Chapter 17

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[Carla's POV]

With my unexpected engagement to Evielyn of SeLuna, I was just as shocked as everyone else. I had no idea that by kissing the queen, I would unknowingly be binding myself to an eternal contract with the queen of SeLuna in the bonds of Holy Matrimony, because I was not expecting to be married before I was 40. And yet, here I am; at 31 years of age already engaged. "Evielyn, what do we do!? You're single and just out of a betrothal you and the other recipient didn't want, but yet; I'm betrothed to someone from SeLuna and by kissing you, I have broken my betrothal with them." Evielyn looked at me and smirked. "Actually, you didn't break your betrothal, because in truth; I had been betrothed to three different people and one of those people was betrothed to me back when I still went by my deadname." A bit confused by what Evielyn had been saying. "What do you mean by that, your majesty!?" I asked the queen curiously.

Evielyn smiled and said; "One of the people I have been betrothed to, has been betrothed to me under my deadname. And I believe I should reveal my deadname to you, Carla. Because, under my deadname I was betrothed to you, Carla Bianca Delgado! My deadname is Blake." I was absolutely shocked by what I had discovered. But after a few minutes; I decided to accept the fact that my fiancé was now my fiancée. Also, my fiancée somehow knew my middle name, even though I never told anyone what it was, she knew. Only my parents and Elena knew my full name. "Excuse me, your royal highness; but how is it that you know my full name? When only my parents, Queen Elena and I were the only ones who had the knowledge of my full name." I asked Queen Evielyn curiously. She chuckled, before looking at me and saying; "Elena and I go back, way, way back. Further back than I dare to admit. See, I may look like I'm merely a young adult, but I'm actually much, much older than I look. Elena and I played together when we were kids, but I also played with Elena's mother when her mother was a child." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Queen Evielyn, my fiancée, is older than Elena, and yet they're childhood friends. "Evie, may I call your royalness that?" Evielyn nods approvingly at the nickname I just called her by. "Are you immortal?" Evie doesn't say anything. "Let me rephrase that; Are you a Vampire!?"

Evie smiles. "What makes you think that I'm one of those?" I couldn't think, so I blurted out the words that I never thought I would say. "You're so old, that you look like the very first ruler of SeLuna, who ruled over 4,000 years ago. But if that's true, and you actually are that ruler only now, Transgender; then you have to be a Vampire." Evie looked at me and then said; "Come with me, I can't tell you the truth unless we are in private where nobody else can hear." I didn't know what to do, so I said; "Vampires always try to find a private or secluded spot to talk to a potential victim, I don't want to be a victim of your bloodlust. So, no thanks!" Evie looked at me again.

"Fine, I can see my own fiancée is afraid of being my meal, but she is so wrong about me. I'm a vampire, yes. But I haven't fed on human blood in well over two hundred years, so I'm fine. The SeLunese people know that I'm a vampirh, not a vampire. Vampirhs like myself; are guardians and protectors of the kingdom or land that we live in. Vampire is a very derogatory term for us, as it insinuates that we are demonic creatures that are either undead or immortal and exist to bleed every person we bite or feed on dry and leave a lifeless husk behind."

There was a brief pause in her explanation; "Humans have always been willing to sacrifice a little bit of blood for us vampirhs over the millennia. We can and do die, sometimes of natural causes like age or natural disasters. We do come down with different infections and illnesses that can hurt our immune systems, and sometimes even kill us. We are not evil in any way, but some of us become bloodthirsty and have gone on a bender feeding on unwilling humans and animals. I developed a synthetic substitute for blood almost a thousand years ago. And all of vampirh kind have been living off it and it keeps us sustained, no longer needing blood to live. It's my plan that by the end of this century; humans, animals and the vampirh will all peacefully coexist together on Earth. Although; our longtime ally; Werewolves, have adapted over the centuries, they are still somewhat hostile towards humans and others of their species. It may be a bit difficult for them at first, but if humans, Wolfir (Werewolves), Vampirh, and all other creatures and animals can all coexist, we will be able to do what the previous inhabitants of Earth could not do. The Dragons were very territorial and nearly annihilated the krakens, and many other creatures that roamed the waters of the Earth and also those that roamed the land of the Earth. The Dragons and Daemons would fight each other constantly to decide which species was better and more superior. The daemons were nearly wiped out by the dragons, Leviathan is the last known dragon to be alive, he dwells in the Great Depths of the Primordial Ocean."

Evielyn paused to take a breath, before she resumes her conversation. "Behemoth is another creature that exists, and only Behemoth can defeat Leviathan. But nothing alive can defeat or stop Behemoth. Behemoth is the last surviving daemon on Earth, others of her species were corrupted by the Watchers who taught forbidden knowledge to mankind and took human women as their mates and bred them for offspring. This unholy union gave rise to beings like the giants and other creatures. El Shaddai created two beings that would protect mankind from the evils of these creatures and thus the Vampirh and the Wolfir were born. Elohim told us that we were only allowed to feed on the blood of the beings, who were willing to spare some blood. Then when the flood came, which destroyed all that were on the earth, two Vampirh and two Wolfir were gathered along with the animals and brought to the safety of the Ark that Noahoash (Noah) built, the Lord told us to remain in the animal form we had adopted for about 6 months. But enough about that, I will not harm you, Carla. Not one bit."

After Evielyn finished talking, I looked at her and said; "If I choose to believe that what you say is true, would you be willing to answer me one question after this?" I asked. Evie nods. "Granted." She replies. "How old even is the Earth!?" I asked her. "Almost 7,000 years ago; the mighty El Shaddai spoke everything you see into existence. Vampirh and Wolfir were created by his voice, two days after the first Shabbat. Or as you call it; Sabbath. He formed mankind with his own hands, but He spoke everything else including the Vampirh and Wolfir into existence. Elohim told us that unlike humans, we were allowed to breed inter-species. As long as the species the vampirh and Wolfir bred with were human beings and for the Wolfir; they were in human form when breeding. We were also told that some humans would stray from their natural purpose, and that they would try to breed inter-species with animals, devils, birds, fish, and even the dead. So, the Holy One said that instead of destroying those who go astray, encourage them to breed with our species or the Wolfir. And Elohim said that human men and women will seek to defile themselves with foreign flesh. Men will desire to be with children or other men, and women would want to be with other women, children or animals. Human women have become so corrupt and yet also dependent on sexual pleasure that they will look for anything or anyone to pleasure themselves in a sexual manner. You Carla, are among the few human women, born of Earth to have both of their parents traverse the inter-realm portal leading to the EverRealm, living among people who they believe are human, let me tell you something; Your feeble human mind cannot comprehend what some of the "human" people in the EverRealm actually are. Your friends; Queen Elena, Princess Isabel, Princess Sofia and Queen Amber are among some of the very few human beings to be found in the EverRealm itself. Most of the beings of the EverRealm are; Elves, Dwarves, Pixies, Fairies, Angels, Demons, Giants, Dark Elves, etc..., some of them are quite friendly towards humans, while hostile towards others species."

I opened my mouth in total shock by what I had just discovered.

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