57: Immaturity

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It was hard for Miku not to sigh as she watched Zorome's reaction. The spiky-haired boy's jaw dropped as if what she had said was something absolutely ludicrous. His cheeks were a shade of very bright pink now and he looked like he was going to pass out or something. His body was completely stiff.

"Uhm, are you okay?" Miku asked, raising one eyebrow as she put her hands back on her hips again. The way he was acting was exactly what she'd expected from him. 

"D-did you just say you were thinking about having a baby?!" Zorome's cry of dismay was way too loud for Miku's liking. She winced and put her hands over her ears.

"Ugh, my ears! Zorome, stop yelling! You're being really annoying right now." She glared at him as she removed her fingers from her ears and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

"B-b-but, Miku!" Zorome whined. "Doesn't that involve touching bodies?!" His face scrunched up as though the mere thought of touching bodies was enough to turn him away from having a child entirely. 

"Stop being such a child!" Miku snapped. "Yes, having a baby does involve that. That's been made very clear to us by this point. What's your problem?"

Zorome's face was still twisted in a disgusted grimace. His entire face was as red as the strawberries he'd been picking with her earlier. "My problem? What'dya mean 'my' problem? You're the one suggesting we do weird shit to each other. You're just like Zero Two!"

"So what if we have to touch bodies for a bit?" Miku asked. Her irritation with Zorome was beginning to grow each time he opened his mouth to speak. Everything he said was simply childish. Who needs a baby with Zorome around? He's a big baby himself!

"It's weird!" Zorome complained. He hugged himself with his arms and blanched as though the thought of doing such a thing was the worst possible thing in the world.

"Do you want a baby or two? That's all I'm trying to ask." Miku tapped her foot impatiently and rolled her eyes as she waited for a hopefully more mature response.

"I-I like kids but...touching bodies is just weird! I don't wanna have babies if I have to do that!" Zorome turned away from Miku entirely.

Something about Zorome's words struck a nerve within Miku. She could feel pinpricks of tears beginning to form in her eyes. She glared at him for a few moments before turning her face from him. "Fine! Be that way! If touching bodies with me is so bad, whatever. To think I almost thought you'd handle this maturely." 

Shaking her head, Miku stormed out of the house before Zorome could reply. Tears began to roll out of her eyes and down her cheeks.

"Miku! Miku, wai-" Zorome tried calling, only for Miku to slam the door before he could say anything more. She didn't want to look at him. She wanted to get as far away from him as she could.

Fine! If he finds me so disgusting then he can go do whatever babyish things he does! 


Zorome winced as Miku slammed the door shut, which caused the entire room to shake in her wake. 

"Girls," He muttered sourly as he glared at the door. "They're so dramatic about everything! I don't understand her problem sometimes..."

Shaking his head, Zorome lay down on his back and stared up at the ceiling. Guilt was beginning to settle in. Regardless of how he felt about Miku getting angry, he knew he had been immature and stupid. However, he didn't think he'd ever be able to work up the nerve to tell her that. 

Truthfully, Zorome didn't mind the thought of having children. He liked kids and he would be more than happy to have a few of his own. On the other hand, he could do without if he really needed to. In the end, he was fine with whatever Miku wanted. However, the thought of "touching bodies" with her made him feel almost...nervous. Maybe a bit off-putting. The fact she'd brought it up also surprised him. He thought she'd feel the same.

It seemed weird that she was willing to do what it took to have babies. Both of them had always been awkward about that type of thing. It was hard for them to even have a simple emotional conversation sometimes! 

But now, as Zorome thought about it, he felt a very harsh stab of guilt in his gut and chest. He didn't understand what was wrong with him but he was starting to realize he didn't mind the thought of doing weird stuff with Miku. She was the only one he'd ever do it with anyway. As long as she didn't tell anyone, did it really matter?

Sighing, Zorome decided he'd go after her. He'd talk to her about why she'd been so offended, though he thought he already knew why. He stood up and thought about what he'd say to her. If she wanted, he'd be more than willing to help her bring a baby into the world. They knew they were good with kids and it would be nice for the two of them to have their own cute little offspring. They would leave behind a legacy in more ways than just teaching if that's what they chose to do. 

I'll go apologize to her and tell her the truth about how I feel. Zorome stood up and began to head toward the door. I hope she won't make a big deal out of it. But she probably will, knowing Miku. Rolling his eyes, he opened the door and began to look for his partner. He knew she could walk super fast when she wanted to. For all he knew, it would take hours to find her if he started in the wrong direction. 

He set off in search of his partner and best friend. He weaved between the small houses and checked each corner. After nearly half an hour of searching, he grew tired and decided to go back home. 

Wow, she's hard to find. Shit. Well, she'll come back at some point. I'll just talk to her about it then. 

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