24: Odd Behavior

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Even though it was hard, the group seemed to be able to push on knowing that Bella would've wanted them to succeed. They kept up with their weekly meetings, now focused on discussing plans for what they would do if they had to start teaching before the building was ready. Three weeks had passed and still no word on whether or not they'd be able to have it built yet or not or if there would need to be any major changes done with the blueprints. They had been coming up with ideas for outdoor classes, though those would have been something they'd do regardless since they all thought it would be important for the younger children to grow up learning about nature and getting fresh air. 

As they gathered for the meeting on the third week since their first one after Bella's death, Miku once again noticed that Hyaku was acting very odd. At first, she'd assumed it was because of Bella's passing and had thought that maybe it was how he'd processed grief. But then she'd noticed that he'd been giving her nasty looks in particular and was fine with everyone else other than Zorome, who he avoided like the plague. 

Miku was hardly aware of the others talking. Bandi and Zorome were discussing what they would do with their students in the event of a disaster and, obviously, he was adamant on showing off and saying that he could handle protecting the children by himself. Miku couldn't help but notice that Hyaku was sitting on one of the far benches giving her a very hostile look that made her feel uncomfortable. She guessed it had something to do with how she had refused to be his partner. She had snapped at him and gotten pissed. Perhaps she'd hurt him in being so aggressive. After all, she hadn't fought with him like she did with Zorome and maybe he wasn't used to it. 

Maybe I should talk to him. Miku thought to herself. I miss his friendship and I didn't mean to be mean to him. Gosh, boys are so weird!

After the meeting came to a close, the group had decided they'd do classes indoors at the Meeting Centre on rainy days if the school building wasn't yet ready for them. As everyone filed out of the room, Hyaku continued to sit on his bench, simply glaring forward at Miku. 

The others noticed as they passed. Sevy stopped to ask him something but the silver-haired boy simply shook his head slowly, not taking his eyes of Miku. 

"Have you noticed how he acts?" Miku asked, leaning to murmur the question into Zorome's ear. 

Zorome nodded, giving the other boy a suspicious glance. "Yeah, what a weirdo," He muttered into her ear. "Tch, what's his deal?"

"I don't know," Miku whispered, "but I think it may have something to do with me. I'm gonna talk to him."

Zorome scowled. "Why waste your time talking to that weirdo?" He grunted, a hint of jealously flashing in his dark purple eyes. 

Miku glared at him. "He's our friend!" She hissed through her teeth, quiet enough for Hyaku to not be able to hear. "Anyway, you can go on ahead. I'll stay and talk to him." She got up and walked over to where the boy was still sitting, unsure of what she'd say. She heard Zorome get up and leave the room. Wow, he listened for once!


Zorome hid around the corner behind one of the open doors to the main room of the Meeting Centre, peering around the edge of it to watch as Miku talked to Hyaku. Our friend, huh? He doesn't act like much of a friend. Also, the idiot admitted he tried stealing Miku from me. What a loser! 

"Hi," Miku said to Hyaku, sitting down on the bench beside him. "How are you? You've been awfully...quiet, I guess, lately." 

"What's it to you, Miku? Don't you have something mushy to do with your little partner?" His voice was harsh and full of accusation. 

"U-um excuse me?" Miku seemed confused by his behaviour. Zorome was just as, if not more, confused than her. "I mean, yeah, we're gonna, uh, do some things today, I guess. We've made up weeks ago, you know? I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away or anything but I assumed you'd notice by the fact we've been talking and doing things together again." She sighed. "Anyway, he apologized to me. I'm sorry I didn't catch you up on that after."

"Oh, I know," There was raw bitterness in Hyaku's tone. "You two do everything together. I know what it is you've chosen. You want him as your partner."

The jerkhead is still on that? Figures. No wonder he never talks to us! 

"Of course," Miku's tone sharpened. "I already told you, Hyaku, he's my partner for life. That fight between us was dumb and we've agreed to never fight like that again."

"Eh, it seemed like his silence was better than the pointless bickering the two of you do," Hyaku responded. "But whatever. You're just as weird as he is, I see. You don't understand what you're missing out on. You are just like her... We would be happier as partners than the two of you."

"Is that what all this is about?" Miku's voice rose angrily. She hopped off the bench. "Hyaku, I already told you I don't want to be your partner when I have Zorome! I care about that brat a lot! We were pilots of Argentea together! See this necklace?" She pointed to the necklace Zorome had given to her, the one that matched his own. "This is a symbol of our bond. Our bond can't be broken." 

"Whatever," Hyaku growled, his voice as cold as ice. "I get it. You're blinded by your own stupidity. But you weren't made for him, Miku, and I will get you to be mine someday. By force, if I have to."

"Wait, what?" Miku's voice shook a little. 

"You'll see," Hyaku said darkly. "You'll all see. I can tell you are made for me. You act like her..." With that, he got up and left, dashing out of the doors with little to no warning. Zorome shrunk behind the door, relieved that he hadn't been seen. 

That boy is a nutjob! Zorome thought, staring after from where he was pressed against the wall behind the door as the other kid ran down the hall and out the main entrance. 

"Zorome, what are you still doing here?" Miku rounded the door and gave him a stern look.

"I-I was just making sure everything was okay, honest!" Zorome replied sheepishly. 

To his relief, Miku didn't say anything more about him spying on her. She shook her head and sighed. "I can't believe he wants to be my partner. I mean, yeah, I'm his friend but...but I already have you! You and I have known each other longer. I know more about you than I do about him. I don't understand what his problem is!" She looked really upset.  

"Me neither," Zorome told her, standing up. He put a hand on her shoulder. "Anyway, why don't we try to forget about that weirdo? I'll make sure he doesn't steal you from me like he said he would."

Miku snorted. "Like he could!"

And with that, the two of them left the Meeting Centre together, ready for a week of doing...well, whatever they ended up doing. 

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