Chapter 37

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“What were you doing?” Clint asked sternly as we walked in the house.

            “I was with Bruce! Plus it’s none of your business.”

            “Violet, do not test my temper. I don’t want you seeing Bruce again,” Clint stated.

            “Clint, you are being ridiculously overbearing. You cannot make that decision. Violet is growing up and you will have to deal with that. I think you need to leave,” Kelsey said.

            “Excuse me? I invited you to live here,” Clint said.

            “Yeah, well this is Jason’s house, and I’m like his family, so really you could get kicked out,” I replied.

            “Clint, we both want you to leave,” Kelsey said more aggressively.

            “I will leave for now, let things cool down, but I will be back,” Clint said as he marched up the stairs.

            “Thank you for helping me,” I said hugging Kelsey.

            “No problem. He is getting on my nerves too. I can’t believe he is treating you like this. It’s like he doesn’t realize how much Bruce must care about you.”

            Kelsey and I sat down in the kitchen while the kettle was on. Clint came downstairs with his bags and said goodbye. Just as he was leaving out the front door, Bruce was walking up the sidewalk. One could feel the tension in the air. I welcomed Bruce inside as he handed me the necklace that I must have left in all the rush.

            “Thank you,” I said.

            “I knew we had to talk after all of that.”

            “Yeah, you have a lot of explaining to do,” I said as the kettle whistled in the kitchen.

            “I know. Natalie started it. I wanted to stop it, but then again, I wouldn’t have found the cure if it wasn’t for her previous notes so the cure isn’t only my accomplishment. I had to go along with it, and it honestly isn’t doing any harm,” Bruce explained as I sat down with my tea.

            “Are you following the Vampiric Laws? Or are you changing anyone?” I asked.

            “We don’t ask.”

            “Bruce! How could you be so stupid? The Elder Council could send people to kill you and Natalie if they got word of this!”

            “We don’t do it a lot, and the Vampires who come to us just want to be normal again. If you heard their pleas Violet you would understand.”

            “Just please, don’t do it anymore,” I begged.

            “Violet, I can’t promise you that.”

            “You kept it hidden this whole time. You did it because you knew it was wrong to do!”

            “Yes, I admit it. I made a mistake. But I’ve seen the good it does. I’m not going to stop,” Bruce said.

            “Bruce, you need to stop. You don’t understand. I can’t condone this! I can’t be with you,” I said and realized what I said.

            “You would leave because I am curing Vampires? Violet that’s insane. You wouldn’t leave over that,” Bruce said.

            “You’re right, it’s insane but I just don’t want you to get hurt. If you continue doing this, things aren’t going to be so good for you. Bad things will happen,” I tried explaining.

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