Chapter 2

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Darkness surrounded me. Opening my eyes I was still consumed in darkness, in a black hole. The only light in the room was from the candles. Anger, regret, and hatred, filled me. Standing up, I took a candle in my hand and walked over to the mirror and stared at my reflection. What I saw was a killer, no, a murderer. Tears fell from my face and I dropped the candle and it went out as I punched the mirror in frustration creating a shattering sound. I could feel the cuts on my hand, the blood oozing out. Light penetrated the darkness that surrounded me and I stepped back covering my eyes.

“Violet what in the world?” a voice said.

“Go away,” I gritted.

“No! You will stop this nonsense!” Then a light flicked on and I grabbed something to cover my eyes.

“Get out! Turn that infernal light out!” I shrieked.

“Get a grip Violet!” the voice snapped as they grabbed me, pulling me out of my room.

            I struggled, and tried to fight the person off, but they had a strong hold on me. Soon the person tore the blanket from my face and light pierced my eyes. It hurt; I had been in the dark for about a month. As my eyes adjusted I made out Andrew walking over with a paper towel and peroxide. He poured some on the towel and pressed it to my hand and wiped the cuts. It stung a bit, but it didn’t bother me. I looked around and realized I was lying on the kitchen counter.

“How does your hand feel?” Andrew asked.

“Fine, it felt fine before,” I said stubbornly.

“Violet, lose the attitude,” Andrew snapped.

“Whatever,” I mumbled.      

            Andrew started to wrap my hand up and when he was finished he put everything away with a sigh. At that moment I felt like a child who’d let their parent down for some reason.

“I’m sorry,” I murmured.

“Sorry for what?” Andrew said turning around and walking over.

“I don’t know, for making a mess? Um, for making you upset with me?” I attempted to guess.

“Violet, you need to stop this! All of it. You are stronger than this, if you act this way then Vlad wins. Do you hear me? He wins, you lose. It doesn’t matter that he’s dead, he still wins,” Andrew said agitated.

            I hadn’t heard his name out loud in a long time. It brought memories rushing back. It brought back the memory of me killing him. It reopened that fresh wound.

“Don’t say his name,” I gritted.

“Violet you have to face what happened, you killed a murderer! He deserved it! Don’t feel guilty for killing him, he had it coming, and if you didn’t kill him, remember that he was going to kill you!” Andrew said getting angry.

“Doesn’t matter. I’m a murderer,” I said aloud for the first time.

“You are not a murderer! Get it through your head you had no choice but to kill him. He’s better off dead Violet, you know that, so let him go,” Andrew said calming down.

“How can I? He was my uncle!” I countered.

“He murdered your parents! Remember that?” Andrew said and I flinched at what he said.

“Yeah, but I…”

“But nothing Violet. You are going to a therapist, a special one that it took a while to find. You are going tomorrow so get a grip,” Andrew said as he walked out of the room as Daniel came in with a paper bag filled with my broken mirror.

            I realized I was hungry, so I got off the kitchen counter and opened the fridge and grabbed some vanilla yogurt. Daniel handed me a spoon on my way to the kitchen table. Sitting down and eating, Daniel sat with me apprehensively.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” I stated.

“I know, I just don’t want you to have a break down because I sat down with you,” Daniel stated.

“What? A breakdown?” I asked.

“Yeah, since you’ve come home you hate having anyone around you, let alone talk to you, so I was nervous about sitting down. I didn’t want to make you have a meltdown like usual,” Daniel said.

“Like usual?” I asked.

“Yeah, but let’s not talk about that, it might upset you,” Daniel said gently.

“Don’t do that! Don’t treat me like I’m fragile!” I snapped.

“Hmm, see the old Violet’s still there, just needs to be coaxed out,” Daniel observed.

“Go away,” I growled.

“Fine by me, no one wants your pouty company anyways,” Daniel countered.

            I sat there alone in the kitchen in my thoughts. Was I really that bad of company? Yeah, I sure as hell was with the way I’d been acting. Maybe a therapist wasn’t the worst idea in the world. Although, it could be. I didn’t want to talk about what happened. I just wanted to sulk in my room. I wanted to mourn Vlad. I wanted to forget what I did.


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I want to keep posting the Slayer series, but getting no feedback doesn't help in motivating me to please i want some feedback,  even if its "I love the character Andrew" is fine. I like to hear what you guys think!  

The Ruler, The Fallen, and The Broken (Slayer 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora