Chapter 26: Capture The Moment Begins...

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K.Madison POV.

"So, here we are. It's going down. Such a Sweet Talker turning me around. You ain't gotta look like a movie star because you sound so sweet you could have it all," I sung one of my favorite songs by Jessie J, Sweet Talker. I zipped the zipper on my suitcase. I wanted to cry. I can't believe I'm leaving. I've wanted to do this for so long, but couldn't. First, Dakota left, then we got TANI. It was just too much drama for me to handle. Across from me, Maya was doing the same. We had a plan to go to LA together and get a penthouse. 

"I'm so glad we're doing this," Maya said as I put the letter in an envelope and signed our names. Did I mention its the middle of the night? And no one knows we're leaving except Heather? So, we'll see when we walk out.

I know what you're thinking, Why didn't I tell my BFF Ali?

Answer: We've grown apart till I feel I know Maya better.

Why didn't I tell Carter?

Answer: I'm scared.

"Ready?" Maya said, I nodded. I set my roller on the ground and grabbed my duffel and guitar. Maya had her fifty million bags and we walked out the door. 


Maya Tony POV

"Why K. Madison instead of V. Madison?" I asked Madi when we got safely into the air. Away. I wonder what Kian's doing. Wondering if he misses me. Wondering did my supposed BFF, Sammi notice. After Sammi and Ali just drifted away from us, Madi and I just started talking all the time.

"My biological dad's name was Kenneth," Madi said as she ran a hand through her blue hair. My own hair was purple ombré'd. 

"When we get there," Madi said, "Just call me by my real name, Roland Victoria Xavier, okay."

"If you just call me, Kalypso Olivarez," I said. Let's not go into the fact that she only ever told me her middle name was her real name and I've only once said my name.

"Why Maya Tony?"

"Easier for Americans to say," I said, "I mean, my name is Kalypso Jessica Valeria Olivarez."

"Let's just call you Kali for short," Roland said. I'm going to start calling her by her real name, it's respectful.

In the silence, I wanted to ask one question.

"What do you think they'll do once they find out we left?" I asked her. Roland looked at me. Lo, her nickname shall be Lo. 

"I don't know, Kali," Lo said, "It's better now that we left it all behind. What jobs are you taking?"

"I'm going to do photography. You should do make-up and fashion. I've seen your sketches, they're really good," I told her.

"You think?"

"Yeah. Maybe we can find a couple courses online..."

"...Work some small jobs to pay for an apartment and then finally apply for that field," Lo said. She was supposed to be a singer. She was on tour. Now that dreams crushed.

"Lo, will you miss doing music?"

"Who said I was stopping," Lo smirked and chuckled, "Somehow this feels right, Kali."

"Let's see what happens," I said and grabbed Lo's hand. When they let up the sign for us to get on our devices, Lo and I looked for apartments and found an affordable one with our saved money from the Youtube channel and Lo's record sales. 

A magazine company was looking for a fresh photographer who didn't have any experience nor degree. What the fuck? They wanted he/she to be so fresh that all they had was the talent. Good enough for me, I applied.

Was it just luck that they wanted someone who could do make up and hair and fashion? They didn't care if they had a degree or not but if they working on getting one. Lo quickly applied to an online school and the second she got in, she applied for the magazine.

Star Studded Magazine. The best teen stars.

(A/N: Okay, if you guys wanna hear more about Madi\Lo and Maya\Kali's story then read my other fanfic, Capture The Moment. This is just how it begins. It's a 5SOS fanfic so I hope you love it. Enjoy)

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