Chapter 3

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(Sofia's POV)

After Amber and I went different ways, it took me only a few minutes before I found Hildegard. She was talking with the harbormaster about making sure that they have everything they need before they leave the port. I waited for her to finish talking to the harbormaster before I approached.

After Hildegard was done talking to the harbormaster, the harbormaster turned to leave and Hildegard turned and faced me. "Sofia it's so good to see you again. Oh how I've missed you so much! I was beginning to think I wasn't going to see you until Amber's coronation. But his fate would have it, you just so happen to meet up with me here in the kingdom of Hectoria. I really cannot wait till you and I are married. And I am queen of New Freezenburg, with you ruling by my side as my wife." 

I hugged Hildy and then I said; "You know, why do we have to wait to get married? Why don't we just get married here in Hectoria!? I'm sure King Hector will allow us to do so." Hildegard looked at me happily and she said; "You know babe, I think you're right. King Hector is allied with both Enchancia and Freezenberg, and if you found out both kingdoms were going to unite as one by means of marriage. I'm positively sure that he would allow us to get married here."

After about twenty minutes; Amber and Su walked up to where we were and Amber introduced her fiancée to me and Hildegard. "Sofia and Hildegard, this is my fiancée; Su, she is the Crowned Princess of Wang-Tu, a kingdom neighboring Wei-Ling. Su and I are going to be getting married at the end of the month. And we're uniting her kingdom as well as Enchancia as one Kingdom. The kingdom of Khaldoun and the imperial kingdom of Wei-Ling along with all the other smaller neighboring kingdoms are all in agreement that Enchancia and Wang-Tu should unify." 

Amber stopped long enough to breathe and then she continued; "Emperor Quon and King Nasir both agreed along with the other kings and queens from the smaller kingdoms surrounding the tri-kingdom area would all merge into one kingdom and both myself, Emperor Quon and My fiancée; Su would be the three primary rulers of the Tri-Imperial Kingdoms."

Amber stopped to take a swig of water from her water bottle and then she finished what she was saying; "Anyway, Queen Shanti of Jalpur, King Habib of Tangu, Crowned Princess Su of Wang-Tu, and King Toshi of Satu are all in agreement with the arrangement with the three of us being the primary rulers of the Tri-Imperial Kingdoms. But that won't end up happening until after Su and I are officially married."

After Amber finished talking; Su began talking about how much she loves Amber and wants to hurry up and get married. I quietly chuckled sarcastically and then after a few more seconds of Su saying how she loves my sister, she stopped talking and I finally got the chance to speak.

"So Amber, as you already know; Hildegard and I are engaged. But what you don't know is that by the end of the day; Hildegard and I will be wives. King Hector already agreed that we could get married here in Hectoria. He even said that if we asked politely, he would even reserve the nearby banquet hall for the wedding reception. As Queen of Enchancia as well as an ally of King Hector and the kingdom of Hectoria, you could ask him if he wouldn't mind having a second wedding today."

Just then; King Hector was walking on a nearby pier and within earshot of the conversation. "Ah, do I hear the wedding bells of a second wedding today!?" He said in a bit of a shout. Amber looked at Su, then at Hildy, followed by me and lastly; back at King Hector. "If my sister and future sister-in-law don't mind sharing a wedding day and wedding anniversary for the rest of their lives, then sure!" Amber said calmly.

Hildy and I shook our head and Hildy answered; "No, we don't mind. After all; we were always going to be family Amber, whether I married you, Sofia or James. Not only that; we have been besties since we were children and we were like sisters who were inseparable." I smiled at my fiancée and then she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

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