Chapter 13

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I sat in my room while Clint talked to that girl. I hated Clint. He didn’t understand what I’d gone through. He thought I was evil and I knew it. I no longer heard him speaking and walked out of my room and looked to the stairs. Crawling on the wooden floor, I sat at the top of the stairs at the banister. He was talking to Gretta about me. I stood up and levitated so I stood on the top of the banister. I closed my eyes and jumped, stopping myself right before I hit the ground. Violet was startled but I looked at her and forced her mouth to stay shut. Her eyes went wide with fear. I walked over to her and released my spell.

“Shhh, don’t speak, he will know I’m down here,” I whispered.

“Why are you down here?” Violet asked, leaning away from me with uneasiness.

“Don’t fear me, I won’t hurt you. I just didn’t want you to alert Clint of my presence,” I said hoping she believed me.

“Sorry, I am just taking everything in,” Violet sighed.

            I stared at her as she leaned her arms on her knees and held her head down to her hands. I gulped not knowing how to respond. I hadn’t really left this house since the incident of my parents. I looked at her with curiosity. I had never seen a girl so close up, besides the times I tried sneaking out, running into groups of teenagers. Gretta would always punish me when I would return, and I took the punishment with no question.

            I heard a chair being pushed from the table, and instantly I chanted an invisibility spell. Clint walked into the room to find Violet holding her head down.

“Are you okay?” Clint asked, and Violet looked up and took a double take at the couch to not see me there.

“Uh…yeah, just trying to process and understand. You would think I’d be used to having these surprises by now, but they still get to me every time,” Violet said.

            Clint walked over and took a deep breath before speaking.

“Darren, I know you’re down here. No need to be afraid, I am not going to be upset with you,” Clint said.

            I waited a moment before I lifted the spell I cast, and Violet’s eyes went wide and she stared at me in disbelief. Clint sat in the chair that was perpendicular to the couch.

“So you tried talking to Violet?” Clint asked.

“Yes…I didn’t do anything though,” I defended quietly.

“Darren, don’t be afraid or nervous. I just want the best for you,” Clint assured.

“Yeah, but you don’t think I’m capable of changing,” I countered.

“Not true, I just think you are too powerful, and that some of the power should be transferred,” Clint said.

“There will be no talk of transfers,” Gretta said coming into the room.

“Gretta, give me one reason why that is out of the question,” Clint demanded.

“Transfers are highly dangerous, you know that Clint, your mother died from one,” Gretta said harshly.

“Darren is strong though, he could take it,” Clint argued.

“But the other sorcerer may not,” Gretta pointed out.

“Stop arguing,” I said, but they didn’t hear me, or they ignored me.

“If it makes Darren safer to be around, its worth it, its not fair for him to be holed up here for the rest of his life,” Clint said.

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