Chapter 20

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[Elena's POV]

I sat on my throne in the grand throne room of the Royal Palace of Avalor, a smile playing on my lips as I listened to the reports from all of my advisors. The news of Carla and Queen Evielyn's engagement had finally reached the EverRealm, filling the air with a sense of joy and excitement.

As the reports continued, my thoughts drifted to my dear friend Carla, who had played a crucial role in shaping the new era of unity and cooperation across the United Republics of Earth. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of bittersweet emotion at the news of Carla's impending marriage to Queen Evielyn of SeLuna.

The realization that Carla would be leaving the EverRealm to live on Earth in SeLuna tugged at my heart greatly. While I'm overjoyed for my friend and advisor, I just couldn't shake the feeling of loss at the thought of our separation.

"Your Majesty, are you alright?" one of my advisors asked, concern evident in their voice.

Shaking myself from my train of thoughts, I smiled warmly. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking about Carla and how happy I am for her."

As the meeting came to an end, I made my way to the balcony overlooking the gardens of the Royal Palace. The sun was setting, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, a sight that normally filled her with peace and tranquility.

But today, my heart was filled with a mix of emotions—joy for Carla and Evielyn's love, pride in their accomplishments, and a sense of longing for a dear friend who would soon be far away.

Just then, a familiar voice called out from behind. I turned to see Mateo, her royal wizard and trusted friend, standing there with a knowing smile on his face.

"I heard the news about Carla and Evielyn," Mateo said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "It seems love knows no boundaries, not even between realms."

I chuckled, grateful for Mateo's understanding and support. "Indeed, it's a joyous occasion. But it's hard to imagine, the EverRealm without Carla by my side."

Mateo placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Change can be difficult, Your Majesty, but it also brings new beginnings and opportunities for growth. Carla will always be a part of your life, no matter where she may be."

Nodding, a sense of peace washing over me. I knew that no matter the distance that separated them, Carla's friendship and guidance would always be a cherished treasure not just for me, but for everyone Carla had become friends with.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the palace grounds, I made a silent vow to support Carla and Evielyn in their journey of love and unity, knowing that their bond would only strengthen the ties that bound their worlds together.

With a renewed sense of hope and determination, I looked to the future, ready to face whatever challenges and triumphs it may bring, secure in the knowledge that the power of friendship and love knew no bounds.

As the days passed, I found myself immersed in the daily affairs of Avalor, ruling with wisdom and compassion, but my thoughts often drifted to my dear friend Carla and the upcoming wedding that would unite her with Queen Evielyn of SeLuna.

One morning, as I was walking through the gardens of the Royal Palace, lost in contemplation, a messenger approached me, bearing a letter sealed with the emblem of the United Republics of Earth. Curious, I broke the seal and read the words penned by Carla herself.

"My dearest Elena," the letter began, "I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to share with you the news of my upcoming wedding to Evielyn. While I am filled with joy and excitement for this new chapter in my life, my heart aches at the thought of leaving the EverRealm and the cherished memories we have shared."

Tears welled up in my eyes as I read on, my heart heavy with a mix of emotions. Although I knew that Carla's happiness was paramount, but the prospect of my friend's departure weighed very heavily on me.

"I want you to know, dear friend," the letter continued, "that no matter the distance that separates us, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Your friendship and guidance have shaped me in ways I cannot fully express, and I am eternally grateful for your unwavering support."

I clutched the letter to her chest, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for Carla's words. I knew that our bond transcended realms and distance, a bond that we had forged in friendship, love, and shared experiences.

As the day drew to a close, I made my way to the balcony of the Royal Palace, gazing out at the setting sun with a sense of peace in my heart. Whispering a silent vow to always cherish the memories I shared with Carla and to support my friend in this new chapter of her life.

And as the stars twinkled in the evening sky, I found solace in the knowledge that true friendship knew no boundaries, and that no matter where our paths may lead, Carla and I would forever be connected by the bonds of love and camaraderie that had united us since the beginning. Although it started off with Carla and I being enemies, literally; I reminisced about every moment that brought us closer together and helped us form a bond of friendship with one another.

There was a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked. Naomi opened the door. "Sweetheart, Isabel and James both received word of Carla's engagement to the Queen of SeLuna, they are happy for her. The news has spread throughout the EverRealm, which means that Sofia and Hildegard, as well as Amber and her wife have also heard the news. But I wanted to ask you how you feel about the news and what you want to do about replacing Carla as Royal Advisor?"

I didn't know what to say, all I could do was just give my wife a quick update on everything and tell her that I hadn't yet thought of replacing Carla. She nods in understanding and then she walked over and hugged me, trying to comfort me as she knew I was saddened by the fact that Carla was not returning to Avalor.

After a few more minutes of being comforted by Naomi, she and I left the room and returned to the throne room, where the members of my royal court were waiting, all except for Carla. I composed myself with the grace and poise of the queen I am and then I called for suggestions on possible candidates to take Carla's position as Royal Advisor.

Esteban suggested Victor Delgado take his daughter's position in the Royal Court of Avalor, which many people in my royal court agreed to, but it wasn't a unanimous agreement. Doña Paloma suggested herself as usual, my Abũela and Abũelo both suggested Isabel's friend; Cristina as Carla's replacement, Armando, Julio, Marlena, Carmen, my father-in-law; Daniel, my wife; Naomi, and my mother-in-law; Scarlett all agreed that Cristina should be my Royal Advisor in Carla's place, since Carla had now become the fiancée of the queen of SeLuna, an allied kingdom in another realm. There were three other royal court members who made suggestions for a suitable replacement for Carla; Gabe (who although he is the leader of another kingdom now, he still holds a seat on my Royal Court), Sofia (who although her and her wife; Hildegard are queens of New Freezenburg, my closest friend and the one I owe my life to for freeing me, has a permanent seat in my Royal Court) and Isabel (who is queen of yet another kingdom, but she retained her seat also), Isabel although she initially liked the idea of her friend, but she suggested Antonia.

Gabe suggested Antonia's wife; Ixlan, but Sofia's suggestion made me feel more sure of myself. "I suggest, Professor Ochoa, she recently retired from teaching at the Avaloran Academy of Science and her experience in giving advice is exceptional, making her the Royal Advisor would be very beneficial to Elena and everyone here in the Royal Court." It was put to a vote and despite their differences in suggestions for a suitable replacement for Carla, the vote had to be unanimous and to my surprise; everyone including myself voted in favor of Professor Ochoa to take Carla's place as my Royal Advisor. The Royal Court, which in its entirety only met once a year, had dismissed for the year, my wife and I retired to our shared bedroom, where we turned in for the night.

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