12: Argument

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"Wanna make dinner with me?" Miku cheerfully asked her partner as she turned on the stove and took out a pot. "I'm thinking of making that awesome herbal soup Kokoro told us about!"

Zorome didn't respond. The boy had been sulking for two hours ever since the others had told him they wanted a say in what went on with the plans as well. 

Miku let out a sigh and put her hands on her hips, marching over to Zorome. "You shouldn't be sulking like this, you know? You should be happy that we're coming together nicely as a group, as well as happy that we don't have to do all this hard work alone." She glanced at the stove. "Now are you gonna cook with me or not?" She asked, beginning to grow uncomfortable as well as impatient with her partner's silence. 

Zorome, who was sitting on his bed glaring at his lap while he fiddled with his necklace, shrugged. "I don't feel like it, Miku," He muttered. "I just wanna be able to lead us all to victory. Is that so much to ask?" 

Miku bristled at his words, feeling a bit offended and hurt. "What about me?" She demanded rather snappily. "You chose me to do all this with, right? Shouldn't I have a say in the stuff that we do?" 

He gave her a sideways glare. "I guess so," He conceded, "But I thought you wanted to lead us, not sit there and have boring-ass meetings and wait until everyone else comes to a decision." He muttered. 

"I do!" Miku said defensively. "It's just that I want what's best for the children and for us teachers. I want things to go smoothly. We need all the help we can get, right? That's why we agreed to let the others help!"

Zorome said nothing, causing Miku to scowl and turn away, heading back over to the stove to cook dinner for the two of them. If he wanted to be that way, she supposed she'd let him. Maybe letting him sulk would help him get over the weird childish fantasy he had. I want to lead them alongside Zorome but that also means not being dumb! 


By the time the next meeting came along, Zorome and Miku were back to their normal selves, for the most part. Zorome still kept going on about how he'd "lead the future generations to victory" but that all went in one of Miku's ears and out of the other. She knew he'd eventually come to his senses, though it seemed like they'd have to be slapped into him, all things considering. 

Zorome had always been a good squadmate...well, almost always, aside from the times he'd antagonized Hiro and wanted to prove he was better than the dark-haired boy due to his jealousy and weird complex. 

As they started the meeting at the Meeting Centre, Miku didn't think much of her partner's desire to lead everyone. She was sure it was something that would go away just like his complex had while they'd been parasites.


The week had been irritating as hell for Zorome. He felt like Miku had, in a way, disrespected him by going against his desires. He felt almost betrayed because all he wanted was for them to be the ones to be remembered for becoming the first teachers who'd raise the best generation ever. He and Miku. Not a bunch of other people! Well, he didn't mind if they got recognition, though he wanted it to be known to the world that he and Miku were the ones that had led them all! 

But now, as he sat beside Miku at the meeting, he was stubbornly trying to come up with another thing that would make everyone aware of who was in charge. 

I'll convince her to let me come up with the curriculum! He thought to himself rather smugly. Surely she'll see the reason in that? He wasn't sure. With Miku being Miku, these things often went straight over her head. Maybe it was because she was a girl? Zorome bet that'd get him slapped hard if he said that out loud in front of her!

He sat through the meeting and listened as they redrew the blueprints. They kept some of his original ideas, though they'd scrapped some of the more fun parts of the design he'd had in mind. 

"So," Zorome spoke up, choosing a moment when everyone was quiet. "I was thinking I'd come up with the curriculum for everyone. Well, maybe Miku can help, but I thought it'd be cool if, you know, the main heads of the future school did it ourselves."

To his utter shock, Miku shook her head. "Actually, Zorome...I've been thinking about that a lot since you brought it up and I still feel the same. It's something we should do together...as a group." She smiled fondly at their friends. "I talked to Hyaku about it when he was visiting as well."

Zorome frowned. She'd mentioned his little visit not long after she'd undermined him in front of everyone. "Of course you did," He said scathingly. "What is it, you don't trust me to make decisions for us? Is that it?"

"Well, kinda," Miku admitted bluntly. "You wanted a pool in a classroom for goodness sake! Also, Hyaku's right. This kinda stuff should be discussed as a group."

Zorome glared at her. He felt a stab of pain in his chest when he realized she was being honest about not trusting him. "But we have to prove we're the best!" 

"Don't be such a child!" She snapped. "This is no different than being part of a squad!"

"Yes, it is!" Zorome fumed. "And, even then, squads have leaders." He shook his head and stood up. "Ugh, whatever, Miku. Just leave me alone, okay?"

Miku's eyes flashed with hurt but Zorome was too upset to notice. "Zorome, don't be such a baby!"

"No," Zorome spat. "How about you don't be such a bitch and actually listen! We can't let anyone be better than us!"

Zorome was too angry to even comprehend what he'd said to her. She let out a pained gasp but before she could do anything else, he turned and stormed out of the Meeting Centre, ignoring the shocked stares of his friends.

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