Chapter 15

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(Carla's POV)

It's been two weeks since I left home in Avalor, we just entered the waters surrounding SeLuna according to Tiana. As we begin to surface, my ears pop a couple of times, and I can swear that I heard someone calling my name from inside my head. I exit the room with my stuff, and I head to the bridge. "Carla, you look, I honestly have no words to describe how you look in that dress." Mila says as I walk onto the bridge. I can't help but blush a little bit. But I'm pretty sure that Mallory would be upset if she noticed me blushing after receiving a compliment from her wife, so I quickly tried to hide it. "It's okay Carla, I'm Polyamorous and Mallory is open to polyamory. Mila says after realizing that I was blushing and then tried to hide it from Mallory. "What Mila says is the truth, I am open to polyamory. If you're interested, the three of us could be together."

I wasn't sure if I would be interested in being part of a polyamorous relationship or not, but one thing that I know for sure is that I have apparently been engaged to someone in SeLuna since I was born. Supposedly a prince, but I'm a lesbian, so that would complicate things for me. I decided to ask Mila to let the Royal Family know that Carla Delgado, the Royal Advisor of Avalor is here and that I'm ready to meet with the council of the United Republics of Earth whenever they are ready. Mila contacted the queen to notify her that I had arrived. "Excuse me, Mila. Can you please have whoever is talking on the other end let Prince Blake know that his betrothed is here from Avalor." Mila spoke quietly to the person on the other side of the phone and said; "Please notify Queen Evielyn that the Royal advisor of Avalor is present and also that she claims she is the betrothed of the Queen." The voice on the other end spoke; "Thank You, I am informed." Mila had a look on her face that seemed to make me question what I should do. How could I tell her that I'm actually betrothed to someone? And how could I do so without offending her or Mallory?

Suddenly; there was a loud noise and I could only assume that we had just docked the Dauntless in SeLuna. "Prepare to disembark from the vessel, we are home!" Tiana said with a smile. I was so stoked to see SeLuna, that I didn't think about what the kingdom of SeLuna would be like. Did it look like Enchancia, was it similar to Avalor, or did SeLuna not look anything like any of the kingdoms of this EverRealm? I was rearing to disembark from the Dauntless and go explore the city.

"Hey Carla, don't go anywhere, there's a royal welcome waiting for your arrival. People throughout the Kingdom of SeLuna have gathered near the docks to welcome you to our great nation." Tiana says with a smile. I wasn't expecting too much of a welcome, but apparently SeLuna's customs include treating all who arrive in the kingdom to receive a royal welcome, as though they were royalty. And the Queen of SeLuna herself would personally come to welcome all new arrivals to the kingdom. Vivian was standing beside me, as we were leaving the sub, and she stayed close to me. "You know, if you are going to join my moms in a polyamorous relationship or marriage, I may have to call you ma or mum. But honestly; I wouldn't mind doing that! Please accept their offer to let you join the family as part of a Polyamorous Family."

I smiled at the tween, who looked so cute. I didn't have it in me to tell her I was already engaged. As Vivian and I left the sub with my stuff the queen was arriving to welcome us. When I saw how beautiful Queen Evielyn looked upon seeing her. I said to myself; "Wow, she looks so beautiful! She's such an angel." After I said that to myself, the queen approached me and said; "Carla Delgado? Welcome to Earth and also welcome to SeLuna! I'm Queen Evielyn, I was told almost two hours ago that you are the Royal Advisor of Avalor, and according to Mila, the Princess of Atlantis; you are also supposedly the person that I'm betrothed to. What is the name of the person you were betrothed to, if you don't mind me asking!?" She asked me.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I flat out told Queen Evielyn the truth; "Your majesty, I am Carla Bianca Delgado, daughter of Victor Alberto Delgado and Ash Winter Delgado. I am also the betrothed of Prince Blake of SeLuna." Evielyn covered her mouth. "There is no Prince Blake, there never was, and never will be! There has always been a Princess Evielyn and Princess Christine of SeLuna." The Queen told me that she and her sister; Princess Christine were two of the three children of the former King and Queen of SeLuna. This was a little confusing at first, but then I remember what Vivian told me while we were talking in our room on the SNP Dauntless when we were on our way to SeLuna. "Maybe your betrothed Prince Blake is just like me, a Trans Girl, and she wishes not to bring up her past as a male. Perhaps Queen Evielyn is your betrothed."

I kneeled before the Queen of SeLuna. "My apologies, your majesty, I didn't mean to offend you or make you uncomfortable. Please forgive my ignorance and my lack of knowledge in the subject." Queen Evielyn put her hand on my shoulder. "You are forgiven, and we do not speak of the past here, especially my own. I must admit; I was a little surprised at first when I heard that you were my betrothed. But after seeing how beautiful you are, I think you may be the prettiest girl in the whole world." I was kneeling before the queen of SeLuna and had also lowered my head as a sign of weakness and shame, but I began to blush after hearing the queen say that I was the prettiest girl in the whole world.

"Your Majesty, I am not worthy of such praise nor compliment from you, for I am but a servant girl to the royal family of Avalor. I am not worthy to receive praise or compliments from someone of your status. I am merely a lowly woman. Not even worthy of basking in your beauty. Please I pray let me, an unworthy woman who is not worthy to stand or even kneel in your presence go from this place, for your beauty and magnificence is something that only those who are worthy should be allowed to bask in." I say with my head still lowered. Queen Evielyn places a hand on my head. "Carla Renée Delgado, because you have acknowledged that you are unworthy to be in my presence, you have actually shown me that you really are worthy of being in my presence. Therefore I must ask you to raise your head and stand before me. Because you, like so many others have acknowledged that they are not worthy to be in my presence, you like those others, have proven to me that you are indeed worthy to do so. Now please raise your head and stand up." Queen Evielyn says to me in a kind and tender voice.

I was so proud to hear her say that I was worthy, when even I know I am not, nevertheless; I lifted my head and stood up. "Carla, because you have proven to me that you are indeed worthy of being in my presence. I cordially invite you to stay at my palace during your time here in SeLuna, how ever long that may be. And also, feel free to make yourself at home while staying there, because in SeLuna, everyone who is invited to stay, visit overnight or even live in the palace is at home there. And here in the Queendom of SeLuna, it doesn't matter what status you are considered, you are treated and respected as being equal with everyone else." I began to tear up, and as a teardrop ran down my right cheek, she took her hand and wiped it. "No need for tears, no matter whether they are tears of sorrow or joy, because you are worthy and here in my queendom; it is okay to show your emotions, but not in the presence of the queen." She said after wiping my tear away.

I was about to cry, but then she wrapped me in a hug and said; "No need to cry, you will be fine as long as you are here. And whether you choose to stay in SeLuna and be my bride or you decide to return to Avalor in the EverRealm, you will always have my love, respect and affection for you no matter where you are. Because that is the kind of person that I am." Evielyn said softly as she hugged me. "Thank you, your majesty!" I said in response to her.

After a few moments; she released me from her hug and then she made a royal proclamation; "Let all of the people of SeLuna and and the people of the United Republics of Earth know that Carla Delgado of Avalor is welcome to come and stay or if she chooses to; live here in SeLuna whenever she is on Earth, and let it also be known that before I became the queen you all know and love, back when I was different, and many of you still loved me; I was actually betrothed to Carla, however; she and I both have decided to allow each other choose whether or not to honor our betrothal or to release each other and declare our love to someone else entirely. But let all of SeLuna and the United Republics of Earth know that no matter what Carla decides, I will accept it and that even if she chooses not to honor the betrothal, she and whoever she chooses to love is welcome in SeLuna and every other kingdom or country in the URoE from this day forward!"

Everyone present acknowledged Evielyn's proclamation and agreed to abide by it. Even myself. But what I didn't yet realize was that her proclamation would be what would change my life forever. Evielyn and her entourage headed back to the Royal Carriage and then Evielyn got into the Royal Carriage and as the driver was about to leave, Evielyn told him to stop and then she opened her door. "Carla, you're a guest in the royal palace, therefore you are allowed to ride in the royal carriage also. Please get in." I was about to say; "Thank you for the offer your majesty, but I think I will walk.", when she told the driver to open the cargo hold of the carriage and put my belongings inside. I let him and then I climbed into the Royal carriage and the driver got back in and we were on our way to the palace.

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