4: An Awkward Awakening

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The red-headed girl looked to her partner for a response to her question. Zorome turned to Miku and shrugged, looking quite relaxed and sure of himself. "Eh, we'll figure things out as we go along, right? It can't be that hard. Why don't we kick back and relax for the rest of today?" He walked past her to lie on one of the twin beds, plopping down on his back with a soft sigh.

Miku marched over to him and glared down at him. "Don't be stupid," She snapped. "We have to plan if we want things to work properly. It's kinda important."

Zorome opened one eye and looked at her, seemingly annoyed by her stern attitude. "Relax, Miku. We just got here. Why not relax and maybe explore a bit before jumping into all the professional shit?"

Miku sighed but supposed that wasn't such a bad idea. It made sense to get to know the area before jumping into all the teaching stuff. "Fine, fine," She grumbled. "We have to get to know the place and the people around it better anyway."

A knock at their front door startled them. Miku cheerfully went to open the door, which revealed a young man who looked to be about a year or so older than them. He had curly ginger hair and a wide and friendly smile.

"Hello!" He greeted them cheerfully. "My name is Fifty, 'cause I had a fifty in my code number back when I was a parasite. I have taken it upon myself to greet all the newcomers who join us in our new settlement. You're Zorome and Miku, right?" He asked them. 

"Yep, we sure are," Zorome went to lean against the doorframe. "Nice to meet ya."

"I heard that the two of you came to gather some help to become teachers. Is that true?" Fifty asked them. He had a pair of bright brown eyes that glittered with interest as he spoke.

"Yes," Miku answered with a smile, thankful for the warm welcome that she and her partner had been greeted with. "We're going to be the first new teachers!"

"Ah, that's what I heard," Fifty replied in a friendly manner. "I was wondering if you'd like my help gathering potential candidates to help you start your new school.  Y'know, some children who would also like to teach and all that stuff. Recruits, if you will. As well as people who have experience and can help guide you along your way."

"I guess so..." Zorome and Miku said at the same time. Both of them knew they needed help but were a bit reluctant about it for some reason. It was their goal to become the best teachers, after all. But I guess we need whatever help we can get. We need to suck back our pride. I'll hit Zorome over the head if I have to in order to make sure he can achieve this goal! 

"Great!" Fifty looked excited. "How about I meet you first thing tomorrow morning to do this? I can show you some of the children around here who I bet will be good at the job!"

"Sounds good to me!" Miku broke in before her partner had the chance to turn down the offer. He glared at her grouchily but said nothing.

"Sounds good to me!" Fifty said, before leaving the two of them alone.


Zorome had been a bit annoyed with Miku for speaking up and not letting him get a word in but he was alright with Fifty helping them out, he supposed. The boy wasn't being condescending about it or anything and obviously had good intentions, so why not? He reminded Zorome of himself a little. Only a little though. Nobody could exactly match up to Zorome, right?

Now, as the two of them unpacked the few things they had and put them into their respective nightstands, he paused and risked a glance over at his auburn-haired partner and best friend. She was sitting at the edge of her bed looking at the small singular window that their little house had. She appeared to be deep in thought, which he couldn't help but think was very damn cute. Almost irresistible to him, honestly. 

He blushed at the thought and looked around. "So, uh, guess we have to share this small space together, huh?"

Miku looked at him, her cheeks a bright pink colour. Clearly, she was feeling just as odd about this whole thing as he was. After all, boys had never slept in the same room as girls while they were growing up! "Y-yes!" She stammered, looking flustered. "Just keep to your side, okay? And no monkeying around, especially while I'm trying to sleep?" 

"Geez, alright," Zorome muttered, "I'll keep to my own side. I don't want any of your gross girl cooties anyway."

That remark earned him a pillow to the head, naturally. That, in turn, was followed by a bout of bickering that lasted throughout the entire evening. 


When Zorome woke up to a knock at the door the next morning, he was stunned to realize that he had fallen asleep against Miku. The two of them sat up, exchanged a horrified glance, then proceeded to dust themselves off and act as though they hadn't been sleeping against each other on the floor between their beds. Both of them mumbled awkward empty things to each other, blushing all the while. 

Zorome went and opened the door, happy to see Fifty's excited face. "So, are you ready to find some people to help with this school of yours?" He asked.

"Sure am!" Zorome replied, relieved to have an excuse not to talk about the awkwardness he'd woken up to. 

"Great!" Fifty smiled. "Follow me!" 

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