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(Elena's POV)

It was two days after my Coronation as Queen of Avalor. I was shocked to see my friends from Enchancia; Sofia and Amber had stayed a few more days. I was finally Queen after four years of learning to rule and today was exactly five years since Sofia herself had freed me from the Amulet of Avalor.

During my Coronation; I had asked my best friend; Naomi Turner to be Chancellor, but no one seemed to realize how I said; "My Chancellor" instead of "Chancellor of Avalor", no one, that is except for; Naomi herself and evidently Amber and Sofia also.

I was just waking up on my third day as Queen. Although; I was queen now I still made time to sit down and have breakfast with my familia as well as the members of my Royal Court; Mateo de Alva, Gabriel Nuñez, Carla Delgado (who I appointed as my Royal Advisor at the end of my Coronation celebration), Victor Delgado (who I appointed as my Royal Calligrapher a few seconds after I made Carla my advisor). My friends from Enchancia were also sitting down for breakfast with us.

The Royal Chef; Javíer made the most delicious meal I had ever tasted. Corn tostadas, spinach empanadas, eggs in a basket, fresh fruit, delectable pojanadas, cheese frittatas, and my most favorite piña coladas (although because Isa is only 16, she's unable to have one). "Elena, mijita. Why don't you have Javíer make a Piña Colada for your sister, she only has a few more days until she's legally old enough to drink, but as queen you can change that!" My abuelo said to me. "Javíer, by order of your queen I request that you also make a Piña Colada for my sister; Isa." Javíer hurries back into the kitchen and quickly whips up a Piña Colada for Princess Isabel. And then he takes it out and presents the beverage to the young woman.

"Princesca Isabel, this is made with the finest pineapple spiced rum in the EverRealm, made from the freshest coconuts in all of Avalor, and as a special gift, I added chocolate drizzle made from the finest chocolate in Paraíso! Please enjoy it!" The young princess takes a sip and almost as if she was with Amber and Sofia's brother; James, she was in love with her drink.

"This is the best thing I've ever tasted in my life, better than margaritas, mimosas and even straight up tequila." Elena, Luisa and Francisco looked at Isabel kind of shocked. "Mijita! You've been drinking behind our back!? You're not even old enough to drink and yet, you have been! Shame on you, Isa!" My abuela said sternly to my sister.

Isabel looked at everyone present and said; "James said that as his Princess, I'd be able to have anything I want in the whole EverRealm, and since my sister is Queen of Avalor and my friend; Amber is Queen Regent of Enchancia, that is very much possible. I want Avalor to lower the legal drinking age to 16. I want to keep my appointment as Royal Inventor, but I also want to become Avalor's Royal Ambassador to Enchancia as well. And lastly; I want my sister and my abuelos to approve of my engagement to Prince James of Enchancia!"

Me and the others just noticed Isa's ring. I simply couldn't believe that my baby sister was already old enough to get married! Being queen of Avalor meant that I didn't need to ask permission whether or not I could give a blessing to the marriage of my own sister. I stood up from the table, walked over to Isa and wrapped her in a big hug.

"Isa, I know that you're my sister. But as my Royal Inventor, you have to stay in Avalor, but if you wish to give up the title of Royal Inventor then I will gladly appoint you as Avalor's Royal Ambassador to Enchancia. But enough about that! I, Queen Elena Castillo Flores-Turner... I mean; Queen Elena Castillo Flores, do hereby confirm and bless your engagement to Prince James of Enchancia! On the condition that James agrees to live in Avalor upon your marriage!" I said sternly with the regality of the queen I am.

Isa looked at me and said; "Elena, does this mean that I can marry James!?" I smiled at my sister and then responded with; "You have my blessing, but you must also get the blessing of King Roland II as well, and I'm not sure if he'll agree to an engagement right now!" Amber chuckled.

"Your Majesty, with all due respect; I'm not just Queen Regent of Enchancia, I'm also the fiancée of Crowned Princess Su of Wang-Tu. Of course, everyone in Enchancia knows that I am Bisexual, but also that Su and I have been close friends since our Royal Prep days. Su and I recently began girlfriends like within the last year, and when Su asked me to marry her, my dad; King Roland II approved and blessed our marriage. I have no reason to believe that he wouldn't approve of James and Isabel's marriage!" Amber said gracefully.

Sofia stood up and said; "Just this morning I received a message from Crowned Princess Hildegard of Freezenburg. She would like to form an alliance with the kingdoms of Avalor, Paraíso, Galonia and Norberg. "Wait! Astrid is Crowned Princess." Amber had forgotten that Princess Astrid had renounced her claim to the throne of Freezenburg in order to marry Prince Vir of Jalpur (Who is actually Isabel's age). Sofia continued; "Actually Amber, she is still recognized as Princess of Freezenburg, but Hildegard was made Crowned Princess upon graduating from EverRealm Academy. After Astrid chose to give up her claim to the throne in order to marry Crowned Prince Vir of Jalpur."

Amber nodded her head. "You're right Sofia. I completely forgot about that." Sofia finished telling us how Hildegard and her had started secretly dating, and how just hours before leaving for my Coronation, Sofia had asked Hildegard to become her wife. I walked over and hugged my friend; Sofia. "Congratulations on your engagement to Hildegard, Sofia!" I said.

My stomach began to rumble completely forgetting that I had yet to eat anything. "Now that everything is out of the way, let's eat! Then I, along with Naomi and Isa will accompany Sofia and Amber to Freezenburg for Crowned Princess Hildegard's Coronation. Gabe, as General of the Avaloran Royal Guard, when both the queen and Chancellor are away from the kingdom, it's your duty to lead the people in our place." I said as I sat down and everyone began eating.

It was a very delicious breakfast, but I was focusing on exactly how I would convince Princess Chloe, Princess Rebecca and Princess Valentina to join me on a diplomatic trip to Freezenburg. Of course; Valentina was already in the process of forming an alliance with Cordoba, by marrying Prince Alonzo. However; since Cordoba and Paraíso were neighboring kingdoms, they could rule both kingdoms together. Convincing Chloe and Rebecca would be easy. Valentina wouldn't want to go anywhere without her beloved fiancé; Alonzo.

I had to somehow convince Alonzo to rule over both Paraíso and Cordoba temporarily while Valentina joined me on a diplomatic trip. 'That might actually work.' I thought quietly to myself. As I finished my breakfast, I thanked Javíer for the amazing breakfast. Then I headed to my room and packed enough clothes for a month, grabbed a few books to keep me company while we were on our way to Hildegard's Coronation. And then I boarded the Naomi, the ship I gave my best friend Naomi when she wanted to see the world and visit her home of Norberg.

Sofia and Amber followed and Naomi herself cast us off. "Avast ye sailors, next stop Paraíso!" Naomi told her crew. Our journey to Freezenburg was already beginning, however; what I didn't know was that it would take three weeks to get there and three weeks back, and I only packed a month's worth of clothes.

But little did I know was that Naomi had packed 9 weeks of clothing just on case. And Isabel brought one of her newest inventions which she called; "Solar Powered Television" and thanks to her; all of Avalor as well as most of our allied kingdoms now had technology. Isa and her science loving friends from across the EverRealm had all joined together to build towers capable of broadcasting signals to all of Isa's "SPTVs" and another smaller device she called a cellphone.

Thanks to Isa and all of her friends; most of the EverRealm now had these cellphones and SPTVs. I immediately put in for a cellphone and I made a royal decree that all Avalorans must have a cellphone, and if they cannot afford one, then I would buy one for each of the Avaloran people who couldn't afford to buy one.

While we were on our way to Paraíso, I decided to call Valentina, who Isabel gave a cellphone to. Each and every cellphone in the EverRealm had a different cellphone number, I called Valentina and told her to name Alonzo temporary ruler of Paraíso, so she could join me on a trip to Freezenburg. At first Valentina didn't seem interested, but when I mentioned that Freezenburg's Crowned Princess wanted to form an alliance with Paraíso, Avalor, Norberg and Galonia. She said she would start packing right away. And then hung up.

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