Chapter 28

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            “Have you had enough?” I asked as I watched Andrew covered in blood on the ground.

            “Yes,” Andrew whispered defeated.

            “Too bad, you will endure more. You will prove to me that you are loyal. So far, you’re making progress; though defying me was not a good choice. So, go kill another person,” I ordered as Sloan let another human go, running onto the field as Andrew quickly killed them.

            Heading back into the castle, I knew I was breaking Andrew. Hypno-Flame really was helping me with Andrew. He and Ellie were staying with us for a while. It also made Andrew miserable which was a nice bonus.

            “How many people have you made him kill since he let Bruce escape?” Hypno-Flame asked, sitting in the dining room with a bottle of blood.

            “He has killed nine people. I will break him. He will be a loyal servant who doesn’t question and just does,” I assured.

            “I am glad to be of help in any way,” Hypno said bowing his head.

            “Good to know. Just being here has made Andrew upset, which is enough for the moment. I do want you to keep Sloan in line though. Give him a rough time, but not so much that he snaps,” I said with a smile.

            “With pleasure,” Hypno grinned.

            Walking to my chambers I couldn’t help but think that I needed to take more action and do something that could make history. Entering my chamber I saw Marnie lounging on the bed with a book.

            “Enjoying yourself?” I asked amused.

            “Very much,” Marnie smiled.

            “So did you enjoy being introduced as my Queen?” I asked sliding onto the bed, laying next to her.

            “Yes, that was nice,” Marnie said and kissed me.

            “Good. We are going to make history, just you wait and see,” I smiled.

            “Are we now? How so?” Marnie questioned with curiosity dancing in her eyes.

            “Now, now, wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise would we?” I said looking at her amused.

            “If I’m your Queen, shouldn’t I know?” Marnie challenged.

            “If you insist,” I said caving as Marnie looked at me with excitement, “I have a plan that is now delayed. Bruce is gone and he made sure there was nothing left. I can continue the plan though; it’s just more risky. I plan to expose the existence of Vampires this year,” I explained and Marnie looked horrified.

            “Aren’t you scared-“

            “I am never scared,” I interrupted, “Trust me, I have Vampires set up all over Europe and the United States. Waiting for my signal. The world will be in beautiful chaos. Perfect for us to feed and make the human species subordinate to us. I have the whole thing planned out. I am just waiting for the right moment,” I explained.

            “But people will retaliate Nick. The Hunters will start teaching others, and if word gets out that there is a cure, it will be mass produced,” Marnie said honestly frightened.

            “Don’t be scared, I won’t let anyone hurt you. Marnie, my dear, Vampires are one of the worlds strongest and most lethal predators. Nothing will stop us,” I assured.

            Two weeks passed, Andrew killing one human a day. He was officially broken. You could see it. I’d officially made him into the monster he is. A vampire that kills and drinks human blood. I was quite proud.

            “Andrew,” I called.

            “Yes Sire?” Andrew asked bowing his head.

            “How are the plans coming along?” I asked.

            “They are on schedule, and spies have reported back that Bruce has been able to weaponize the cure for Werewolves,” Andrew replied robotically.

            “Good. You’re dismissed,” I said waving my hand.

            I was becoming impatient; the desire to act on the plan to reveal Vampires was getting stronger. The Elder council was to be kept in the dark about my plan. I knew they would disagree with my actions out of fear for our kind. They claim that we must stay under the radar to survive. I say we take initiative and claim our rightful place in this world as top predator no matter the destruction that may unfold.

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