately I pushed away scanning the woods.

“Paranoid much?” Sloan whispered in my ear as he continued to kiss my neck.

“This is wrong…” I said as he started to kiss my chest, “…but so right,” I surrendered.

            Sloan picked me up and we went into the Hunters house.

Light started shining through the windows, making me realize what time it was. Chucking the blanket off me, I threw my clothes on and checked myself in the mirror before speeding out of the Hunter house and back to the castle.

“Marnie!” Nick called spotting me in the hall, “Where have you been?” Nick questioned looking at me with suspicion.

“I was out hunting and exercising to clear my head,” I lied.

“You should have told me, I would have gone hunting with you,” Nick smiled, leaning over and kissing my forehead.

“I figured you were busy with the witch,” I covered.

“True I did say I was going to be with her. Anyways, we are both here…and finally have a moment together,” Nick said as he took my hand, leading me to his chambers which seemed to be my chambers, too, these days.

            Lying on the bed Nick joined me and started to trace my body with his fingers.

“Marnie, what would you say if I offered you a position of power?” Nick asked curiously.

“Aren’t I already in one?” I asked.

“Yes, but what if you were my equal…my Queen?” Nick asked looking into my eyes.

“Nick…I …I don’t know what to say,” I admitted.

“Marnie, I’ve never met anyone like you, or felt so connected. I want to be with you for the rest of my life, and I am the King and I want you to be my Queen,” Nick explained.

“I must think about it,” I answered.

“Take your time,” Nick said kissing my forehead.

            Guilt consumed me. What was I to do or say? How could I possibly tell Nick of my indiscretion without him getting angry enough to sentencing Sloan and myself to death? What happened with Sloan was a mistake I thought. I promised myself that nothing else would ever happen as long as I was with Nick.

“The sorcerer is in Connecticut, and living with Violet,” Nick said, changing the topic.


“Yes, which makes it difficult to take him. But my servant shall succeed in time,” Nick explained.

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