60: No Matter What

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Miku couldn't bring herself to look at Zorome. She didn't know what to feel. Ikuno had just told her she'd never be able to give birth to a baby no matter how badly she wanted to. She gazed at her pale fingers as she waited for Zorome's answer.

"Yeah," He admitted. "She did." His voice was gruff and unreadable. 

"Well, you must be happy then." Miku's tone was bitter and she felt torn between resenting Zorome and wanting to jump up and hug him because he had saved her life by getting help/

"Happy? Why would you think that?" Zorome sounded puzzled. "W-well, I mean, I'm happy you're alive, if that's what you mean. I...I was super scared if I'm being honest."

"No, I mean happy about the fact that I can't have a baby." Miku gently touched her belly. Now she knew she'd never be able to bear a child within her body. Unlike Kokoro, who would likely grow to have many children if she wanted to, Miku would be barren for the rest of her life. "You don't have to 'touch bodies' with me. You don't have to touch me since I'm too disgusting for you to even look at." She curled her fingernails into her thigh. 

"U-uh, Miku, I, uh..." Zorome trailed off and stepped closer to Miku, prompting her to look up. His violet eyes were brimming with emotion. "I'm sorry about that, okay? I was being really stupid, I guess. I changed my mind, though, and I don't think doing all that weird stuff is all that bad if only you and I are around. I've decided would've been happy with your decision to have a child either way."

Miku's eyes widened. She could feel emotional tears beginning to build up in her own eyes. "Really?" She whispered. She lifted one of her wrists to wipe at her eyes. Her entire body still felt numb and heavy but she was beginning to regain a bit of her strength. "You mean it?" 

"Y-yes." Zorome rubbed the back of his head as he stood there awkwardly. "I'm sorry I've been a jerk, Miku. I do care about your feelings. It's just that I, uh, wasn't expecting you to ever want to do that really weird shit with me. I needed a couple of hours to think on it. It actually doesn't sound so bad." He blushed and averted his gaze.

It was Miku's turn to feel awkward now. "I guess it was childish of me to run away. It just felt weird, I guess, asking you if you wanted to have babies. Honestly, I'm fine either way as well. Even though I know I can't have any now, I really don't mind. I guess I'm glad you feel the same way."

Without warning, Zorome went and hugged Miku. She blushed as he buried his face in her shoulder. "I-I'm glad you're alright, Miku. I missed you and, honestly, I was pretty damn scared." He stood up straight again and wiped his tear-filled eyes." 

"How long was I out for?" She asked.

"Almost four days."


Miku's eyes widened. "Four days?!"

"Yeah. Don't worry, you didn't miss much." Zorome glanced toward the doorway. He hoped her loud outburst hand't been heard by anyone outside. He didn't want anyone to overhear their conversation, especially since it was rather sappy. He didn't mind that type of stuff as long as he was alone with Miku, though even then it could be awkward at times.

"Hey, Zorome?" Miku asked softly. She stood up an embraced him, wrapping her arms around his back in a surprisingly affectionate manner. He could feel warm tears soaking into his shirt. "You're the best partner, you know that? Even if you can be a real jerk at times, I can't imagine life without you. Thank you for taking care of me and bringing me to safety, Zorome."

Tears began to leak from Zorome's eyes again. "Miku...t-thanks!" He returned her hug. As he hugged her once more, he became aware of how thin Miku had become in the past four days. He guessed she was probably pretty hungry. As they broke apart from their hug, he felt his face grow hot. It felt weird to be doing so many affectionate things with Miku, though he didn't mind it at all. "Hey...Miku?"

Miku sniffled as she smiled at him. "Y-yes, Zorome?"

Zorome took his hand and touched his pendant that he had made for Miku a while ago, the day they'd agreed to be teachers together. He pressed it right against his heart. "I'm glad you're better. I know we've talked about this before but I...I, uh, can't imagine doing everything without you. I love having you by my side and I'm glad that our bond is strong. I'll do what I can to uphold that bond and I'll be by your side no matter what."

Miku clenched her own pendant in her hand. "Oh, Zorome...thank you. Just...thank you." 

A knock at the door caused the two of them to turn around. Although Zorome had expected Ikuno and the other squad members to be at the doorway, he was delighted to see that Nana and Hachi were there. By the way Miku's face lit up, she was clearly excited to see them as well.

"Nana! Hachi Long time no see! How is everything going?" Zorome asked as the two former caretakers stepped into the room.

Nana smiled warmly at him. "Everything's just fine. We've been busy helping out around here. It's amazing how fast time flies. I'm glad to see that Miku is awake now."

"I've missed you so much, Nana!" Miku said as she hopped off her bed. Although she struggled and appeared to be dizzy for a moment, she quickly stumbled over to Nana and hugged her.

The members of Squad 13 soon returned to the room. As Zorome stood and chatted with them whilst also teasing Futoshi like old times, it almost felt as though nothing had changed at all. The bond they all shared would never be broken, no matter how far apart they were or how long they were apart for. And, no matter what, he and Miku would always be partners, just as they had when they'd piloted Argentea together.

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