Chapter 5

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(Elena's POV)

Naomi was still assisting Su in getting dressed for the wedding. I found the room they were using to get ready in and I walked in. "Amber's all ready." I said as Naomi was finishing up doing Su's hair. "Okay, Elena. Thanks for letting us know. I'm almost done with helping Su get ready and then I'll meet you in the auditorium." I kissed my beautiful fiancée and then left.

As I walked to my seat in the auditorium, I was approached by a woman who seemed kind of familiar. "Elena, good to see you again. Did you think that I was going to miss my own niece's wedding? Of course not! I found a way to temporarily leave the cracked orb from the scepter of night, but only for a few hours and while I'm out I'm unable to use magic. My niece; Su is a very lucky girl to be marrying the Queen of Enchancia."

I couldn't believe my eyes; it was Shuriki. She was back, but apparently she can't cause anymore problems or she'll be sucked back into the orb from the scepter of night again. "Shuriki, how long have you been able to come back from the orb!?" I asked. She turned to me, smiled and said; "If you're wondering about whether or not I had a hand in Ash Delgado wanting to attack and invade Avalor, I must say; No, I wasn't! I only recently learned to temporarily leave the orb, I only just found a way to make my time outside of the orb permanent, but it would cost me my magic, but at least I would be able to see my baby brother again."

Taking a breath I tried to grasp what was happening. Was Shuriki planning on coming back Permanently to instigate me and threaten Avalor again, or had Shuriki finally turned over a new leaf? Something was off about her presence at the wedding. Suddenly; I noticed that one of Amber's guards had a knife unsheathed, just waiting for Amber to walk into the auditorium.

The door to the auditorium opened and Amber walked in, the guard charged at Amber with the knife in hand. I sprang into action but Shuriki herself had gotten to Amber first. What was she going to do with Amber? Suddenly; from out of the crowd a group of men and women all charged at Amber wielding a knife or some other weapon. Shuriki looked back at me and said; "Elena, we may never see eye to eye, but my Niece; Su needs protecting and so does your friend; Queen Amber of Enchancia. Get them both to safety! I'll stay here and fight these assassins!"

I ran over to Amber and Su as Shuriki was using a nearby metal rod to protect herself and fight off the assassins. As Amber, Su and I reached the auditorium double doors, a crowd of Enchancian, Wang-Tu, Freezenburgian, and Avaloran royal guards burst through the doors, when they saw Amber, Su and I trying to get to safety, Naomi and Shuriki needing help fighting against the assassins, they split up and half escorted the three of us out of the auditorium to safety, while the rest went to fight the instigators and assassins.

One of the Avaloran Royal Guards saw Shuriki and tried to attack her, but I jumped in his way and he stopped the attack before the attack could injure or kill me. "Your Majesty! That woman is Shuriki, she killed my daughter, she killed your parents, how can you allow her to live without any harm coming to her!?" I looked at Shuriki, then at the Royal Guard and said; "Shuriki and I may be enemies but today we share a common enemy and because of that reason, her and I are allies right now, and you are one of my Royal Guards, so you have to obey my commands, and since; Shuriki is our ally today, it means that we must accept her as an ally for now. Understand!?"

The Royal Guard nodded and said; "My apologies your majesty, I will temporarily put aside my disdain and hatred for her until the common enemy we share with her is defeated." Shuriki approached me and said; "Elena, I interrogated one of the assassins and he said that Amber and Su's wedding angered his client, who happens to be Avaloran. You have a traitor within your own kingdom, until this enemy is found and either killed or captured; you can consider me as your ally. Who knows, maybe this wedding between Amber and Su could actually bring Wang-Tu, The Northern Isles and Avalor together as your revolution against my rule in Avalor brought Enchancia and Avalor together."

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