Chapter 12:

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[Carla's POV]

It was what felt like another hour before we were finally out to sea and at the max depth. My ears popped a few times more as we went deeper. I felt a little seasick. "Attention crew and passengers; we have just passed the line that borders the EverRealm Oceans and Avalor, all passengers may now freely walk about the sub if they would like to!" Tiana said with a smile. I began to make my way back to my sleep quarters. "Wait, EverRealm girl. I wanted to apologize for what happened between us when we first met. I cleared off your bunk and you can now get some sleep." Vivian said kindly.

I thanked her for cleaning off my bunk, before I proceeded to tell her that I was going to lay down to get a bit of sleep before we arrived in the ocean's of Earth. "That's perfectly fine with me, I will let you sleep then, both of my moms wanted to speak with me before I go to bed so sleep well." I then tell her that if she comes in and finds me sleeping naked without any covers on me to just let me be, because that's how I sleep anyways. She smiled at me and said; "I sleep like that as well. I'm only twelve years old, but I like to sleep naked, I find it very relaxing to sleep that way." The tween girl said with an awkward little giggle. "Oh, I'm a Trans Girl by the way, I'm not old enough to get gender reassignment surgery yet, so I still have the private parts of a boy. I hope seeing me sleeping naked with a male private area exposed doesn't freak you out or anything like that?" Vivian said cautiously.

"Nonsense, my best friend is a Trans Girl, who decided to not get gender reassignment surgery. I accept all people regardless of who or what they are, that is how it is with everyone in the EverRealm." I answered back. "Wait, so there's no Homophobia or Transphobia across the EverRealm!?" She asked, kind of confused. "Absolutely not, I mean there used to be both, but after a few decades of Homophobia and Transphobia and other forms of Hatred, we all came together and there is a longstanding peace between all the kingdoms of the EverRealm. And it has been that way for a few weeks now. But we abolished Homophobia, Transphobia, Racism, and all other forms of hatred once and for all several years ago." I added politely.

Vivian and I talked for a few more minutes before she brought up something that angered me quite a bit. "So, does the EverRealm accept Pedophilia, Necrophilia and Bestiality?" My mom's brother had been a pedophile and he molested me, but I didn't feel like I trusted Vivian enough to know about that. "No! And if Earth accepts any of those three abominable things; I won't be staying there for my vacation!" Vivian lowered her head.

"SeLuna is the only place on Earth where Necrophilia and Bestiality are practiced legally, every other country or nation on Earth doesn't accept them, as for Pedophilia; The United Republics of Earth have banned Pedophilia and the practices of such in all member countries, while the Confederacy of Free Nations, the enemy of the United Republics of Earth has legalized all three of those abominable things. SeLuna is made up of six small chain islands and one of them is the CFN member state of SeLune. The Socialist Republic of SeLune broke away from the Kingdom of SeLuna as a whole, and declared themselves an independent country free from the control of the Kingdom of SeLuna and the United Republics of Earth entirely."

I looked at my mobile phone; "It's 19:03 Avaloran time. I'm usually asleep by now. Vivian, may I please go to sleep now? I have a busy day tomorrow." Vivian quieted down and I started drifting off to sleep. I was awakened by a loud klaxon alarm going off. "Attention! Attention!! We are crossing through the interdimensional portal between Earth and the EverRealm. We may meet resistance like last time from the Temporal and Dimensional Guardians, all hands man your battle stations!!" The elderly woman shouted over the loudspeaker. "Tiana had assigned me to the bridge under the General Quarters call. I gotta get ready." Mallory and Mila came rushing by. "Vivian, find somewhere safe, airtight, waterproof and pressurized in case we get hit or take on any damage that may cause leaks or depressurization of the sub! Carla will go with you."

I was almost dressed and ready to report to the bridge when Mallory and Mila said I could go with Vivian to keep her safe. "I'm sorry, I was asked to report to the bridge if General Quarters were called. So, I must report to Sub Commander Tiana." I said, kind of confused. "We received our orders from the Sub Commander herself, she told us to tell you that you have been reassigned to protect our daughter. Vivian may only be twelve years of age, but she is crucial to our mission of getting you to SeLuna. If we surface before reaching SeLuna, she'll be able to tell us how much further we have left to go."

[A/N: I apologize for the chapter being a bit short. I had a family emergency and I decided to cut the chapter short because of that. Please don't worry; The last few chapters will be longer than this. Please bear with me on this, in regards to the family emergency; I will be taken a couple of weeks off from writing. The reason for the family emergency was a death in my family and my family as well as I; must be allowed to mourn for at least two weeks. But I promise; Elena and the Alliance with Freezenburg will be finished by Labor Day in September. And for those who have been reading my fanfic; "The Day I'll Never Forget: A Lumity Tale", I will do my best to have it finished and posting by the end of the year. Thanks for everything; Maliel_Devil91]

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