6: Learn To Teach

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The duo spent the next four days getting to know their neighbours and learn more about their new home. The little houses were all built in long rows. The electricity that powered the houses that had wiring so far came from the wind turbines that the former parasites had managed to find somewhere in storage, using a tiny bit of magma energy at first to power up a FranXX to help set them up. They needed to install more, though everyone knew that was a feat that would take some time, especially now that they had all agreed never to use magma energy again. That belonged to the Earth and to the Klaxosaurs, a species they owed everything to.

The landscape was flat in some places, though some houses were built on the edges of the jagged cliffs that overlooked the area. It was a mashup of terrain, really, and Miku quite enjoyed how it looked. She rather liked nature, especially since it had more character than the sterile Bird Nest, Garden, and other facilities she'd grown up with. Something about how things were here put a smile on her face. She knew she'd love it there!

The parasites there were nice and were just like she and Zorome were: trying to learn and adapt to their amazing self-sufficient lifestyle. Something that Miku wasn't sure she could ever admit out loud was that she was impressed by Zorome's resilience and ability to adapt so easily. After all, he'd been the most dependent on the adults. The most...needy. She was shocked at how well he'd managed to help out and come to enjoy being independent alongside the rest of the children. He was strong for doing so, at least in her eyes, though she wouldn't dare tell him that. She was sure his ego would go through the roof if she did!

Now, as she and Zorome sat alone together on his bed again, Miku felt a rush of exhilaration. They were learning how to teach now! Sure, they didn't know much about mathematics and that stuff, but she was sure they'd be able to educate future children on things about nature, gardening, and other important aspects of life. They were currently reading one of the other books Miku had brought with them, a book about how to deal with children. Miku swore that she could use some of the things in the book to whip Zorome into shape. 

"I'm bored!" Zorome declared suddenly, snapping the book shut hard. Miku jumped back, startled by the loudness of the book closing as well as the fact he'd shut it so close to her fingers. "Why don't we go outside or something?"

"What?!" Miku was irritated. "You almost crushed my fingers!" She snapped.

"Sorry," Zorome said in a tone that showed he was hardly listening to her as she scolded him. "I just kinda feel tired of sitting around here all day. Yeah, yeah, I know you're gonna give me a lecture, but I wanna do something else for a bit." He frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Miku asked, noticing his abrupt change of expression.

"It's just that...Futoshi and the other guys used to play with me when I got bored," He frowned and looked at the sunlight that was streaming in through the window. "Y'know, we'd play ball and stuff."

Miku felt a pang of sympathy. He's just homesick. I get how he feels because I'm still not used to being away from Kokoro and helping out with Ai. "Tell you what?" Miku said, causing Zorome to look at her in surprise. "How about if you study with me for a while and maybe practice doing teacher stuff, I'll play catch with you sometime?"

A big boyish grin spread across Zorome's face. "Sure!"


After what Miku had said to him about playing ball, Zorome had decided to focus extra hard on his responsibilities on learning how to become a teacher. Although he had initially wanted to wait and learn how to do so with the rest of the people who'd help them become teachers, he realized that if he and Miku learned first, then they could teach the others how to do it, which would make them teachers of teachers! 

Miku liked this idea. She helped Zorome every step of the way, sometimes having to scold him for slacking off, which sometimes caused them to bicker between their self-teaching lessons. Although Zorome had wanted to play ball that day, Miku insisted on making him study for at least another day before playing ball with him on the morning after, which was just one day before the meeting where they'd see who was interested in helping with their school. Zorome hated to admit it but he supposed Miku's steady habit of bossing him around and scolding him would keep him in line and help him become the best teacher. That was one reason he chose her and one reason why they made such good partners. 

Zorome still found his mind wandering as he thought about how much he loved her. He really did love her and found her cuteness irresistible, especially when she wasn't giving him a hard time about shit. She'd somewhat confessed this back to him as well, though they seemed to be missing something if he were to compare themselves to, say, Mitsuru and Kokoro. Or even Hiro and Zero Two, who had been so close that they'd been willing to die for each other and for the world together. 

That's one thing I wanna prove! Zorome thought to himself fiercely as he listened to Miku read aloud only a few hours after she'd promised to play ball with him if he was patient. The bond Miku and I have is just as good and unbreakable as Hiro's and Zero Two's bond? Silently, as though his dead squadmates could hear him, he added, And don't you forget it, Hiro! We won't let you outshine us! 

Zorome missed the two of them to pieces but he refused to let his grief get in his way. He and Miku would provide the new generations with something they wouldn't ever forget!

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