Chapter 9

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Hugging Alex and Andrew goodbye, a part of me died inside. I wanted to stay with them, but staying was not helping me. I needed to figure out how to get back on my feet by myself, with the help of my therapist of course.

            Getting in the car I waved goodbye and pulled out of the driveway. Looking back at the big old house with Alex and Andrew standing in the short stubby driveway I felt sad. I looked away and drove forward. I drove to Vlad’s “camp” and parked in the lot.

            Stepping out of the car I took a deep breath and the smell of the woods overpowered me. I saw Jack up a head. I opened my trunk to take out one of my bags. Jack reached me and helped me unload the car. He carried some of my stuff to my old room with me and made sure the Hunters were civil to me as I walked to my room.

            Opening the door, seeing the room, made memories come flooding into my head. I remember having to prove to Vlad I belonged here, that I wouldn’t betray him. My head started hurting and I dropped my bag and sat on the head, hands holding the sides of my head trying to push the pain out.

“Are you okay?” Jack asked sitting down next to me.

“Just a headache,” I said shaking my head and smiling at Jack.

“Alright. I am seriously glad you are here Violet. I knew I couldn’t do this on my own. I am nowhere near as good of a fighter as you are. I am going to appoint you as co-leader once the Hunters get used to the idea of you being here,” Jack said.

“Wow, okay, sure,” I said not sure how to respond to such an honor.

“But you are going to have to be tested, and prove that you are not going to betray us like you did last summer,” Jack said.

“Okay…how will I do that?” I asked.

“Missions. I am kind of trying to restructure the way we learn around here. The most talented and highly respected Hunters will assign you many tasks. You must fulfill them without question. These tests will go on until the Hunters feel you’ve proven yourself,” Jack explained.

“No worries, I will prove myself,” I assured.

“I’m sure you will. Anyways, get unpacked, and once you’re ready you will join a training session,” Jack said getting up leaving the room.

            I sat there for a moment and took some deep breaths to calm myself. Once I relaxed, I started to unpack and as the minutes passed I began to psyche myself out again. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I walked over cautiously and looked out the window and saw that it was this guy that was in the Hunters when I betrayed them.

I couldn’t remember his name, but his looks I remembered. His sandy messy hair in his face, with his short scraggily beard was unmistakable. He always had reminded me of Shaggy from Scooby-Doo with his looks, but his personality was completely different. This kid was tough, I remembered seeing him in training. He wasn’t in my group but I remembered that he kicked his opponent’s ass.

“Anyone in there?” He called and I opened the door to see his piercing blue eyes staring me down.

“Hello, may I help you?” I asked with a tone that said, “leave me alone”.

“Gosh, someone’s got an attitude problem,” the kid said as he pushed me aside and walked in my room.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“You don’t remember me, cuz I sure as hell remember you,” the guy said as he evaluated my room.

“Sorry, I never really knew your name,” I said as I stood beside him, crossing my arms.

“I’m Spike,” he said looking around my room.

“Okay, well do you mind, Spike? This is my room, what are you doing here?” I asked annoyed.

“I’m here to make sure you are genuine. Looking for wires or any warning flare kind of thing. You seem clean. Are you done unpacking?” Spike asked.

“No, I am still getting there,” I said as I walked over to my bag and carried some clothes into an open drawer.

            Spike walked over to my bag and picked it up and dumped the rest of it in my drawer, clothes falling over the edge on the floor.

“There you’re done. Get to training. Just because your Vlad’s niece doesn’t mean you get special attention, oh wait you did get special attention. But you killed him, so now you better be prepared to grovel,” Spike said as he opened the trap door in the ground of my room and climbed down.

            I followed cautiously, prepared for an attack from everyone. The cold took hold of me once I got to the bottom and hit the ground. The chilly chambers were a place of bittersweet memories. I followed Spike to the center circle where all the Hunters stood. Hearing footsteps everyone’s head turned in our direction. Once they saw me I saw hatred in everyone’s eyes. I felt like shrinking into nothing so I’d be invisible.

I gulped and I saw a shift in movement to my right, instantly I tensed and was ready to take down the attacker, but Spike was in front of me before I could do anything. He caught the attacker by the neck and held his grip tightly. The attacker was scratching at Spike’s hands. The attacker then kicked Spike in the stomach and Spike let go. The attacker took the opportunity to complete his attack but I sidestepped him as he swung at me wildly and kicked his back making him fall to the floor. Immediately I got on top of him and took out a dagger I had hidden in my pants and held it to his neck.

“Ever try that again and I will slit your throat next time,” I whispered in the attacker’s ear.

            I then got off him and looked around at the room. Spike looked upset and the room was silenced.

“Any other takers want to brave me?” I challenged, no one moved.

“Spike, don’t let that happen again,” Jack hissed. “Onto business, get in your training groups. Violet you will be in Spike’s group. Get going, the instructors are waiting,” Jack demanded.

            Once Spike stopped I realized we stood at the station I worked at when I was last here. My instructor remembered me, and he looked pissed.

“Get over here Violet. I look forward to fighting you,” the instructor said.

“As do I,” I said not backing down.

            There were new kids that were in my group, and they looked with eager eyes to watch me and the instructor duke it out. The instructor made the first move, a classic Vlad technique that I easily evaded. Making my counter attack the instructor avoided it and knocked me down. He chuckled, so I swung my leg to his feet, making him loose his balance, in which I kicked his stomach, knocking him down. Quickly getting up I jumped on him and again, took my dagger out and held it to his throat.

“Things seem to have stayed the same. You still loose against me,” I said as I got off him and let him get up.

“I don’t understand how Vlad taught you everything…I told him he shouldn’t have taught you. He wouldn’t teach us some of his moves, so only you know them. You will teach these Hunters to use them efficiently,” the instructor demanded.

“Sure, just not today,” I said.

“Still spunky as ever,” The instructor mumbled.

“Who’s next?” I asked.

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