Chapter 9

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[Elena's POV]

Isabel and James readied the Avaloran military forces, they were taking up battle positions everywhere they could, Naomi gave me a kiss and said; "Babe, I'll see you soon!" Then she proceeded to board the Naomi 2.0 and next thing I know; the Naomi 2.0 was submerging beneath the waves with the woman I loved onboard and suddenly I felt a twinge of sadness like I may never again see her.

"Isa, James, what can I do to help defend the kingdom!?" I asked hopefully. Isabel looked at me and said; "Big Sis, I cannot join the battle because I'm currently eating for three. And have been doing so for almost 3 months now. And before you say anything; yes, that means you and Naomi are going to aunts! Although; we haven't decided on names for the twins, seeing as we don't yet know the gender of the babies, we've picked four names; if they're both girls we want to name them; Miranda Luisa Winslow and Luciana Lorelei Winslow after their grandmothers, if they are both boys we will name them; Raul Javier Winslow and Roland James Winslow. But if the twins are both a boy and a girl they will be; Raul Roland Winslow and Luciana Miranda Winslow."

I hugged Isabel gently, "Oh Isa, I am so proud of you. You will make a great mother!" James walked over and said; "Elena, if you want to help defend the kingdom; I will assign you a job that will help not only the kingdom, but it will protect and preserve the next generation of Avaloran royalty. Your job is to escort my wife, your sister and Avalor's Queen to the palace and you will keep her and your future nieces/nephews safe from danger." I nodded and then I grabbed a nearby wheelchair (which had once belonged to Isa's best friend; Cristina, who since two years ago no longer has need for it thanks to Isa, Cristina is able to walk now. Since she was finally able to walk; Cristina has taken a post onboard the Naomi 2.0 as a submarine commander, Naomi became the admiral of the submarine fleet that the Naomi 2.0 is leading).

After grabbing the wheelchair, I positioned it behind my little sister and she sat down, as soon as she was sitting down; we hurried to the palace as quick as we could without making her feel sick. We reached the palace and as soon as we did there was a loud boom off the southern coast of Avalor. But it wasn't the fleet of ships from the Southern Isles, in fact; it turns out that it was two submarines (that were not Avaloran, any of Avalor's allies nor even from the Royal Navy of the Southern Isles) emerging from beneath the waves. These were definitely submarines, but not any that were from the EverRealm. The two submarines that surfaced came to anchor and somebody opened the hatch of the first submarine and a woman came out of the sub. "Excuse me, but is this Avalor!?"

The woman asked the Avaloran guard at the docks. "Ma'am, I am going to have to ask you to get back inside your sub and submerge because we are about to fight a battle against our greatest enemy; the Southern Isles!" The woman who climbed out of the unknown sub responds; "I am aware that you are about to make a mistake, the Southern Isles are not coming to destroy you or any other kingdoms within the EverRealm. They are fleeing an enemy from my realm; Earth! There is an interdimensional war taking place right now on Earth, and several nations from Earth are seeking to invade the EverRealm and they all united together and formed an alliance before they came through an open portal into your realm. Once they came through the portal; they began to invade, and they started with Neverland, the island of Pirates and Fairies and the Southern Isles."

The docks were within earshot from the palace, and I overheard everything that was said. "The Southern Isles are fleeing from invaders! I wonder if James is aware of this information." I left Isabel in the Grand Palais of the palace with several Avaloran guards and Chrysta, a fairy and Protector from the Mystic Isles, after doing so, I left to go find James to tell him to delay the order to open fire on the fleets of ships from the Southern Isles. But when I reached my brother-in-law; he had already apparently been notified not to open fire on the fleets of the Southern Isles, he ordered everyone at their battle stations to hold their fire. One man from the Avaloran guard however; he cocked his rifle held the scope of his rifle to his eye, took aim at an amphibious transport and opened fire on it. "Soldier! Hold your fire! The king has ordered it!!" The soldier who shot at the amphibious transport shouted back; "Sir, Amphibious transports are not something in the navy of the Southern Isles, but an amphibious transport is landing on our shores and soldiers are rushing out toward us. The Southern Isles are not our enemy, but this amphibious transport is not property of the Southern Isles and therefore we can open fire upon it!"

James approached the guard who opened fire on the amphibious transport and said; "General, this private did your job! He sensed a hidden approaching threat while you had given my order to hold fire. Hidden enemies take advantage of moments like this to sneak behind their enemy's lines to launch a surprise attack. This private just opened fire at a hidden enemy that slipped behind our lines. You obviously are not a very good general if you couldn't sense the hidden enemy and now I say that it's time to open fire on the soldiers who are advancing on the shores of Avalor. No more surprise attacks! And General; you have been demoted to Colonel and this private is to be promoted from a Private to a Lieutenant! Effective Immediately!!"

The new promoted soldier smiled and then he went to report for his first job as a lieutenant.

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