Chapter 1

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(Elena's POV)

We arrived in Paraíso to find that Valentina had contacted Princesses Chloe of Norberg and Rebecca of Galonia as well, we docked in port and then Rebecca, Chloe and Valentina boarded the ship and then we cast off again. "Next stop; Freezenburg, Norberg's northernmost neighbor."

The journey to Freezenburg brought us the kingdoms of Wei-Ling, Satu, Corinthia, Jalpur, Tangu, Khaldoun, Zumaria, Wang-Tu and even; Enchancia. The trip was long, but fair weather made it easier to reach Freezenburg without any hassles, issues or problems whatsoever.

As the friends traveled past the kingdom of Black and White Island, where Queen Ivy rules. Sofia asks if she can stop and say hi to a friend. Naomi looks at Sofia and says; "The water looks too shallow and there's no dock for the "Naomi" to dock at. We'll stay here and wait for you to return. Crew, Weigh Anchor!"

The crew of the "Naomi" drop anchor and wait for Sofia to return. "I wish to be a Flying Unicorn!" Sofia said and the amulet turned her into a Flying Unicorn. "Elena, care to come with me!?" I had a chance to meet another queen who wasn't already someone I knew. This was my chance to make a new friend and possibly even form another alliance. "Of course I'd love to go with you Sofia!" I climbed on Sofia's back and we were off.

As we flew over the water I could see mermaids and other beautiful sea creatures underneath the waves. Sofia's mouth dropped upon seeing how big Ivy's kingdom had grown since they last saw each other. "Wow! She's certainly been busy. Is that a village over there, and a port and a Fishing harbor, also did Ivy build herself a castle too!? Well, when she said she wanted her own kingdom, and realized that her island was her kingdom, she must have decided to develop the island and make it into an actual kingdom."

As Sofia got closer she could see people working near the port, selling fish by the Fishing harbor and she saw Ivy herself greeting people in the village. Sofia began to land, as she heard someone shout! "We're under attack!!!" Ivy looked up and saw a pink flying unicorn with a necklace and said; "Stop! We're not under attack! It's only Princess Sofia and someone else who must be a friend of Sofia's." Sofia lands and Elena hops off as Sofia becomes herself again!

"Sofia, it's good to see you again!" Ivy says as she hugs Sofia. She looks at me and asks; "And might I ask who you are!?" I curtsy and introduce myself; "Greetings, I am Elena Castillo Flores, Queen of Avalor! I also happen to be a friend of Sofia's." Ivy curtsies back and says; "Welcome Elena! Any friend of Sofia's is welcome here in the queendom of Ivylandia. And any friend of Sofia's is a friend of mine!"

I held out my hand to shake Ivy's but she said; "In Ivylandia; we don't live by formalities, in fact; other than me being Queen, everyone in Ivylandia is seen and treated as equals. Here we hug each other as well as visitors. We don't have any allies but we'd love to have allies. I would reach out to Enchancia, but after what I did years ago, I doubt they remember me. Because of the bad things I did to Enchancia and it's Royal Family years ago, I'm afraid Ivylandia will never have any allies."

I shook my head and said; "That's not true, if you just simply go to Enchancia and tell them what you did, and tell them that you are no longer the person you used to be and you have changed. I'm sure they would forgive your wrongdoings and agree to become your ally. How about this; Sofia will bear witness to Ivylandia forming it's very first alliance with the kingdom of Avalor?"

Sofia agrees and then I write up a treaty called the Treaty of Ivylandia, then i wrote down that Ivylandia and Avalor will become allies as well as; trade partners and that the signers of the treaty are to not be attacked or attack the allies of each kingdom whose leaders sign the document. Ivy then reads the document and after she finishes reading. I magically make multiple copies of the treaty, giving one to Queen Ivy and keeping one for herself. Ivy immediately signs her copy, and I sign hers, then I sign my own copy and she also signs my copy. Ivy then tells Sofia to send for Chloe, Rebecca, Amber and Valentina, and I agreed.

A few moments later; Princess Chloe, Princess Valentina, Princess Rebecca and Queen Regent Amber arrive at the palace of Queen Ivy. I explain to Valentina, Chloe and Rebecca that Ivy needs allies. The three agree to sign a treaty with Ivylandia. Sofia tells Amber everything that happened years ago regarding Ivy and how Ivy has changed. Amber suddenly looks at Ivy walks over and says; "Queen Ivy, if you truly have changed then as Queen of Enchancia, I hereby agree to sign a treaty with you forming an alliance between Enchancia and Ivylandia." Amber signs Ivy's copy of the treaty of Ivylandia, then Ivy signs Amber's.

"Wait Amber! You're still not Queen yet!" Amber shook her head then with a somber look on her face she said; "Mom and Dad's ship never made the journey home from Avalor. James apparently stayed behind in Avalor, because he clearly likes Isabel. Anyway; when he found out that we were going on a trip; he personally asked Naomi to hide him on her ship so he could surprise Isa. Well, Naomi agreed. Just a few moments ago; Isa and I discovered James hiding on Naomi's ship, he jumped us and I nearly beat the tar out of him. Isa told him that Elena had blessed their marriage. And James told her how he had received a letter from home saying that the Royal Enchancian flagship never returned, how mom and dad sent a letter saying they were caught in a storm, their ship was taking on too much water which was causing the ship to slowly sink with them onboard, they mentioned how they weren't going to make it back. And for Baileywick and/or Cedric to let me know as soon as I returned home from Avalor that I was officially Queen of Enchancia."

I looked at Amber and then Sofia, I hugged both of them and said; "I'm so sorry for your loss." Ivy also hugged them and gave her condolences as well. After everyone was finished signing their treaty with Queen Ivy, Ivy asked if she could tag along to wherever it was we were going.

Everyone agreed, but now it was up to Naomi to approve. Suddenly; Naomi and two of her crew came bursting through the door to Ivy's throne room and said; "Elena, we need to delay our trip to Freezenburg! I just received word from Queen Regent Hildegard that she has been forced to postpone her Coronation due to a blizzard over the kingdom." Hildegard also said that her and Sofia's wedding will have to be delayed as well, because of the funeral of King Roland II and Queen Miranda of Enchancia as well as Amber's immediate Coronation, upon our safe return to Enchancia. We have to go back to Enchancia immediately!"

I looked at Naomi and then at my friends and said; "If Freezenburg is being covered by snow from a blizzard, then we must do everything we can to help the people. Ivy, I know that you aren't allied with Freezenburg nor is Avalor yet allied with the kingdom either, but we're going to make sure everyone in Freezenburg is safe, warm and fed, and I hope you will agree to help us out with that!"

Ivy nods her head and says; "I may not be an ally of Freezenburg, but as Freezenburg is an ally of Enchancia, it would be in our best interest to help the kingdoms who are allied with kingdoms that we are allied with." Suddenly; everyone that wanted to help the people of Freezenburg were boarding the "Naomi" and then we were off to Freezenburg.

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