11: Hyaku

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"Zorome," Miku sighed in a stern tone, "We are not having a ball court in the same room where we eat lunch."

"Why not? It's a good idea! The kids can play while they eat!"

"Yeah, they can also get hit in the face with a ball while they eat and choke on their food!" Miku pointed out

The two were bickering as they headed back to their home after the meeting. They were getting close to their house when they heard a voice call out to them. 

"Hey!" It was Hyaku. Miku recognized the silver-haired boy's face immediately. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw that he was hurrying to catch up to them. "What're you two arguing about? Is everything okay?" There was genuine concern in his deep blue gaze. 

"Yeah, everything's fine," Miku told him. She rolled her eyes toward Zorome. "It's just that this bonehead keeps coming up with ideas that only a brain-dead idiot would think up! Honestly, he wants a candy room. A room that shoots candy at children!"

Hyaku laughed. "Ah, yeah, he could use some lessons on how building structures work."

Zorome glared at him. "I don't need any lessons on anything, thanks." He spoke through clenched teeth.  

Miku was amused. "You hurt his pride!" She giggled. 

The brown-and-blonde-haired boy scowled at her but before he could retort, Hyaku chuckled. "Ah, okay, well if that's all then I guess I can get going now. If you need my help or advice, though, just ask." Although he was speaking to both of them, Miku noticed that he seemed to be looking at her specifically as he talked. 

"Okay, thanks!" Miku said cheerfully, watching as her newer friend walked away again.


Two days later, Miku was sitting on her bed, feeling quite bored as she fiddled with her necklace. Zorome had taken the blueprints and ran off before she'd even woken up. She guessed that her partner wanted the glory of planning all that by himself. She'd fix everything that needed to be fixed whenever she got her hands on the blueprints, though for now she was content having a bit of time to herself. I'll just let him think that he's winning. The thought of him one day going to look at his blueprints only to find out that she'd messed with them was a great source of amusement for her as she imagined what his reaction would be.

A knock at the door snapped Miku out of her thoughts. She hopped off her bed and cheerfully strode across the small room over to the door. When she opened it, she saw that Hyaku was standing on the other side. The blue-eyed boy was, as usual, wearing the outfit that all the former parasites had once been required to wear each day, which wasn't out of the norm for some of the children. Some just preferred to, she supposed. 

"Hello! What's up?" Miku asked, motioning for her friend to step into the room. 

"I saw Zorome while I was going for a walk," Hyaku seemed concerned. "He seemed to be planning the blueprints for the school building alone."

Miku sighed. "Yeah, I know. That brat is always trying to do things on his own." 

"Does it bother you?" Hyaku asked her. "I mean, that he's not asking for your help or input." 

"Eh," Miku shrugged. "It's whatever. It is a bit annoying, I guess, but I'll fix those blueprints!" 

"I have a better idea..." Hyaku said with a grin on his face.


Meanwhile, Zorome was sitting alone at a picnic table drawing the blueprints for the building. His heart was racing excitedly as he smugly drew in the room where the children would have candy blasted at them. Ha! Miku won't get her way with her boring design for this place. I want it to be epic and loved by the kids! 

While he'd been drawing, Hyaku had walked by and chatted with him, giving Zorome the chance to brag about the blueprints a little. Then the silver-haired kid had gone on his way, leaving him to his own devices once more. 

About an hour later, when he was satisfied with his work, he got up and headed back to his place. He had the blueprints in his hand but he didn't care if Miku noticed. In fact, he wanted her to see that he'd finished the blueprints by himself. He wanted to see the annoyed and possibly furious look he'd get as he smugly showed her that, indeed, he had drawn in the rooms she'd rejected and there was nothing she could do about it now!

As he opened the door to his house, however, he was startled to see that the entire group of future teachers were gathered in the tiny cramped space. Bandi and Sevy, the small couple, were sitting cross-legged on Zorome's bed. Across from them, Hyaku and Miku were sitting on Miku's bed, looking at the door with smug expressions as he walked into the room. Jasper and Bella were standing together on one side of the room, while Pondo, Raven, and Daitana sat on the floor between the beds.

"Uh...," Zorome said awkwardly as he closed the door behind him giving everyone a startled glance. "What's up?" 

"Miku and Hyaku told us that you were making blueprints on your own for the new school building," Daitana said. The brown-haired girl stood up, swishing her long hair over her shoulders. She was tall and could be rather imposing at times. "Care to explain what that's about?"

Zorome showed them all the blueprints. "Uh, heck yeah ,I am! Look at it so far! I decided I wanted to be the one who designed  the building for us!" 

Daitana, Jasper, and Bella all moved closer to give the blueprints a peek. 

"Candy room?" Daitana's eyes narrowed skeptically.

"Uh, about that," Jasper cleared his throat. "I don't mean to try and tell anyone what to do, but we were talking and we think this stuff should be done as a group, you know?"

"He's right," Bella nodded her head, though the girl simply shifted closer to her partner, too shy ti meet anyone's gaze. "It would be better for us to do everything together, really, and not make decisions until we're all happy about them."

"Exactly!" Miku stood up and pushed her way over to stand in front of Zorome. Her hands were on her hips and her chest was puffed out proudly. "Hyaku came and suggested that, from now on, we make decisions like this as a group during our weekly meetings."

The others all seemed to be in agreement with this.

Zorome sighed, feeling a bit downtrodden. "Whatever, I guess we can do that." 

"Good," Miku smiled at him, seemingly proud of herself for what she'd accomplished. "Okay, everyone, it looks like our job here is done! We managed to talk some sense into him."

Zorome couldn't help but feel humiliated, though he said nothing as he stepped back and let his teammates file one by one out of the room. As soon as they were gone, Miku gave him a sympathetic look.

"Don't let your pride get in the way," She warned him in an almost gentle tone. "If we're gonna do this, we have to do it right. For the future of everyone."

"Right..." Was all he had to say in response to that. 

For some reason, he couldn't help but feel like he'd been undermined, especially by that boy Hyaku.

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