Chapter 11

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[Third Person POV]

Carla makes sure her valuable belongings are all put away for safekeeping, then she grabs her suitcase and heads for the submarine wharf. Where she meets Sub Commander; Tiana. "Ah, you must be Carla Delgado. I'm Tiana, I'm the submarine commander, come on in and get settled down onboard my submarine. We should be docking in SeLuna in a couple weeks time." Carla settled down and found her quarters and got settled in. "Attention: Tonight's Supper will be Baked Beans; Musical Performance to follow." An elderly woman said, over the loudspeaker as she chuckled and said; "who wrote this?"

Carla was getting settled in and as she laid down on her
bunk. There was a shrill sounding voice; "You have disturbed the dirt." Carla, confused, asked; "what!?" And then the shrill voice now shouted; "You have disturbed the dirt." The girl says as she pulls the blanket off of the bunk that Carla laid down on. "I have been collecting specimens of dirt from all around the earth, what have you done? England must never merge with France." The young girl said. Carla looked more confused than ever. "What are England and France?" The young girl looked at Carla and realized that she had never heard of England or France because she was not from Earth. "Oh, you're that NeverRealm chick aren't you?" She asked curiously. Carla tried so hard not to correct the young girl but it was in her nature to do so; "Actually, it's the EverRealm, the NeverRealm is an entirely different place that evil people go to upon their death."

The girl looked at Carla and said; "Oh, you mean like Gehenna or Jahannam?" Carla didn't understand what the girl was saying. Suddenly a woman walked in who looked a lot like the girl; "Vivian, playing with dirt again!? Just because I did, and your grandfather did, doesn't mean you can do it too!" The woman says to her daughter. "Sorry about that, my daughter has a tendency to repeat things that my dad and I did. You sat in her dirt didn't you!?"And then she explained how she has been collecting dirt from every country on earth, before saying, "what have you done? England must never merge with France." I'm Mallory, daughter of Gaetan "The Mole" Molière; world famous mineralist and one of the many people who found Atlantis." A woman walked up to Mallory. "This is my wife; Mila, she's the daughter of King Milo and Queen Kidagakash of Atlantis, she's almost 60 years old, and looks like she is only in her 20s, ever since Atlantis resurfaced and became part of Earth after almost 9,000 years, the Eighth continent of the earth is back and better than ever."

Mila nudged her wife; Mallory. "Let me talk too dear." Mallory nodded and stepped aside. "Hello, I'm Mila, Princess of Atlantis, Wife of Mallory here, guest on the SNP Dauntless, and one of the leaders of the United Republics of Earth. There are seven of us that you will be meeting with in a few weeks, when we arrive back on earth. I represent Atlantis in the URoE, there's Evielyn, Queen of SeLuna, Kamala, President of the United States, Ricardo, Magistrate of the Latin American nations, Caramel, Princess of the Unified European Republics, Sonja, Empress of the Filipino-Oceanic Empire, and Ainsley, Chancellor of the Free Republics of China and Korea. There are more nations who are considering joining us, you must also be aware of the Council of Military Powers, they are the nations of Earth that are planning to invade the EverRealm."

Mila took a breath and finished talking; "By the time we all arrive in SeLuna, you will have two days of time before you are supposed to meet with me and the other six leaders of the United Republics of Earth, but when that happens, you'll know." Carla thanks Mila for informing her of what will happen when they get back to Earth, and dock in SeLuna. "Excuse me, but do you know if Evielyn has a significant other? I hear that she's a lesbian like myself, and I heard rumors that she is looking for a significant other at the current time." Carla asked before she could forget. Mila and Mallory turned and looked at each other, before looking back towards me. "Queen Evielyn of SeLuna is indeed Lesbian, but unfortunately; she is not single, in fact; she has been unbeknownst to herself and many of us; betrothed to the Princess of the Rural Family of England, another country in URoE, however; neither of them wants to marry the other, so maybe they will end their betrothal and seek to marry someone else." Mila answered.

After she had finished; Mila received a call on what Carla believed was an interdimensional comm device. "This is Princess Mila of Atlantis, we are departing Avalor in the EverRealm and heading back to SeLuna on Earth. Inform Queen Evielyn of SeLuna that we will be arriving in 5 weeks time. Over!" There was static for a brief moment and then a woman's voice came over the device. "Roger that, Princess Mila. Queen Evielyn will be made aware, safe travels!" Mila nodded and then barked the response; "Ten-four!" Then there was a loud clanging sound. "We just detached from the dock in Avalor and we are starting to head out to sea, in preparation for our submergence, standby!"

It was almost an hour before the submarine was deep enough to submerge beneath the waves, "Attention crew; we are submerging, I repeat; we are submerging beneath the waves. Standby, submarine pressurization has begun, and we will be taking her down in a few minutes. Please all non-essential personnel; please confine yourselves to your quarters, close the door and pray that we submerge successfully." The submarine commander said over the P.A. system. The cabin began pressurizing and then there was a loud klaxon siren blaring. "We are submerging!" Carla told herself quietly. She had been invited to the bridge of the sub by Mila. She explained that if you are in a submarine for the first time, but you are not actually a part of the crew, it is actually better if you are on the bridge with everyone else so it's easier to handle. Carla quickly found her way to the bridge. And by the time Carla was on the bridge; everyone onboard was aware that the sub was already five feet beneath the waves. "Take her down to 150 feet at 10 knots." The commander told the crew. "Roger sir!" One of the crew members answered, before turning a few knobs and winding a few cranks and then the sub began to dive deeper into the water.

It felt weird, and Carla's ears popped a bit as they went deeper. "50 feet, 75 feet, 100 feet, 125 feet, 150 feet. Leveling out and holding at 150 feet sir!" The crew member said. The sub commander responded; "Good! Hold at 150 and when we are clear of the reef or any sea life; take us down to maximum depth."

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