39: Trial?!

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Miku had to stay at the infirmary for yet another night. Zorome had been adamant about staying in her room to keep an eye on her. Although Miku wasn't sure if she'd have an easy time admitting it out loud, she was very grateful to him for doing so. She didn't know if she'd feel safe without him there. She didn't know, in fact, if she'd ever feel safe with him away from her side ever again. Now the prospect of someone betraying her again was weighing quite heavily in her mind. It sickened her yet it was all she could think about. 

Zorome and her bickered a bit and it made her feel relieved, though it was still not quite enough to keep her mind off almost being murdered by someone she'd trusted. The helplessness she'd felt...it was too much for her. She never wanted to be in a position like that again. But how? Did that mean she'd never be able to trust anyone aside from Zorome and her Squad 13 friends ever again? She didn't like that thought but it almost seemed like the only thing that would work if she wanted to keep herself safe. At least I know I can trust Zorome. I owe him more than he'll ever know. 

When the nurse came in, later on, two people followed her. It was Bani and Sevy.

"We came to visit," Bani said, hurrying over to Miku's side. "I'm so glad you're better, Miku! When I saw you on the sand I was so worried!" She reached over to give Miku a hug and she accepted it. 

Oh, how could I ever not trust these two? They're so sweet! Her thoughts immediately grew darker once more. But so was Hyaku...and I never thought he would harm me either! "I'm okay now. Just...tired." 

"We have news as well," Sevy said. "It's...not really good, I guess."

"What is it?" Zorome asked. He was standing up now, inching closer to Miku as he did so. 

"It's...about Hyaku. They've decided to give him a trial. If he can prove his innocence somehow, or something like that, they'll let him go." Sevy looked down at his feet.

"What?!" Zorome's purple eyes flashed with outrage. "Why?! He's clearly a psycho who needs to stay in that place- wherever it is- for good! Why the hell are they even thinking about letting him out?!"

"They think it's important for everyone to get a fair trial, I guess," Sevy told him. "I'm not happy about it either..."

"Same," Bani visibly shuddered. "I was so scared when I saw him like that! I'm not sure if he should get a trial, at least not yet."

Miku's heart pounded hard in her chest. The thought of him coming after her again was sickening. "N-no! I'm going to tell those idiots he doesn't deserve one!" She tried to stand up but felt dizzy and had to sit on the edge of her bed. Zorome immediately came to sit beside her, looking worried.

"She's right," Zorome agreed. "I don't think I can allow it either!"


When Bani and Sevy left the room, all Zorome could think about was how crazy people were for thinking that bastards like Hyaku deserved a trial. He wanted to smack whoever thought that was a good idea in the face. Why would anyone want someone who went around killing fellow former parasites to simply walk loose? He, in fact, thought that being imprisoned was too good for them. He really wished he could be in charge, then he'd show people what he thought of those who dared to harm Miku! 

"I don't want to go to the trial," Miku told him. She looked ill, somehow more pale than before now. "I don't want to see Hyaku. Not ever again." She squeezed her eyes shut and buried her face in her hands.

"Bani said you have to," Zorome sighed. "Both of us do. So that they can hear from us what exactly went down. Don't worry, though, I'll be right beside ya. If Hyaku tried anything I'll kick him right where it hurts!"

This made Miku smile. "Thank you."

"O-oh, of course!" Zorome blushed and pretended to look at something across the room. He was trying to hide how overwhelmed he felt. In such a short period of time, their world had been turned upside down by some idiotic loser who thought that it would be fun to kill Miku or something like that. He still didn't understand Hyaku's motives. All he knew was that he was a psycho freak who deserved to be locked up.

"The trial's in a week," Miku sighed. "I hope that they just change their minds and keep him in there. I don't want to see him, Zorome, I just don't!" 

Zorome hated seeing her like this. It was so unlike Miku to be so...torn up. So broken. He gave her a sudden hug.

"Don't worry, I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe," Zorome vowed. "That idiotic freakshow will never be able to get to you again. If he tries, maybe we'll just have to fix Argentea up one last time and squash him like a bug!"  The thought pleased Zorome. He would love to see the look on that loser's face if he were to stomp over to him with the FranXX and then proceed to crush him with its foot. 

But, in spite of his efforts to cheer Miku up, it appeared that something was wrong with her. It seemed like that event had more of an effect on her than he had initially thought... 

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