Chapter 32: Kelsey

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Going home that night I was a mess. Clint coming back into my life and talking about the past made me anxious. He talked about his world and mine colliding. That scared me. Supernatural creatures were terrifying to me. I’d known about them since I was twenty, when my older brother was killed and partly eaten by a werewolf. I saw it happen.

            “Kelsey?” Wesley asked.

            “Yeah?” I replied.

            “Babe, are you okay? I know Clint suddenly appearing must have made you uneasy,” Wesley said pulling me towards him and kissing my forehead.

            “Yeah, I’m a bit shaken,” I said avoiding Wesley’s eyes.

            “Hey, let’s do something. Want to watch a movie? I’ll do anything you want to distract you,” Wesley said kissing me.

            “You’re too sweet,” I smiled and kissed him back.

            “So what do you want to do?” Wesley asked.

            “Just relax, it’s been an emotionally stressful day,” I said.

            “Have you eaten dinner yet? I left the station early today to go through case files here,” Wesley said.

            “I’ve eaten. Do we have dessert?” I asked suddenly wanting comfort food.

            “We’ve got ice cream, your favorite. If we don’t have your favorite flavor I can go get it,” Wesley offered as I walked into the kitchen and opened the freezer.

            “Wes, babe, its fine. Let’s just have ice cream, turn on TV and cuddle,” I said feeling like a teenager.

            “Okay, sounds good,” Wesley said as he grabbed two bowls and spoons.

            Getting upstairs and settling into bed, Wesley flipped through the channels until we agreed on a movie. I tried to stay focused on the movie but thoughts of the past consumed me. Wesley could tell that I was off.

            “It’s okay,” Wesley said putting his arm around me, rubbing my arm and kissing my head.

            “I know. I’m sorry that my past is affecting me right now,” I said.

            “It’s okay. I know that Clint and you have a past and a strained friendship,” Wesley said.

            “Oh god,” I said, getting up and running to the bathroom.

            Running to the toilet I puked my brains out. Wesley entered the doorway.

            “Leave,” I said before puking again.

            “No. Did you eat something strange today?” Wesley asked.

            “No,” I said as I puked a bit more as Wesley held back my hair.

            I heard my cell phone ringing and told Wesley to grab it.

            “It’s Clint,” Wesley said looking less than amused.

            “Give me the phone,” I ordered, “Clint what is it?... God Damn it!...Are you serious?... Stop it now!...What do you mean you can’t?...Don’t talk to me again!” I screamed and hung up the phone.

            “Babe what’s going on?” Wesley asked giving me gum and sitting on the bathroom floor next to me.

            “I can’t explain it,” I said trying to hold in my tears.

            “You can tell me anything,” Wesley said hugging me.

            “I know,” I said sniffling.

            “You can call in sick tomorrow,” Wesley suggested.

            “Maybe, I’ll see how I am in the morning,” I said.

            “Okay, let’s just go to bed, you need rest obviously. Do you want me to make you chamomile tea?” Wesley offered.

            “That’d be amazing,” I said as I got changed for bed.


            In the morning I bought a pregnancy test and took it. It was positive like I assumed. I cursed and called my doctor to set up an appointment. I had no idea how I was going to explain any of this to Wesley.

            Clint came over that day and it took all of my composure not to explode on him.

            “I know you must be extremely upset,” Clint started.

            “Upset? I am raging pissed! How am I supposed to explain this to Wesley? Tell him it’s his baby? Please!” I yelled.

            “Kelsey, calm down. We can figure this out. Trust me, this was all completely coincidental that I mentioned the pregnancy and it started. I went to Greta’s last night and I searched through her things and found what she used to do the spell on you. It was one of those sand timers, and only a couple of grains would fall each week. When I found the timer, the last grains fell and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I don’t even know the spell she cast to do this. It’s beyond my knowledge,” Clint explained desperately.

            “Then get her to do another spell,” I demanded.

            “I can’t. She was taken,” Clint said looking upset.

            “What?” I asked completely unaware.

            “She and Darren were taken. They’ve been gone for months. Look, I don’t know what to do. All I know is, if you need me I’m here. That’s what I came here to tell you. That you aren’t on your own in this,” Clint sighed sitting on the couch.

            “Clint, I can’t have a baby! Not now! I would have to take time off from work. I just…” I said not knowing what to say.

            “Breathe,” Clint said, “Tell Wesley it’s his baby. See how he reacts. I know you guys have only been together for- what- six months?”

            “Seven, but yeah. But Wesley had a thing for me when you and I were together. How can I tell him it’s his baby?” I asked sitting down next to him.

            “You have to, you can’t expose magic to him. I am sorry to put you in this position,” Clint apologized.

            “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” I admitted.

            “What if you tell Wesley you need a break?” Clint suggested.

            “He’d be heart broken,” I said feeling bad even thinking about it.

            “You always have a place to stay if you and Wesley do end up taking a break. I’m going to go and leave you to think,” Clint said getting up.

            I just sat there as Clint left. Frozen. Paralyzed with fear. I had to make a decision though. I had to do it today.

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