55: Reflecting

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As she undressed in the bathroom to change into her nightgown, Miku couldn't help but think about Kokoro's exciting revelation. She was pregnant with another child and it sounded like she and Mitsuru were planning on having more as soon as they could. It made her wonder if her other friends were planning on having babies at some point. She wouldn't be surprised if they were. That led her to think...did she want to have babies someday? At least one? She wasn't sure. 

Having babies meant being physically close to the person you wanted to make them with. That meant she'd have to touch bodies with Zorome! Now that she knew exactly how babies were made, it was hard for her to decide how she felt about it. She was just glad they knew and were able to find out that Papa wasn't the wholesome godly creator he'd set himself up to be.

Miku couldn't help but wonder if she and Zorome should have a child together. The thought of touching bodies was unnerving, though she'd piloted Argentea with him and was almost certain that it would be easy for them to get over the weirdness of it. They both loved children and were more than happy to teach a new generation of them together. If they could handle those kids, chances are they'd easily be able to handle one or two of their own. 

As Miku left the bathroom to go back into the main room to sleep, she stopped and gazed at Zorome for a few moments. He was lying with his back to her bed. Although it was dark, Miku was sure that his eyes were open. She hovered awkwardly at the foot of his bed for a moment. 

"What're you doing?" Zorome asked. He sat up to stare at her through the darkness.

"I was just wondering if you were awake," Miku replied instantly, averting her gaze even though she was sure it was too dark for him to see her face clearly. "That's all." 

"You could've just asked me instead of staring at me like a weirdo," Zorome pointed out.

Huffing, Miku went and crawled under her covers, lying down as she glared at her brown-haired partner. "Whatever."

There was silence for a couple of moments. Zorome was still sitting up and was now facing Miku's bed. "Hey, is something up?"

Miku could hear a hint of concern in his voice. She just let out a sigh. "W-well...I was just thinking about Kokoro. I think it's really nice that she's having children. She seems to really like it."

"Yeah, I guess." Zorome sounded confused. "Is there something bothering you about it? You're acting a little bit weird." His blankets rustled as he moved to hand his legs over the side of the bed.

"N-no! Nothing's wrong at all!" Miku stammered quickly and pulled the blankets closer to her chin. "I'm just happy for her, that's all!" She could feel that her face was flushing and she turned her back to Zorome's bed.


Girls are weird...especially that one! Zorome thought as he watched Miku roll onto her side abruptly. It seemed like that was the end of their conversation. He rolled his eyes and lay back down on the bed, though he did not pull the blankets over him. He was someone who could easily sleep without a blanket, though he knew some people apparently couldn't. He moved a lot in his sleep and it could be frustrating to have to get himself out of a tangled mess of blankets first thing after waking up.

Zorome put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling. He was happy that Mitsuru and Kokoro had come to visit. He hadn't realized how much he missed his former squadmates. His heart ached a little bit as he remembered the times he'd spent fighting alongside them and playing together. It was nice to see that they were progressing in their lives as well, however, and he knew he'd never regret leaving them to train alongside Miku and his new friends to be teachers. It felt like it was his calling in life. His destiny, perhaps. 

The pang of not being able to see his former teammates every day stung him regardless. He wondered if he would be able to perhaps have his school closer to home. He knew that preparations were being made but maybe the builders and the people in charge of the decision would understand. Then kids who belonged to Bird Nest and parents in the living area would be able to attend school. 

If there was one thing Papa did right, it was keeping all the kids together for the first part of our lives. Zorome thought to himself. Nowadays, it was almost unheard of for anyone to praise their former ruler, including him. After all, Zorome had realized he'd been living a lie and had been crushed dearly by what Papa had done to his squad and every other parasite. He despised him. However, raising all the children together before sending them on their way made sense. Perhaps the school could have some sort of boarding system, similar to how the parasites had growing up. This time, though, we'll be the ones in charge of things! And these children won't have to ever go into battle or do boring and useless shit that we had to. 

The thought made his heart pound. He wanted to talk to Miku about it. He wanted to talk to everyone about it. He hoped that they wouldn't cause trouble and that it wasn't too late for them to make plans for a boarding-type school. Parents would be free to visit and could perhaps volunteer to help out around the place if they wanted to. Things surely couldn't get any better than that! 

As Zorome began to drift off into a comfortable slumber, he grinned and gave himself a mental pat on the back for coming up with such a good idea. Zorome the Great strikes again!

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