20: Forgiveness

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Miku's eyes widened as her partner threw himself at her, wrapping his arms around her whilst burying his face in her shoulder, hugging her. She hugged him in return after standing as still as a stone for a few heartbeats, resting her head on his shoulder too.

"Idiot..." She whispered softly in his ear, her own eyes brimming with emotional tears. Before she could say anything else to him, he immediately began to blabber on.

"I know I've been a real dick lately," Zorome said, sniffling while he spoke. "I shoulda included you more in our plans and listened to your suggestions. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry for calling you names too. I...I took things too far. I was an idiot."

"You sure were," Miku agreed, sniffling as well now. "But you're my idiot, Zorome. I...I like being around you, even when we're fighting." She stepped away from his embrace, wiped tears from her eyes, then added, "So never be quiet like that again, okay?!"

Zorome lifted his arm and used his wrist to wipe his tear-stained face. He rubbed his eyes and smiled in a way that melted Miku's heart. "Miku...thank you!" He cried, his voice shaking with emotion. "I missed you so much! I hated being all stupid like that. Reminds me of how Mitsuru used to act all the time!" He laughed a bit.

Miku nodded and let out a snort. She couldn't agree more with her partner at that moment. "Ha! Yeah, you're right. Mitsuru would've definitely acted like we have been for the past...weeks." She was surprised that their little grudge had lasted that wrong, and it made her feel a bit guilty. "I forgive you, Zorome." She was sincere. She really did forgive him and could tell his apology was straight from the heart. Even though she was sure it was obvious that she forgave him, she wanted to clarify just in case. After all, it was Zorome she was talking to. "I'm sorry too. For not speaking up about this sooner or for trying to talk to you and smooth things out."

"Yeah, it's all good." That was basically all Zorome had to say in response to that. Joy glimmered in the boy's purple eyes, something that made Miku's heart feel a tinge of happiness. She was glad that they'd smooth things out. 

"I mean it," She said quietly to him. "I...I don't want to ever go through that again, okay? It really hurt."

"It hurt me too," Zorome told her. "Yeah, let's never do that again. It was stupid."

Miku nodded and began pulling her pigtails out for the night. "Agreed. It was stupid. One of our stupidest moments. I wonder what our old squadmates would say about this."

"They'd probably have forced us to get our shit together sooner!" Zorome said with a laugh. He looked at her, paused, then quickly said, "You know, Miku, I like how your hair looks. I-It's pretty!"

Miku blushed at this. "Thank you."

With that, the two called it a night early, with Miku not even bothering to put her pajamas on because she was just so happy and tired.


Zorome was giddy with relief and joy as he lay down that night thinking about how he and Miku were back to being the best partners ever. He'd hated the silence that had come between them more than anything in the world and it felt amazing to not have to worry. 

He clutched at the necklace on his chest. He had never taken it off and probably never would. His bond with Miku was indeed every bit as strong as he'd thought. Not even a large fight like that would be able to keep them apart forever. He loved their bond! He loved her. 

Oh, how Zorome wished he could man up and tell her those three words: I love you! But something seemed to hold him back. Maybe he wanted her to say it first or maybe he was just a coward...Nah, he was Zorome The Great! There wasn't a cowardly bone in his body as far as he was concerned!

Closing his eyes, Zorome felt the dark pull of sleep and let it wash over him. His dreams that night were filled with a certain red-haired girl.


Zorome and Miku spent the next few days together, chatting and bickering just as they had before their fight. Everything was back to normal. Miku refused to play ball with Zorome because she was still tired, which had sparked a normal argument between the two, though she had settled for just watching him kick his ball around and brag about how good he was about it. He loved showing off his skills to her. 

Their bond felt stronger now that they'd managed to work things out. He had faith that the two of them would do great things together. And he swore that from now on, he'd try his hardest to be more inclusive to her as well as their new friends. They may not be Squad 13 but he knew how badly Miku wanted to give them a chance and it was only fair that he did too.

However, he still couldn't yet forgive Hyaku for basically challenging him and trying to steal Miku...


"Hey, you two are actually talking again! That's great to see...er, hear, I guess!" Jasper greeted them as they walked into the main room of the Meeting Centre to start their next teacher's meeting. 

They'd arrived a bit later than the rest of the team. Everyone looked delighted to see that Zorome and Miku were talking happily again. Everyone except for Hyaku, who was standing at the back of the group with a dark look in his eyes, watching them with his body half turned away. 

Zorome tried to push off the uneasy feeling he felt under the other boy's stare and smiled at the others. "Yes! We decided that our argument was babyish and that we're too mature for that shit!"

Miku nodded, smiling. "Right! We're partners and are the head of this group together!" She declared. "Now let's start!" 

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