2: Ugh, Help!

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"So...now what? Do we tell the others about all this?" Miku asked.

She and Zorome were standing together in an empty storage room. It was early in the morning, just before breakfast, and Miku had sought out the former stamen to talk to him about their plans to teach the future generation of children together. She'd spotted him walking around looking for her, actually, and the two of them had quickly found an empty storage room so they could speak to each other alone without anyone else interrupting them. 

They'd talked about their plans for the better part of an hour. Well, Zorome had tried to do most of the dictating, much to Miku's annoyance, seeing as he did ask her to help him with all of this. But, in the end, talking had been successful for them both and they had a rough idea of how they were going to do things. Well, Miku did. Apparently despite this all being Zorome's idea, he didn't have the slightest clue where to start. So she'd told him they could start by talking to Ichigo and the others to see what they had to say about it and if they could offer any advice. 

"Yeah, uh, guess so," Zorome replied. "But what should we tell them? That we're leaving now? Or..."

Miku let out an exasperated sigh. "Zorome, we were just over this! We have to ask them for their help and input first! Maybe they can figure out how to organize some things that we can't."

Zorome groaned. "Ugh, I hate asking for help! I wanna prove to them that I can do this on my own."

Miku crossed her arms in front of her chest and sighed. "I know," She said after a moment's pause. "I do too. You know that. I guess I just trust our squadmates at this point to know how to help us the best they can. I mean, it'll be hard doing this by ourselves. We should probably figure out a way to make sure we're doing everything right." 

Zorome sighed. "Fine, fine. I guess that's a good idea." He looked uncertain though. Miku bit back a sigh of her own. Sometimes her former FranXX partner's pride seemed to get the best of him, which had caused them more than their fair share of troubles in the past. But she didn't say anything. She often felt the same way, especially when it came to showing the others that she was capable of doing amazing things too! 

"Well, then let's go!" Miku said eagerly, realizing that everyone else was likely beginning to gather around and prepare or wait for breakfast. "Let's talk to them now, while we eat!" She grasped Zorome's wrist and opened the door, tugging her partner into the hall. She closed it shut behind him and guided him down the hallway, still holding him by the wrist.

"Ack! Miku, what the heck?! I can walk by myself, you know!" Zorome whined as she pulled him down the hall, though he didn't even bother to pull his arm free.


The conversation with the others at breakfast had gone fairly well, though Zorome still had his reservations about asking for help. To make matters more annoying for him, Ichigo insisted that the two of them had to go recruit at least ten other former parasites to help them with their school, possibly even more. Zorome supposed it was sensible and a part of him knew that it was silly to think he and Miku could pull of teaching an entire generation of children all alone. But still...he wanted to show everyone that he was just as good as Hiro. That he and Miku were also amazing and talented. He wanted their names to go down in history as well! 

Ichigo had also told Zorome and Miku that she would help them find a house to live together. The parasites had begun to build small homes ever since the end of APE's leadership and apparently the housing development was actually something that was flourishing quite well. However, it would take a while for there to be enough houses for every parasite, hence why so many of them lived in the Bird's Nest. Well, that was one reason. Another was that a ton of them weren't used to living self-sufficiently and felt more comfortable in the setting they'd grown up in. The houses were small and were barely more than huts at that point, and it was quite different from what anyone was used to. Ichigo promised she'd see if there was somewhere for them available by the next week. 

The rest of the squad had been super thrilled when Zorome and Miku had told them their plans. Each member had shown excitement and support, which made Zorome even more sure that what he was doing was right, and that it would hopefully be something that would get his name written in the books for centuries to come. 

Now, as breakfast came to an end, he helped his friends clean off their table. He couldn't help but notice that Ikuno and Naomi were standing close to each other, murmuring to each other while casting quick glances from Zorome to Miku, whose back was turned as she talked to Kokoro nearby. There seemed to be something bubbly about the way they were interacting with each other, and there was some sort of warm expression on their faces that made Zorome feel very odd.

"Uhm, what're you looking at me like that for?" Zorome demanded when he was done helping out with the cleaning. He put one hand on his hip and stood in front of the two girls, staring at them with a puzzled look on his face. 

"Your necklace," Naomi said, pointing to the pendant of Argentea that now hung from Zorome's neck and rested on his chest. "You and Miku have the same one. Where did you guys get those from?"

Zorome's face grew warm. "I, uh, made them for us," He told the girls awkwardly. "It's kinda a symbol of my bond with Miku. After all, the two of us should have something to show everyone how amazing we are!" He puffed his chest out slightly. 

"Right." Ikuno looked amused, as though she was hiding a laugh. "Anyway, I hope things go smoothly with your school. I'll be sure to drop by a bit. We all will."

Zorome nodded. "Heck yeah!" He said happily. 

This school is gonna be the best thing for the kids! Just wait, Hiro! You'll see that I won't let you outshine me forever! 

A New Generation: A ZoroMiku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now