15: Jealous

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When Miku had returned after being at Hyaku's for the first time, she had been surprised to see that Zorome had already headed off to bed for the night. The boy had been wearing his pajamas and everything. Although she had wanted to ask him why he'd gone to bed early, as it was quite unlike him, she had decided against it, knowing darn well that it probably just had something to do with his sore attitude toward her and their friends. 

She and Hyaku had spent most of the day chatting, getting along quite well too!  It had felt comforting to know that she had someone to talk to who wasn't Zorome at that moment, someone who understood her current troubles. Hyaku had been supportive and understanding, even making her laugh with some of the clever insults he'd called Zorome to help cheer her up. She hadn't even felt defensive of her partner. 

Now, a day later, Miku was eagerly getting ready to go over to Hyaku's house again. He had a pair of cards, which he'd shown her while she was at his place, and he wanted to teach her how to play a new game with them. Miku quickly got ready in the dark bathroom that still had no plumbing or electricity, then hurried out to go to her friend's place. Zorome was nowhere to be seen and had left earlier that morning. She wondered what he was up to but decided he was probably just sulking somewhere about not getting his way. 

Once she got to his place, he knocked on Hyaku's door and it immediately swung open, revealing a cheerful silver-haired boy with excited blue eyes. 

"Hello!" Hyaku greeted her happily, a wide grin spreading from cheek to cheek. "Come in! Are you ready to play that game I told you about?"

Miku nodded. "Sure! It sounds really fun!" Maybe something Zorome would like... A part of her added. She pushed the thought away. She didn't want to think about Zorome. She just needed a break from anything that had to do with her partner for the time being. 


"Hey, wanna go for a walk with me?" Hyaku asked after they played cards together for a while. They hadn't talked much and had simply focused on the game they'd been playing. "There are some cool places I wouldn't mind showing you. The other parasites have done a lot of work to make the area around the housing facility quite pleasant."

"Yes, please!" Miku replied eagerly. "I mean, Fifty already showed me and Zorome a bunch of places and I explored with him a bit on our own too, but I would love to see if you have anywhere new to show me." Something about the thought of finding a new place before Zorome pleased her quite a bit and gave her a smug feeling. 

"Oh, I'm sure I can show you things you've never seen before," Hyaku grinned and stood up. "I know some of the people in charge of development. Let's go!" 


Damnit, brain! You're letting her win! Zorome cursed to himself inwardly. He was sitting in the clearing where he usually played ball with his back against one of the trees. Why the hell do I feel guilty? It should be her who feels bad, not me! 

Yet he was guilty. He actually felt awful for calling Miku a bitch and storming out on her, not talking to her for an entire week, and not even bothering to help her around the house. He was lucky she was still even bothering to make food for both of them. He was pissed that she didn't want to listen to him, however, and that she refused to understand how he felt about the situation. 

He'd seen her walk into Hyaku's house a while ago while he'd been kicking a ball around. He had hidden behind a tree, watching her, and had felt his stomach churn as Hyaku had opened the door and invited her in. He was jealous and he hated how it felt, though he wasn't sure if he would be able to tell Miku that. He despised Hyaku for speaking out against him and for spending so much time with Miku. He was such a suckup!  

At this thought, he heard the door to one of the houses open and close behind him, followed by Miku's excited voice. "Ooo, a pond? I haven't seen it yet! You're right...there are places I haven't seen!" 

Zorome peeked cautiously around the tree, watching jealously as Miku and Hyaku exited the silver boy's home together. His eyes narrowed. 

"Yep! A former squadmate of mine was in charge of the nature stuff, actually, and had some of the stamen build the pond, among a few other cool gems I'll show you. Follow me!" Hyaku began to walk past the clearing down a path that led deeper into the trees beyond the housing development, a spot Zorome and Miku had yet to explore. 

Miku and I should be doing that together... Zorome thought enviously. He frowned and slowly crept after the two. He wanted to see where they were heading. He wanted to get to see the cool new place too!

"I bet Zorome would be so angry if he knew I got to see a new place before he did!" Miku said smugly as she walked close behind Hyaku. 

"I bet," Hyaku agreed. "He seems kinda...bull-headed if you ask me!"

Bull-headed? Zorome thought, enraged. What an ass! I wish I had a bull's head just so I can ram him in the nards! 

"Yeah," Miku agreed. "He is. He's often such a baby about things too! I kinda get tired of that fast."

Zorome scowled, watching them as he crept from behind the trees, careful not to be seen. 

"I get it," Hyaku nodded sympathetically. "He seems so tiring to be around. I don't envy you, Miku, for having to deal with him all the time!"

"Ah, I'm glad somebody gets it!" Miku exclaimed. 

Zorome scowled and turned his back on them, feeling almost sick. He didn't want to hear any more of that shit. Instead, he slipped through the trees, headed back to the clearing, and angrily kicked the ball around some more until he grew tired. 

He was jealous indeed. He hated it. He now officially despised Hyaku as well. 

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