Chapter 7

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(Amber's POV)

We waited and waited for Hildegard to return from the tracking party that went after the escaped assassins, we waited almost 2 days, did something happen? Was Hildegard okay? Did Hildegard find out where the assassins came from? None of us knew the answers to these questions. We just kept waiting for her to return. Two days had passed since Hildegard had left and it was almost noon. Sofia was beginning to worry. Then right as Sofia began worrying if her wife was okay; Hildegard and many of the others who had left to track down the escaped assassins finally came back and Hildy was just coming through the door as Sofia began having a panic attack!

"Sof, I am fine. Calm down. I tracked the leader of the assassins to New Freezenburg, where they told me; "Me and my band of assassins was hired by the Royal Advisor to the King of Wang-Tu, he hired us to assassinate Queen Amber and Princess Su. But we are not from Wang-Tu, we all hail from; Galdiz, Enchancia, Avalor, Paraíso and Freezenburg." This shocked me since all of the assassins are from kingdoms who are thanks to Princess Su allied with Wang-Tu! The Assassin leader said that with Su out of the way; their client would be able to usurp the throne of Wang-Tu and launch a full-scale invasion of Enchancia. After questioning the assassin leader; he told me that in exchange for his freedom and life, he would give me the names of his fellow assassins."

Sofia and I were both glad that Hildy had learned who had hired the assassins and why they had been hired. They were however; not happy that Hildegard agreed to let the leader go free in exchange for them providing a list of names of the other assassins. "Hildy darling, you should have took the leader into custody. Taken the leader into custody ensures that the rest of the assassins would either come forth and turn themselves in or that they would reveal themselves to us and be able to take them into custody." Sofia said sternly to her wife.

I looked at Su and then she looked at Hildy and said; "Hildegard, I implore you for what you did, not only do we know that the leader's heart wasn't in the task they were hired for, but also that he's not above selling-out his own followers. He is an assassin with honor, and not only is the assassin one with honor, he is also an assassin with a clear Conscience and knows it." Sofia nodded and then responded; "Princess Su is right, at first I didn't agree with letting him go free, but after hearing Princess Su's response to the assassin leader selling-out his fellow assassins in exchange for freedom, I began to realize that if his heart wasn't in the task he was hired for, he wouldn't be able to go through with it and that's why he ordered the others to retreat and escape."

Not long after; the assassin leader returned with a bunch of scrolls, one of which; he gave to me, he gave one to the king of Galdiz, one to Hildegard, one to Princess Valentina of Paraíso and the last scroll was handed over to Queen Elena of Avalor.

"Your Majesties, these scrolls that I have given each of you all hold the names of the assassins from your kingdoms on it. I, myself hail from the kingdom of Northern Isles, which is formerly Shuriki's domain, but since her exile from the isles; nobody has succeeded in taking the throne. There is even an uprising happening in the kingdom of the Northern Isles as we speak. Madame Shuriki, if you are now allied with our longtime enemy; Avalor, then perhaps we can both return home and convince our people that our longtime enemy; Avalor is now our ally and friend. You may be welcomed home and hailed as the very first member of the Royal family of the Northern Isles to achieve peace with Avalor and that may also show that you are the rightful ruler of our people and the kingdom."

Shuriki looked at me and then at our allies, including; Elena and said; "I am going to keep my promise to remain an ally of Avalor no matter how much I may hate or loathe it's Royal family and current queen. It may be an uneasy alliance, but for the sake of my niece; Princess Su of Wang-Tu, if I return home to the Northern Isles and become the rightful ruler; I will declare the kingdom although a longtime enemy of Avalor, an ally of Avalor and all of Avalor's allies and friends." And with that Shuriki turned and hugged Su, before she and the assassin leader left for the Northern Isles.

After Shuriki and the assassin leader left; Su, myself, Elena and Naomi as well as; Sofia and Hildegard all left for our joint-honeymoon. Sofia and Hildegard spent most of their time during our joint-honeymoon seeing the EverRealm, Su and I spent our honeymoon time together intimately, and as for Elena and Naomi's time during our joint-honeymoon; they spent it together on the beaches of Hectoria. Everyone kept in touch with each other and when the time came for the joint-honeymoon to end, everyone hugged each other and then we all returned to our respective kingdoms.

—Timeskip of two and a half years;

Su and I were both very happy, Su ruled over Wang-Tu and I ruled over Enchancia, but thanks to a bridge that was built between the kingdoms of Enchancia and Wang-Tu, Su and I could rule over separate kingdoms but still live together. We would usually live in Enchancia Castle and sometimes in the castle in Wang-Tu. Su and I received word from New Freezenburg that Queens Hildegard and Sofia were expecting their first child together, and we also heard from our friends in Avalor that Elena had stepped down as queen and my twin brother; James and Isabel were now ruling Avalor and expecting their second child.

Elena and Naomi were traveling the EverRealm, and we found out that the Northern Isles after learning how Shuriki had formed an (albeit uneasy at first) alliance with Avalor their longtime enemy, Shuriki was welcomed home as a hero and after a unanimous vote by the Northern Isles's council of Royal advisors, Shuriki was acquitted of all charges by her kingdom against her and named; "Rightful ruler of the Northern Isles", and that Shuriki had been queen for almost three years and that her alliance with Avalor became an alliance between the kingdoms of Avalor and the Northern Isles.

We both learned that because of the alliance she herself had made with Avalor and the alliance she made between her kingdom and the kingdom of Avalor had caused her to set aside her hatred for Avalor's royal family (prior to Elena stepping down as queen) and because of that she formed a bond of friendship with Elena and the rest of her family. It seemed almost like there was finally peace in the entire EverRealm. But the question is; Would this peace last? And if so, for how long? All seemed well in the EverRealm for now, but the EverRealm wide peace wouldn't last forever and it would be short-lived.

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