Chapter 4

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(Elena's POV)

I was standing at the bow of the ship wondering what was going on and why Sofia and Amber were taking so long. The sun was beginning to set and the next thing I know, I hear wedding bells ringing from the cathedral. "Who just got married!?" Naomi boarded the ship and she was wearing a beautiful Red dress.

"Elena, you missed it! Sofia and Hildegard just got married! It was such a gorgeous wedding. I came to see if you wanted to join me as my plus one at Sofigard's wedding reception!" Naomi held her hand out, I was reluctant to take it at first then I realized that if I didn't at least show up to Sofia's wedding reception, she would be disappointed. "Okay, let me find something more suitable to wear and I'll meet you on the dock."

Naomi nodded and left the ship, I however went into the lower deck where my room was and I opened my suitcase to find a gorgeous white dress that I didn't remember packing. I put the dress on and put on my Royal Events crown. Then I proceeded to top deck and I left the ship.

As I stepped onto the dock, Naomi took my hand and said; "Wow, you look absolutely beautiful Elena!" Naomi tried to hide a blush, but I smiled and said; "Thank you for the compliment, Naomi. Now let's head over to the reception." Naomi held out her hand and I took her hand in mine and we walked hand in hand to the banquet hall. Upon arriving the Royal announcer introduced us as; Queen Elena Marisol Castillo Flores-Turner and Lady Naomi Elizabeth Castillo Flores-Turner of Avalor.

Every single eye in the room was now on us. And then suddenly there was a raucus of loud cheering and excitement from everyone in the area. Even Sofia and Hildegard were cheering and Amber said; "Congratulations you two, may your married life be full of happiness, joy and success!"

Naomi and I sat down at the table marked as friends of the Brides and then everyone else settled in. Sofia toasted to her friends and family, and then to her new wife. We all took a drink and then Hildy did the same. Afterwards; Sofia and Hildegard both asked if anyone else wanted to offer a toast to the married couple. Naomi and I both stood up.

"Both of us wish to offer a toast to Sofigard and wish them both a very happy marriage. So, without further ado; we'll begin. To Sofia and Hildegard, may your life together be full of endless happiness, joy and success! May the love you two have for each other blossom into a garden that you both will tend and care for daily as wives! To starting a new life with someone special!"

After I finished offering my toast, Naomi offered hers as well. "To Sofia and Hildegard; married life is very hard at first so I've been told. But I know that with the love that you both have for one another, you'll overcome any and all obstacles that come your way and you'll continue to fight to keep your affection for each other burning hot! To Happiness!"

Everyone raised their glass in toast and then drank. Afterwards; nobody else made anymore toasts, so Naomi and I decided to do something that has probably never been done at a wedding before. I professed my love to Naomi and then she did to me, next; I got down on my knee reached into my handbag and pulled out a small jewelry box, opened it to reveal the most expensive diamond engagement ring anyone else has ever seen.

"Naomi Elizabeth Turner, would you give me the honor of becoming my wife!?" Every single eye was on Naomi and I, Naomi nearly broke out in tears at the sight of the ring. "Elena Marisol Castillo Flores, I know that you were proposing to me, but regardless; Will you marry me!?" Naomi asked. I swept her up into my arms place the engagement ring on her finger and then we both kissed."

Naomi couldn't believe it, we were now officially engaged to be married and it's only been maybe a month since we left Avalor, and we left exactly two days after I was crowned Queen. And soon; we would be tying the knot together. I couldn't wait until the day of our wedding. Naomi and I decided to make our wedding the day of Isa's birthday. Which was a little over a week away. Naomi and I from the day we both became friends, we were planning on dream weddings and both of us had the exact same setup and everything else.

After we got engaged Amber and Su announced that they were gonna be getting married within the hour. Sofia and Hildegard were already living their own happily ever after. And soon; so will we! I kissed Naomi and then we sat down to eat. Amber and Su had to leave early to go get ready for their wedding.

Naomi and I were asked to assist Amber and Su in getting ready, so we only had time to eat something light. Amber's Emerald Royalty wedding gown looked simply beautiful on her. I was so excited to see what Su looked like in her dress, and only Naomi was able to see it at the moment. I finished helping Amber get ready for her wedding, then I left to find Naomi.

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