Chapter 10

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[Third-Person POV]

-Inside the Royal Palace of Avalor;

Isabel and her support team were safe inside the palace, but they could hear the battle taking place outside. " It's OK Isa, your babies will be fine don't worry and I'm sure James will be as well he's strong you now!" Sofia said calmly trying to comfort her sister-in-law. "I'm not worried about James, Sofia. I'm worried that he won't be here to see our children born! If anything were to happen to him I don't know what I would do." Isabel said, sounding kind of worrisome. "If anything was to happen to you or to James, I'm sure Amber and her wife will be able to take care of the children. If not Amber and her wife, me and Hildegard could take care of them." Sofia added reassuringly.

Not long after Sofia finished talking, there was a loud explosion outside the wall of the room they were sitting in. A few minutes later James came running in. "Sofia, Are Isabel and the children OK?" James said kind of worried.
Isabel smiled at her husband, who was worried about his wife. "Babe, we are fine. Go back out and protect Avalor from the Southern Isles. I love you, my beloved husband." Isabel said as she smiled at her husband. James returned Isabel's smile.

"By the way Sweetheart, for once the Southern Isles aren't attacking us, they're not our enemy right now. I recently received a letter from the guards at the docks and it says; "Dear King James Winslow of Avalor, son of Roland and Lorelei Winslow of Enchancia, Step-son of Miranda Cordova-Balthazar of Dunwiddie; I am a liaison with the United Republics of Earth, a realm outside of your own. I bring news; Earth is in the midst of an Interdimensional war right now and several nations on Earth have banded together to form an alliance, and this alliance plans to launch a full-scale invasion of your EverRealm. I have sent my best sub-commander to find and warn you that this invasion is imminent, and may result in a lot of people and kingdoms within the EverRealm to be killed and/or destroyed. If you would be willing to send your most trusted advisor with the sub-commander that delivered this message, I propose an inter-dimensional alliance between the EverRealm and the United Republics of Earth, send you advisor to Earth, along with the sub-commander, so we may negotiate with each other and become allies.

With Gratitude; Evielyn Rossi, Queen of the nation; SeLuna from the United Republics of Earth."

James after reading the letter sent for a member of the Royal Guard. "You sent for me your majesty!?" The guard asked. "Zei, I need you to contact my Royal Advisor and have her report to me, as soon as possible!" The guard bows and says; "Of course, sire!" Then she proceeds to pull out her cell phone and dial the number of Carla Delgado, Royal Advisor to the Avaloran Monarch. Carla answered her phone; "Zei, what did I say about calling me!? We broke up, and I want nothing to do with you. Unless it has to do with the official Royal Business of Avalor." Zei gave an affirmative grunt that it was the official Royal Business of Avalor. "Okay, what does Queen Isabel or King James need me to do?" Carla asked Zei, the royal guard. King James asks her to put the call on speakerphone. "Carla, my dear you're on Speaker now, this is your friend; James. I'm asking you as both your King and your friend to pack up your things, I'm sending on a diplomatic mission. And you may be gone for a while."

Carla, who was supposed to be on vacation from her work as Royal Advisor of Avalor, spoke up; "Sir, with all due respect; you and Isabel gave me three months of vacation from my post. And you agreed to let me have my vacation without interruption." James was very understanding about letting his royal court have their vacation time undisturbed. "Carla, if you do this for me and on behalf of the entire EverRealm; I'll give you an extension of two months to your vacation. And you only have to meet with the leaders of the United Republics of Earth for a couple days while you're there. The rest of the time you're on Earth, you can have your 5 month vacation."

Carla had always heard stories about Earth while she was growing up, and she dreamed of seeing such a beautiful dimension. She wasn't going to pass up this chance to see Earth, so of course she was going to accept. Carla couldn't believe what she was hearing. She wanted to see Earth, but had never had the chance to, and here she was faced with an opportunity that would allow her to see Earth. "Your Majesty, if you promise that I don't have to do any of my royal duties during my tenure on Earth with the exception of meeting with the leaders of the United Republics of Earth for two days, then I will accept this request. So when exactly will I be needing to leave?" Carla asked curiously.

King James answered; "Begin packing your stuff, be sure to pack enough clothing for roughly a year and a half. It will take a while for you to travel to Earth from the EverRealm, then you'll spend a few days meeting with the leadership of the United Republics of Earth, and then your five month vacation and then your journey back here. Besides; who knows, maybe you'll meet the girl of your dreams, being Lesbian and all." Carla hearing King James basically out her was shocked. "James, you know that I wasn't officially out in the open with my sexuality yet. Why did you Out me to everyone in your Royal Court!?" James replied; "I didn't Out you to my Royal Court, only Zei, myself and Queen Isabel are here. Isabel set you and Zei up after you came out as lesbian. Zei is your ex-girlfriend and I am a good friend of yours."

Carla after realizing that only three people were in the room when James basically Outed her, but technically didn't since all of the people in the room knew she was a lesbian. Then she hung up the call and began packing for her year and a half long journey to Earth. "Maybe this Evielyn Rossi is a lesbian and looking for a girlfriend. Plus, if I end up dating someone on Earth, especially a leader from the United Republics of Earth; then Avalor will have a strong alliance with the United Republics of Earth, not to mention; SeLuna is the capital of the United Republics of Earth and Headquarters of the Alliance's leadership council. If I'm going to Earth to meet with the leaders of the alliance, then that means; I'm going to SeLuna, and should brush up on my SeLunese."

Carla says as she finishes packing up. "As soon as I'm finished packing, I must leave for the submarine wharf and depart on my journey to Earth."

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