47: Guilty And Insane

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"Well," Zorome answered the judge's question. "I noticed Miku wasn't at home when I went to see why she was late to the ceremony, so I went to look and I heard her screaming when I got close to the beach." He pointed a finger at Hyaku. "And then, when I got there, I saw this asshole over here trying to drown her! He was shoving her underwater." Fury blazed in the depths of his violet eyes as he spoke. It made Miku feel a rush of pride for her partner, though she didn't understand exactly why. She was just proud of him at that moment and she kind of found it incredibly endearing that he was being passionate in defence of her! 

Hyaku hadn't spoken a word during the trial so far. He had been staring at Miku the whole time, with a weird and dark look in his hooded eyes. He kept mumbling things to himself. There were two people sitting in the chairs on either side of them. She was guessing those two other people were probably guards that would detain him if he tried to do anything stupid. She was glad they were there, in that case, since she would have never stepped foot anywhere near him knowing he'd freely be able to get up again. She knew what that psycho was capable of. 

"What happened after that?" The judge asked.

"Well, after that, I went to kick his ass," Zorome said simply, puffing out his chest as he spoke. "When I saw that Miku was being harmed by that loser, I took it upon myself to go give him a beating. I managed to get him to stop attacking Miku. After a while, Goro came and then Jasper and the others did as well. By then, I'm sure Hyaku was smart enough to know he was outnumbered, 'cause, I mean, yeah, he stopped fighting when Goro held him back for a while." Some of the spectators were laughing, others murmuring quietly to one another about the case.

"Hm," It looked like the judge was trying to smother a laugh. "I see..." He looked over at the small group of people who were standing off to the side. He made a gesture at them and they clustered together, talking to each other in hushed voices. Miku had no idea what that meant.

"Miku?" The judge asked. "Would you please explain your side of the story to us now?"

"Of course!" Miku jumped to her feet, fueled by passionate fury against her friend-turned-enemy. "So, I was just on my way out of the house to go to the ceremony and then Hyaku came and just dragged me over to the beach! Then he tried killing me and started pushing me underwater! Ugh, he would have too if Zorome hadn't come in time! Gosh, just lock him up!" She was fuming now.

"Calm down Miku," The judge said. Miku began to bristle, ready to give him a piece of her mind, but he went on. "We know he did wrong and will punish him accordingly but we are trying our hardest to do this properly. You must understand, this is only our second real trial." He turned to Hyaku. "Now, Hyaku, is your one and only chance to defend yourself. Can you explain what happened that night? Did you really try to kill her? If so, why? If not, what were you doing?"


"This is dumb!" Zorome snapped. "Why are we asking the murderer if he murdered someone! Of course, he did! He's a freakshow!" Irritation was prickling beneath Zorome's skin. He didn't understand the point of such a dumb trial, not when he'd clearly been trying to kill Miku, having said as much multiple times!

"Yeah!" Miku agreed loudly. "No offence, Mr. Judge, but this is so stupid."

The judge let out a sigh. "We have to learn how to do trials correctly," The judge said. "We already know what happened but we need to learn how to judge accordingly and how to get detailed descriptions of these types of events from every party involved. We'd never want to put an innocent person in the Confinement Centre and we are trying to figure out the best way to put only the people who deserve it in there." Before Zorome or Miku could give him a piece of his mind, Hyaku answered the judge's question.

"Yes," Hyaku said in a low voice.

"Huh?" Zorome flashed him a surprise glance.

"Yes," Hyaku repeated, much louder this time. "I did try to kill Miku. I tried to kill her and I tried to kill her brainless excuse of a partner, Zorome?"

"Say what?" Zorome balled his hands into fists and Miku ground her teeth as she glared at the silver-haired boy. 

"I was trying to kill her, trying to kill him, and trying to get rid of their injustice," Hyaku was rambling now, sounding like he was talking to nobody in particular, maybe even talking to himself! "988...she's Miku. Yes, yes! 988 is trapped inside of Miku. She just doesn't know it. I was going to free her...Miku is exactly like her, that's how I know!" His eyes flashed wildly. "Miku is just like 988, don't you see?! She acts the same and even looks a lot like her! Maybe 988 somehow...somehow went into Miku's body and took over her. Maybe she's stuck! If she were free, she'd be with me!"

"You're crazy!" Miku screamed, moving closer to Zorome, who took an instinctive protective step in front of her. 

"Yeah!" Zorome agreed. "What the hell is your problem?"

"988...I thought she was gone! I can free her! Don't you all see? Miku...she's just like her." Hyaku gripped the side of his head. He looked like a complete madman. "I spent time with Miku. She reminded me too much of 988...that's why I think she's stuck in there. I want her to be with me...but Miku decided not to be with me. If 988 is in there, I must kill her to bring her out!" 

The crowd grew wild. 

"You're delusional!" Miku snapped.

"Yeah," Zorome agreed. He glared at the judge, his patience wearing thin. "We already got a confession, judge, so can you just lock him up?"

"He's right," Said one of the people standing off to the side, a guy with black bowl-cut hair. "We've deliberated and we all conclude he needs to be locked up, maybe brought to a psychiatric wing at Bird Nest. He is clearly not ready to integrate with the rest of us bit it appears grief has caused him to think...improperly."

The judge nodded. "Alright! The verdict has been concluded- Hyaku, you have been found guilty of attempted murder. You are to be locked up and then brought to a psychiatric wing for treatment!" 

And with that, it was over. Zorome ignored the uproar of the crowd, who seemed to be on their side, and glanced at Miku.

They'd done it, Hyaku would never be able to hurt Miku again...hopefully.

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