58: Stuck In The Woods

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Miku stormed away from the housing settlement as she seethed inside. I can't believe Zorome said that to me! He didn't care about my feelings at all! I bet Kokoro doesn't have to go through this with Mitsuru. Why can't he just be more like him? Why does he always have to be such a dickhead? 

She decided to walk through the forest just outside of the housing settlement. She was still impressed with how well things were growing and how the team who'd transplanted the trees had done such an amazing job. It felt like she was really walking through a forest that had been there for generations before she was even thought of.

It was a rather warm day and it didn't take long for Miku's fast-paced walking mixed with her anger, to cause her to overheat. Panting, she ended up deciding to sit on the ground with her back against a tree. She felt a bit regretful about the fact she hadn't brought any water with her but she supposed that was because she'd left in the heat of the moment.

As she wiped beads of sweat from her forehead, Miku reflected on why she was so angry with Zorome's immaturity. It took her a bit to clear her mind enough to gather her thoughts. She then realized that she knew exactly why she was mad: It felt like Zorome found her disgusting. 

Zorome's reaction had been one of disgust, after all, and he'd been very closed off with the idea of having a baby just because it involved being physically close to her. What a jerk! I can't believe he's disgusted by the thought of touching me! I should've known he doesn't even seem to like me that much...even though we confessed to each other.

Miku allowed herself to shed a few more tears. She hated that Zorome felt disgusted when he thought of doing things with her. It hurt! Why couldn't he just be kinder and more considerate? Why did he have to be so heartless sometimes?

She decided that she still felt too close for the housing settlement for her comfort. She didn't want to risk Zorome finding her, at least not until she had time to straighten out her thoughts. She stood up and started to walk again. 

After only a few minutes of walking, Miku suddenly felt a flash of heat and pain. It crackled through her body like lightning, reminding her slightly of the time she'd first gotten shocked in Argentea. 

What's happening to me?  Miku's mind cried as she stumbled in an attempt to keep her balance. Tremors shot through her entire body all at once. 

It felt so overwhelming and she let out a gasp as her legs buckled beneath her. Within moments, she felt her head hurtling down toward the ground as her brain grew foggy. Almost as soon as she hit the ground, a wave of black swept over her as she went unconscious on the forest floor. 


Where's Miku?

Hours had passed since Miku had stormed out of the house. Night had fallen and she still hadn't returned. Zorome had been waiting for her the entire time and had been going over his apology in his mind, trying to figure out how he could talk to her without being too sappy and without having to lower his pride.

Zorome was pacing back and forth at the foot of his bed. He was beginning to grow concerned. He was also beginning to regret coming home instead of continuing to look for her. He thought she would have long been back by now. Something seemed wrong.

Ah, I'm an idiot! Zorome huffily sat down on his bed and rubbed his forehead. When Miku's angry she gets way too stubborn. She'll probably do whatever it takes to avoid seeing me. Damnit, that girl is pissing me off! He knew that it was his fault, though it was still hard to admit that to himself.

Sighing, he got to his feet and began to walk toward the door. He stood there with his hand hovering over the handle for a moment. He gritted his teeth in frustration. "Well, I guess I should just get this over with."

Unable to ignore the feeling that something just wasn't right, Zorome opened the door and began to search for Miku once more.

First, he looked around the housing development and even went to his fellow future teacher's homes to make sure she wasn't staying with them for the night. It sounded like something Miku would do. When they confirmed she wasn't, the feeling that something was wrong began to weigh heavier in his gut. Where could she possibly be?

He went to the beach and couldn't find her there and he even went to the building where they held their meetings, though it was locked and he knew she probably wasn't in there.

The last place he decided to look was in the woods. Even though it felt spooky walking there by himself at night, Zorome was more than confident enough to walk there by himself. He walked down the paths and even checked between the trees. It was the last place he had to look that was close to home. If Miku wanted to avoid him, this was probably the best bet for her to go.

Zorome didn't stop looking. He thoroughly inspected every inch of the woods. Then he finally, found her. 

Lying on the ground sprawled out on her stomach was Miku. Her face was planted into the ground and it was obvious to him that she was not just sleeping. He knew Miku: she'd never be able to fall asleep in a position like that!

He immediately dropped down to his knees to check on her. Panic rose through him as he shakily touched her wrist. It was warm. It still had a pulse. She was alive.

"I...I need to go get help," Zorome muttered to his partner's unconscious body. He got up and stumbled away from her. He needed to fetch someone so they could help bring her somewhere where she could get medical treatment. He just hoped leaving her alone for a bit longer wasn't something he'd regret...

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