Chapter 24

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[Third-Person POV]

As the day dawned in the kingdom of Avalor, a bittersweet atmosphere hung in the air. Princess Elena stood in the courtyard of the palace, surrounded by Carla's friends who had traveled from the EverRealm to attend the royal wedding. The time had come for them to bid farewell and return to their respective kingdoms.

Elena embraced each of Carla's friends in turn, expressing her gratitude for their presence and the joy they had brought to the celebration. There were tears shed and promises made to meet again soon, for the bonds forged during their time in Avalor were strong and enduring.

As the group gathered near the dimensional portal that connected Earth to the EverRealm, a sense of apprehension filled the air. The journey through the portal was known to be rough and unpredictable, with twists and turns that could disorient even the most seasoned travelers. But despite the challenges that lay ahead, Carla's friends stood resolute, ready to return home.

With a final round of hugs and well-wishes, the group braced themselves and stepped through the shimmering gateway. The world around them blurred and shifted as they traversed the boundary between realms, a whirlwind of colors and sensations enveloping them as they journeyed back to the EverRealm.

Hours passed before the travelers emerged on the other side of the portal, disoriented but unharmed. They found themselves in familiar surroundings, the sights and sounds of their respective kingdoms greeting them like old friends. With a collective sigh of relief, Carla's friends knew they had made it back safely.

One by one, they sent word to Carla and Queen Evielyn, reassuring them that they had returned home without incident. Messages of gratitude and friendship crossed the dimensional divide, carrying with them the echoes of their time in Avalor and the bond they shared with the royal couple.

As Princess Elena received the news of her friends' safe return, her heart swelled with happiness and relief. She knew that the journey through the portal was always a perilous one, but she also knew that the strength of their friendship had seen them through.

And so, as the sun set on another day in the kingdom of Avalor, Princess Elena stood in the palace courtyard, her thoughts with Carla's friends as they settled back into their lives in the EverRealm. She knew that their paths would cross again, for the ties that bound them were unbreakable, forged in the fires of adventure and camaraderie.

With a smile on her face and a warmth in her heart, Princess Elena looked to the horizon, knowing that the future held endless possibilities for her, her friends, and the kingdom she loved so dearly. And as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, she whispered a silent prayer for safe journeys and joyous reunions, for love and friendship to guide them always.

As Princess Elena stood in the palace courtyard, her thoughts lingered on Carla's friends and their safe return to their respective kingdoms in the EverRealm. She watched the sun dip below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the kingdom of Avalor, a reminder of the enduring bond that connected them across realms.

In the days that followed, messages continued to flow between Avalor and the EverRealm, carrying news of adventures, challenges overcome, and the everyday joys of life in their magical lands. Princess Elena took solace in these communications, knowing that despite the distances that separated them, their friendship remained as strong as ever.

As weeks turned into months, Princess Elena found herself immersed in the affairs of the kingdom, guiding Avalor with wisdom and grace. The memory of Carla's friends and the time they had spent together in celebration of love and unity never faded from her heart, serving as a beacon of hope and inspiration in times of trial.

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