46: Hyaku's Trial

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The day of the trial had arrived and Miku was already dreading it. 

The thought of seeing Hyaku's face pissed her off more than it scared her now, having convinced herself she'd be safe no matter what the verdict ended up being. She loathed him now and found the thought of punching him in the nose to be very poetic after what he had done to her. She hoped she'd get the chance to, at least, even if he was locked away again after the trial was done. Which, naturally, she hoped he was. She definitely didn't want to see that psychopath walking around free. He'd probably just try to kill some other poor girl that apparently reminded him of 988. 

Now, Miku and Zorome were standing in front of the Meeting Centre. Side-by-side, the two of them stood together, staring at the closed entrance doors. Nobody was standing there, though they knew they would see a lot of people inside the place. It sounded like a considerable amount of people who lived in the settlement had opted to come to see the trial. Many of the former parasites were curious about the tradition and wanted to see what it was all like, while others wanted to simply know what had happened. Apparently, a ton of rumours had sprouted while Miku had been in her home recovering. Some people said he'd apparently tried to devour her. The story, obviously, had been twisted quite a bit while it had been passed around. Miku guessed some of the people who she'd see in the building had come to spectate simply to see which of the rumours were true. 

"Well, Miku, are you ready?" Zorome asked.

Miku nodded, passion burning in her chest. "Hell yeah! Let's go in and make sure this idiot gets locked up and is never allowed out again!"

"That's exactly what I was thinking!" Zorome agreed. With that, the two of them opened the doors and walked inside, down the hall to the main room. As soon as she stepped inside, Miku could hear the voices of people in the main area. It sounded like a lot of people were in there. She knew the room was likely going to be full. She had no clue what to do when she got there but she didn't want to look stupid, especially not in front of Zorome. She confidently strode down the hall, or at least pretended to be confident, and Zorome followed close behind. 

When they stepped into the main room, Miku was nearly overwhelmed by the sheer amount of former parasites there were. All the seats had been taken but many of the people in the room were standing up with no place to sit. The place was nearly packed to its full limit!

"Um, excuse me!" Miku began pushing her way through the crowd, squeezing through the center as best as she could. Zorome helped her, telling people quite rudely to step out of his way. Well, it wasn't like he was known for his manners...

When they made it to the front, there were two rows of seats facing each other and there were people standing to one side. Jasper was sitting on one side of the rows of seats and Hyaku was sitting on the other. 


"Alright, let the trial begin!" Boomed the loud voice of the judge, as they called him, a powerful man with one missing eye. He'd clearly been part of a squad that was older than Squad 13. Something about him made Zorome feel like respecting him. It was as if the other boy radiated experience, wisdom, and authority. He had been standing with the people who were off to the side, though he'd since walked between the rows of chairs to address the people involved in the trial as well as the entire crowd, which grew silent almost immediately at his call.

Zorome had just sat down beside Miku. They were back to wearing their normal apparel now, which Miku had volunteered to wash the night before. It was a relief to have her fairly back to her normal self, especially since she was helping out with tasks like cooking and cleaning. 

"First, we are going to take a look at the eyewitness's side," The judge said calmly. "Jasper and Zorome were both there at the place in which this troublesome event took place. Zorome arrived first, with Jasper showing up a fair bit later. We will start with Jasper. Jasper, what was it that you saw when you arrived at the scene of the event?"

"I saw Miku lying on the beach when I first arrived," Jasper responded, his voice calm and almost monotonous. "She was knocked out cold. We later found that she was unconscious because water had gotten into her lungs for too long. In the water, Zorome and his friend, Goro, were holding Hyaku back. Zorome had been fighting Hyaku, who had been trying to kill Miku."

"Was Hyaku still trying to kill her?" The judge asked.

"I think he was mostly trying to get rid of Zorome," Jasper replied. "I didn't see a whole lot since I arrived late. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry," The judge assured him. "Now, what happened after the fight?"

"After the fight, Hyaku was brought to the Confinement Centre," Jasper told the judge. "He fought the entire way. They had to stun him when he got there so that they could detain him, as well as check him for any injuries he had sustained, apparently." He sounded as annoyed about the last part as Zorome felt.

Who cares if that brainless bitch got injured? He tried to kill Miku! Zorome thought, irritated.

"Also, Miku was brought to the infirmary for care," Jasper finished. "That is all the information that I have. I'm sorry, I'd share more if I could."

"It's quite alright," The judge said understandingly. "We are aware that you had arrived late to the scene. We just wanted to hear your side of the story anyway, as eyewitnesses are usually the most important and trustworthy people." He then cleared his throat. "Alright, now, Zorome, what did you witness? What happened during that fight?"

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