Chapter 2

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(Amber's POV)

I called my fiancée; Princess Su of Wang-Tu and told her that I was on a mercy mission to Freezenburg and that as soon as I got back to Enchancia, I was going to be crowned queen. Since Wang-Tu is a neighboring kingdom of Wei-Ling, it's not far from home. Su was going to be queen of her kingdom and I was already Queen of Enchancia, so we would have to merge our kingdoms together as one if we got married.

And I'm pretty sure that Emperor Quon of Wei-Ling and King Nasir of Khaldoun wouldn't appreciate Enchancia or Wang-Tu encroaching on their kingdoms, but since Wang-Tu is actually west of Wei-Ling, North of Khaldoun, and due East past Enchancia, if we linked all neighboring kingdoms within the Tri-Kingdom area maybe then Wang-Tu and Enchancia could become one kingdom instead of two.

I contacted King Nasir by means of a phone call, he seemed to love being able to call his friends and allies on the phone instead of contacting them via letter. King Nasir was already in the process of trying to unify Jalpur, Mezbez and Tangu together with Khaldoun. So, he was clearly thinking the exact same thing as me or something along the same lines.

After I hung up from my call with King Habib, I called Emperor Quon. He wasn't very familiar with cellphones, but he felt it was an easier way to communicate with allied kingdoms. He answered and I told him that Princess Su of Wang-Tu was my fiancée and I asked if he had any problems with her and I bringing our two kingdoms together as one.

Quon laughed and said; Wang-Tu had just agreed to a merge with both Satu and Wei-Ling. And that the merger would result in a stronger Tri-Kingdom alliance. Prince Xin of Wang-Tu was to marry Princess Jun of Wei-Ling, to unify the two kingdoms.

Quon seemed happy that he was bringing together three kingdoms that were long-time enemies peacefully. And he also seemed glad that Enchancia's Queen was going to marry Princess Su of Wang-Tu as well, strengthening the alliance even more. "Unite Enchancia with Khaldoun, and with Wei-Ling, and together the Tri-Kingdom area will become one Empire led by three rulers; Myself, You and your wife! Instead of being the Tri-Kingdom area, it will become the Tri-Imperial Kingdoms."

Emperor Quon was for the merger, as was King Nasir, but we're the people of the neighboring kingdoms in support of the merger or were they against it? I decided to contact Queen Shanti of Jalpur, King Habib of Tangu, Emperor Hanal of Saliah and Crowned Prince; Juan of Galdiz to find out if they were okay with the merger. Emperor Hanal approved of the merger, as did Queen Shanti, and Crowned Prince Juan. King Habib however wasn't so sure about the merger, but went along with it anyway.

The four rulers all agreed to the merger, and then Prince Vir of Jalpur told his mother that a merger with any kingdom but Freezenburg would mean that King Henrik would abandon his truce with Jalpur and revoke his approval and blessing of his daughter; Astrid's marriage to Prince Vir.

I mentioned that by Crowned Princess Hildegard's marriage to my sister; Princess Sofia, Freezenburg and Enchancia would technically be merged into one kingdom, with two separate ruling families. Prince Vir seemed to be okay with a merger as long as Princess Astrid was still able to become his wife. A twinge of laughter swelled through me and I nearly burst out laughing. But I composed myself as the queen I am.

Not long after; I hung up from my call to Queen Shanti, I received a call from Hildegard telling me that Freezenburg had to be evacuated and they were sailing to one of their neighboring kingdoms to the south. We were about to pass the kingdom of Hectoria when we noticed an armada of ships bearing the royal crest of Freezenburg on it docked at port in Hectoria. Hildegard was standing on one of the many docks making sure that everyone was safe, able-bodied and healthy.

"Attention all Freezenburgians! We are here for supplies, food, and to get some rest before we sail south towards Enchancia, there is a small uninhabited land to the south of Enchancia, one big enough to establish New Freezenburg. Take only what we need and be sure to thank King Hector and his people for allowing us to gather food, supplies and letting us rest in port for the night!" Hildegard shouted.

Sofia turned herself into a bird and then flew toward Hildegard. "Sofia landed and became herself again just in the nick of time as nobody seemed to notice her change from a bird to a princess and walk toward Hildegard. "Hi Hildy!" Sofia said as she approached her fiancée. Hildegard turned and saw Sofia, she ran over to and hugged Sofia. "Hey beautiful! How was Avalor!?" Hildy asks curiously.

Sofia explained everything that had happened all the way up to how they met in the kingdom of Hectoria. And how they were enroute to Freezenburg to offer aid. Hildy thanks her fiancée, then she explains how Freezenburg was pretty much destroyed by the blizzard and that they had evacuated the whole kingdom and decided to move south towards Enchancia, where they were going to establish New Freezenburg on a small uninhabited piece of land, just south of the kingdom of Enchancia itself.

Sofia offered to help her fiancée with anything they needed, but as fortune had it; King Hector after unifying Norberg and Hectoria together by means of his marriage to Queen Abigail, offered aid of support to the kingdom of Freezenburg. It seemed like King Hector had changed after he and Queen Abigail of Norberg fell in love at Elena's Coronation almost 2 weeks ago.

Hector was respectful to other royals, even Princes and Princesses that he had been rude to in the past, he gave Chloe as much freedom as she wanted and lifted the 9:30 curfew her mother gave her. Which, at first Abigail didn't agree with, but after a few days; Hector convinced Abigail that Chloe was a grown woman and needed to figure things out for herself.

Hildegard explained how she had always planned on Freezenburg colonizing uninhabited lands in the EverRealm, but with the near destruction of the kingdom, she decided to evacuate the whole kingdom and relocate to a safer location, where magical snowstorms and blizzards wouldn't threaten the kingdom.

Sofia came back to the ship by means of a rowboat and she told us what was going on, I climbed down a rope ladder and got into the boat with my sister; Sofia and together we rowed to the port. Upon our arrival; King Hector greeted me and then he asked what business we had in his kingdom.

I explained how I had come to help the people of Freezenburg, but had to stop there for a while. Hector smiled and said; "From one leader to another, take as much time as you need. Our alliance with Enchancia is crucial to our trade routes." I smiled and thanked him for his hospitality then he walked back toward the palace, and then Sofia and I got out of the boat and went to find Hildy.

On the way to find Hildegard; I received a text message from Su saying that she was in Hectoria negotiating a trade agreement with King Hector that will help benefit Wang-Tu. I told Su that we were helping the people of Freezenburg gather supplies after we found out that Freezenburg was basically destroyed during the blizzard.

Sofia told me that she found Hildegard and then I told Su that we were going to be leaving Hectoria soon. Su told me that she had a couple of hours before she was supposed to meet with King Hector regarding the trade agreement, so she wanted to spend some time with me before we had to leave.

I let Sofia know that I was going to spend some time with my fiancée; Su before we left and then I would meet back up with her, Hildegard and the others. Sofia and I parted ways, Sofia went to help Hildy and I went to find Su. After a few minutes of walking; I met up with Su, she kissed me and then we went off and spent some time together.

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