28: Strange Feeling

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Miku woke up early the next day to make breakfast for her and Zorome. He woke up immediately after, however, and rambled on about how he was super excited for the ceremony that evening. Miku was excited about it too and joined in, though she was still a little paranoid after the feeling that had come upon her on her way home the other day. She still felt like she was often being watched, despite the fact she hadn't left the house at all aside to quickly grab her laundry from the line outside in the back the day before.

Now it was mid-afternoon and she was waiting for Zorome to get out of the bathroom. He'd been in there for well over an hour now and she wanted to have a bath and really had to pee as well. "Zorome, what's taking you so long?" She half-shouted half-whined at the door. 

"I'm getting ready! Leave me alone!" Zorome called back to her. 

"What?! Already? Zorome, the ceremony is only in the evening!" Miku pointed out. 

"Yeah, but it takes a while to get ready, so don't rush perfection!" Was Zorome's dumb response. 

Miku sighed but decided to wait for him. At one point, she went and looked out the window, still unable to shake the feeling she was being watched. She wasn't sure what was causing her to feel that way, honestly, and she really wondered if there was something in the water making her overly paranoid. It wasn't like her to feel that way about anything...so why was she now? 

Finally, when Zorome was done, she walked over to the bathroom and flicked the side of his head on the way in.

"OW!" Zorome yelped. An overreaction if she'd ever seen one. "What was that for?!"

"For taking twenty years to get out of the bathroom," Miku replied snarkily. "That's what it felt like. Anyway...go do your thing or whatever. I'll be in here for a while now too!" She closed the door and went to the bathroom to do her business, bathe, and begin to get ready. Underneath their formal attire, they'd be wearing their former uniforms. That was something she hadn't worn in ages and was kind of looking forward to if only because it would remind her of the days she spent with Squad 13...when Hiro and Zero Two had still been alive. 

She ran the water and sat inside. She loved the luxury of having electricity and running water in their house and she wondered if she should thank the builders and landscapers during the ceremony that night. She was especially glad that she could bathe in her own home that day due to the feeling of paranoia and being watched. 

Just to spite Zorome, Miku decided to bathe for two whole hours, re-warming the water and taking breaks whenever she pleased. She sometimes did that for the fun of it when he was out but she wanted to bar him from admiring himself in the mirror. 

"Miku, it's almost time to go!" Zorome called to her.

"Fine, I'll get out now," Miku sighed. "Just give me a bit."

As she was putting her clothes on, she heard Zorome whine from the other side of the bathroom door. "Mikuuu, hurry! We're gonna be late! I wanna be the first one there!"

"Okay, okay, you can go first if you want!" Miku exasperatedly called to him. "I'll go over there when I'm done!" 

"Okay!" With that, she heard Zorome get out and close the door, leaving her to get ready in peace and quiet.


Zorome left the house immediately after Miku told him he could. He was hopelessly excited and was glad she'd told him to leave because he didn't think he could wait a moment longer! He had been practically bouncing off the walls with energy and impatience. He didn't even realize he was being hypocritical, seeing as he'd taken so long in the bathroom himself. 

It felt nice to wear that special uniform again. It reminded him of precious memories with his friends back in Squad 13. He proudly wore his necklace on top of it as well, wanting to show everyone the bond he had with Miku, and didn't doubt she'd do the same. And our bond has only grown since living together! He thought proudly. 

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Hyaku as he reached the end of the path of houses where he and Miku lived. Hyaku was simply standing there, still as a stone, staring at Zorome as he passed. He wasn't even wearing his formal attire and was simply wearing the normal parasite uniform as usual. It made his gut churn. What a weirdo! Well, I'm not gonna waste my time with him. If he wants to show up looking like the loser he is, or just not show up at all, that's fine by me! He didn't stop to talk to the boy and even quickened his pace to get away from him, making his way straight to the Meeting Centre. 

By the time he got there, a few of his groupmates were already waiting outside, chatting to each other with a few people he didn't recognize.

"Damn, I thought I'd be here first! No fair!" Zorome pouted as he reached them. Bani, Sevy, and Raven were the first ones there. "Is anyone inside?" He asked them. 

"Yep," Raven nodded. "But don't worry, we told them to leave the front benches to us and keep off the stage." She smirked. "After all, we know you'll want to be the first one up there."

"Where's Miku?" Asked Bani, looking around for the redhead. 

"She'll be here soon," Zorome said dismissively. "She wanted to take forever to get ready. But we're still early, right? Wanna go inside and chill?"

"We're waiting for the others first," Sevy replied. "It'll get crowded inside fast, so why not enjoy the fresh air?"

"Yeah," Raven agreed. "I'm not in the mood to be crowded in with a bunch of people quite yet."

"Okay!" Zorome agreed.

He just hoped Miku would get there soon and not waste too much time in the bathroom. 

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