22: Death By Illness

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Zorome had just left the house to go to the outhouse and Miku wasted no time getting her pajamas on. Within a few moments, she was ready for bed. She was getting tired and it was beginning to get dark in the tiny place. She was excited, however, since Ichigo had said it wouldn't be too much longer till they would finally get electricity and water going in that section of the housing facility!

As Miku began to crawl under the covers, the door flew open and Zorome poked her head inside. "Miku, come quick! Jasper told us that there's something wrong with Bella and she wants to see us at her place!"

Miku gasped and immediately got out of bed and ran out the door past Zorome, surprised to see an extremely distressed-looking Jasper standing outside. 

"What happened?" She asked anxiously the moment she spotted him.

"Bella is ill...something to do with her yellow blood cells and child fever having some sort of mutation in some children. I-I guess it's really rare but she has it and she's getting help but isn't sure if she can...if she can come to the meeting tomorrow." Jasper's voice was shaking and there was a look of panic in his eyes. 

It must be more than that...I think what he almost said is she doesn't know if she can make it. She might want us there if something happens. We're her friends now, after all. Miku's stomach was churning with fear. "Right. Come on, Zorome, let's go." She said quickly, immediately walking at a brisk pace to where her friends' house was.

"I'm right behind you!" Zorome swiftly followed her, though it was Jasper who took the lead, nearly sprinting ahead of Miku to lead them to his place. Zorome hadn't visited the place but Miku knew where to go even if she fell behind Jasper. 

When they got to the house, Jasper immediately ran inside. Miku took a deep breath, exchanged a glance with Zorome, and followed her friend into the house. 

Jasper immediately ran over to the bedside of one of two twin beds that were in the tiny room, in which his partner Bella was lying wrapped in blankets. On the other side of the bed, two former parasites wearing medical outfits were gently comforting the girl while doing something to her that was obviously supposed to help make her feel better. Miku hurried over to join Jasper and she could feel Zorome's footsteps right behind her.

Jasper crouched at Bella's side and stroked her forehead gently with his hand. "Miku and Zorome are here," He told her gently. "Do you want me to get the rest of the group?"

Miku felt sick as she looked at how unhealthy her friend looked, and only days after she had last talked to her. Bella's flesh was pale and moist from sweat. Her eyes were hollow and filled with pain, while her lips were chapped and dry. Her chest rose and fell heavily as she wheezed for air.

"If you can," The girl barely managed to rasp out. "But...Jasper...I don't think there will be much time."

Miku froze, feeling as though time had stopped. 

"W-what are you talking about?" Jasper asked.

But Miku knew what she was talking about and she knew Jasper was too, even if he didn't want to believe it. 

Bella believed she was going to die.


Zorome could hardly bear to watch as Bella lay in the bed, breathing heavily as she fought for air. She seemed to wince with pain every time she inhaled or exhaled, which was awful for him to witness. He felt a pang of dread and knew what she'd say next.

"I...don't think I'll live," Bella told him weakly. "The sickness...it came so fast. So, please...Jasper, bring me the rest of the teachers. They're my closest friends...I want to say my goodbyes."

Jasper's hands balled into fists and his jaw tightened. "I refuse to allow you to die!" He declared, though his eyes betrayed the panic he was feeling. He turned to one of the medics, both of whom were girls. "She won't die, right? She'll be okay. She has to be. She was fine until just yesterday!" 

Yesterday? This is happening fast... 

The medics exchanged a glance, then one walked over to Jasper's side and rested her hand on his shoulder gently. "Jasper, come with me," She murmured. "We need to talk." She glanced up at Zorome and Miku, then added, "You two can come as well. There should still be time to talk to her once I'm done explaining."

The medic gently guided Jasper out of the room. Zorome started to follow, then glanced over his shoulder to see that Miku was still staring at Bella.

"Miku," Zorome said, trying to be gentle. "C'mon. We'll be able to talk after. She should be okay for now." He doubted his own words but he wanted to comfort Miku and have her by his side. She nodded and slowly followed him, though it seemed to trouble her to take her eyes off her sick friend. 

When they got outside, out of the earshot of Bella and the other medic, the medic who had escorted them looked at the three of them with sorrow in her eyes. "We do not expect that she will make it through this illness," She told them softly. "It is a very rare virus that only affects parasites with immune systems that were tampered with by APE...every parasite we've seen has died. She has an hour to live, at most, and is lucky she has lived this past hour. You should bring your friends to say their goodbyes."

Zorome stood there, staring at the girl in shock. He felt numb, unable to move or speak. Beside him, he saw Miku put her hand to her mouth and begin to sob. 

"No...no!" Miku cried. "Why is this happening so fast?"

The medic's head was bowed. "I'm so, so sorry. It happens within seventy-two hours...I...wish we could figure out a way to stop it as well." Her voice cracked. 

"NO!" Jasper bellowed, his eyes wild as he glared at the girl. "She can't die! Don't give me that bs! She can't die...she has so much to live for! She...she..." He broke down and fell onto his knees, sobbing. 

"I...I can go get her friends," Zorome managed to speak up, though his voice felt like it had to be pushed out of his chest. He could hardly feel anything aside from shock and numbness. "I'll be right back..."

"No, idiot, you don't even know where they live," Miku stood up, hugging herself, and sniffled. "I...I can go."

Zorome didn't want to let her walk alone while she was so upset. "I'll go too!" He said quickly. He didn't want to be alone either.

With that, the two of them went off in search of their friend's houses to tell them the awful news. 

The news that one of their fellow would-be teachers would never get to teach alongside them.

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